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Izzy felt terrible. She had been sick off and on for the past week. Simon had luckily been busy with alliance business, so she was able to avoid getting he sick for the time being. Shadowhunters didn't often get sick, so she went to Clary to see what she should do to get better. After the first day or two, Clary had told Izzy that as long as she didn't have a fever, all she could really do was drink plenty of fluids and rest. At the week mark, Izzy found herself searching for Clary again.

Clary had become like a sister to Izzy. There was tension between them originally because neither of them really knew anything about being friends with another girl. They had also both been incredibly protective of their relationships with Simon. In the time since they first met, Clary had given her blessings to Izzy and Simon's relationship. When Izzy and Simon got married, they officially became sisters.

Izzy made it to Clary's room, and luckily, Clary was alone because when Clary opened her bedroom door, Izzy ran past her. Izzy made it to Clary's bathroom just in time to bend over the toilet and empty her stomach. Clary hesitantly walked into her own bathroom after she heard the water turn on. She asked Izzy if she felt better. Izzy nodded and then told Clary about her symptoms the past week. Clary got a look in her eye and then started to dig through her cabinet under the bathroom sink. Izzy was confused until Clary stood up, holding a pregnancy test. Izzy suddenly felt queezy again but for a very different reason.
"Izzy, I can't tell you for sure, but your symptoms seem familiar. I think you should take this test." Clary offered her the box gently. Izzy was frozen. She didn't know what she would do if she was pregnant. How would she tell Simon? What would he think?
"Izzy, breathe. I'll give you a minute and just come out of the bathroom after you take the test, and we'll wait together, okay?" Clary left Izzy in the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Izzy just stood holding the box. She steeled herself. She wasn't going to let herself worry anymore. She opened the box and read the instructions. She finished, washed her hands, and left the capped test on the bathroom counter. She set a 5 minute timer on her phone and left the bathroom. Clary was sitting on the edge of her bed waiting for Izzy.
" Were you this nervous when you found out you were pregnant with Eliza?" Izzy asked, sitting down next to Clary.
"Well, me and Jace were trying to get pregnant. He sat with me every time I took a test. Are you worried about being pregnant?"
"I'm nervous. Me and Simon haven't made any decisions as to if or when we wanted to start having kids. We talked about it off and on over the years, but I always circled back to my Shadowhunter duty. There is no way I can fight demons if I'm pregnant. There has been so much going on at the institute and with the clave in general that I never thought I would have a kid now. I don't know where Simon stands on all this." Izzy let's out a shaky breath. Clary leans forward and gives Izzy one of her rare heart felt hugs.
"It'll be okay Izzy. I'm here for you. After the test comes back we'll talk everything through." As Clary was finishing, trying to reassure Izzy Jace breezes into the room. He walks straight past his wife and his sister and into the bathroom. He shuts the door. Clary and Izzy are both a little thrown and then Izzy gets a look of panic on her face. Just as Izzy's phone timer starts going off Jace walks out of the bathroom holding the pregnancy test.
"So, do you have something you wanna tell me, Clary?" Jace states.
"What's the test say?" Clary asks carefully.
"See for yourself." Jace says walking over and handing the test stick to Clary. Clary sees a hint of a smile on Jaces face. Izzy closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She opens her eyes and look down at the test in Clary's hand. It is positive. Izzy bursts into tears. The looks of shock and panic are evident on Clary and Jaces' faces. Clary has never seen Izzy cry. Jace hadn't seen his little sister cry since they were children, except for at funerals.
Clary is the first one to speak. "So, Jace. Izzy took this test and seems to be having a moment. Can you give us a minute alone? And please don't say anything." Clary, all but begs her husband. Jaces nods and leaves the women alone in the room.

After Izzy calms herself sheaves a deep breath before speaking.
"What do I do now?" Izzy asks in a soft voice. Her cheeks are red from exhaust and embarrassment.
"Well how do you feel about the answer from the test?" Clary asks, trying to gage how she should be reacting to this news.
"Well I know now why I've been sick. I really wish that I could've talked to Simon first. I don't know how he's going to react and still I feel a little bad that 2 other people know before him." Izzy says, coming back into her more normal voice.
"Do you want to talk to him now? I can get him or you could call him?" Clary offers.
"I think that I need to talk to him soon, but after he gets done with work. I'm going to text him to let him know I'm waiting up for him tonight. Can you text him too please? Maybe it will seem a bit less concerning? Also, can you please keep Jace quiet. The last thing I need is for anyone else to find out before Simon does." Izzy asks. Clary agrees and follows Izzy to the door.
"Do you feel alright though? Not too overwhelmed?" Asks Clary.
"No. I'm still nervous for the conversation, but I feel better." Izzy gives Clary a little smile and then leave the room. Jace is standing outside the door in the hallway. He gives his sister a quick, out if character, hug, and reenters his bedroom.

Izzy texts Simon before making her way down to the kitchen. After making herself a can of soup she grabs some saltines and brings her lunch up to her room.

A few hours later she gets a text from Simon that the council is out for the day and he is on his way home. Izzy busys herself for the next 20 mins by making the bed and rearranging her vanity table. Simon comes into the room locking the door behind him. He takes off his shoes and hangs his coat up. He turns to Izzy and joins his wife on their couch.
"Are you feeling any better today?" Simon asks. He gives her a kiss on the forehead and sits down.
"I was still sick, but I'm feeling better now. I actually talked with Clary today and I know why I've been sick lately." Izzy says. Simon just nods. He turns to give Isabel his undivided attention.
"Clary had me take a test. I found out I'm pregnant today."
Izzy sees several emotions flash across Simon's face. He settles on a smile.
"Oh my God, Izzy! I can't believe it. We're going to be parents." Simon's eyes look wet. Izzy let's out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a hiccup and then she is crying again. Simon feels a turn in his stomach but reaches over to hold his wife in his arms. As Izzy calms herself again she speaks "I didn't know what you would say. I've been nervous for the last few hours. Of course I had nothing to worry about. I love you, Simon." Izzy says, now smiling. She pulls away from Simon but turns and lays her head in his lap. He easily starts to comb his fingers through her hair.
"Are you okay though Izzy? I know that we haven't explicitly talked about kids, but I really want to be a dad." Izzy is smiling and hums. Well good because you are one now. And I'm going to be a mom. Izzy can't believe how weird but right that sounds coming from her own voice. Simon smiles down at her.
"I love you Isabel. I'm very happy. I do have a question though, when are we telling people? It sounded like maybe Clary already knows." Izzy sighs.
"Yeah, Clary knows, so does Jace. He actually was the first one to accidentally see the positive test." Simon chuckles at that.
"Well since two people at the institute already know, are we telling anyone else right away?"
"Well I think that I need to tell my mom and brother. I don't know who else, but maybe we wait to tell the kids. They will literally tell everyone." Izzy grins. She really can hardly believe that she's going to have her own kid in a few months. She makes a mental note to ask Clary how to tell how far she is into her pregnancy. Izzy closes her eyes and relaxes her whole body into the couch and Simon's lap.

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