Clary and Alec

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Simon was getting ready for his show with Izzy. Simon was going to be singing with his old band tonight. He has played with them a few times in the last 6 months. Simon and Izzy, Jace and Clary, and Magnus and Alec were all going tonight. Clary and Jace were all ready waiting for the others in the library. Maryse was sitting behind the large desk, finishing up some paperwork. Alec and Magnus were on their way to the institute with baby Max. Maryse had asked to babysit so the couple was able to come out with their friends tonight. Clary, the ever supportive parabati was making everyone go to cheer on Simon. There was never any garrentee of how many people would show for any of their gigs. This show was at a semi popular bar with a dance floor, so Clary was hopeful their group would not be the only ones in the crowd. Alec came into the library holding the door for Magnus, who was carrying Max. Clary was so happy for the couple. They were good dads, and Max was a great kid. Alec seemed a lot happier now that he had his fiancé and son. Magnus set Max down on the carpet by the couch, and Maryse jumped up to take Max's bag from Alec. She walked toward Max and shooed the 4 out of the room. Alec, Magnus, Jace, and Clary all made their way to the front hall of the institute. Simon and Izzy were coming from the residential hall towards the group. Clary took their appearances in. Izzy was wearing a short red maxi dress and 7 inch heels. Simon had on ripped black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket completing the look. Clary looked to Jace, Alec, and Magnus next. Jace was actually wearing a similar outfit to Simon. Only his pants were the standard shadow hunter gear. They were full of straps and pockets for holding weapons and were made stiff material. Clary could see that Magnus had clearly dressed Alec tonight. Alec was in almost all black, except for a jacket that was a dark navy blue. She even thought she saw a little eyeliner. Magnus was decked out as always. He had bright purple skinny jeans, a black and purple polkadot dress shirt, and glitter makeup. His eyeliner was much more obvious than Alec's was. Clary was just dressed rather simple, in just blue jeans and a green tank top and a brown jacket, having avoided being dragged into Izzy's room earlier for a makeover. She sacrificed Simon instead. They all headed out of the institute together.

At the bar, Simon had broken off from the group. He went up on stage to help the guys set up their equipment. Alec, Jace, and Clary found a table away from the stage. There was already a nice size crowd, and the overhead music was decent. Izzy had stayed up by the stage with Simon. Magnus had made a beeline for the bar as soon as they had arrived. Magnus grabbed Izzy and came back to the table with drinks. Soon, they all had taken a shot, and the girls were drinking some mixed drinks. Jace and Alec had beers, and Magnus had magically made a drink for himself. They all talked at the table until they heard Simon at the mic. "Welcome, everyone! How are you doing tonight? This is Rock Solid Panda, and I'm Simon filling in for Evan tonight. Who's ready to dance?" There were some cheers, and the guys began playing. They started off strong with a couple of popular songs from the radio. Then they moved to some more obscure stuff none of them had heard before. Jace and Izzy had gone out to the dance floor 2 songs ago. Magnus had tried and failed to get Alec to go dance, so Magnus danced over to Jace and Izzy, who were close to the stage. Alec and Clary sat watching and finished their drinks. Alec said the songs were bad, and Clary responded with "pizza?" The 2 shadowhunters had gotten closer over the years and got food together in trying times, like Simon's concerts. The 2 snuck out of the bar without being spotted by their significant others.

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