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The first time Clary and Simon trained together as marked parabati, they were astounded. Other shadowhunters could tell them how special it was to fight with another person who shares your soul, but just how in sync they were was incredible. Clary knew exactly which way Simon was going to move before he did. Simon and Clary trained with swords. It was almost like a dance. She had never seen Simon so graceful, even when he was a vampire. They matched each other stroke for stroke. With their connection, they were evenly matched. They went on with one sparing match for 10 minutes. By the time they finished, it was a draw. They were exhausted. They had also gathered a crowd. They were so focused on each other that neither of them saw Izzy, Maryse, or Kadeem watching them from the doorway. Izzy clapped for them.

Their first patrol together. Jace was leading patrol for the night. Izzy was busy in her mom's office. He went to the kitchen and found just the people he was looking for. Simon and Clary were just sitting down at the counter for dinner. "Finish up quick, you two, I'm taking you on your first patrol as bonded partners," said Jace. The parabati shoveled down the rest of their dinners and rushed to get their gear. Jace met Simon and Clary in the weapons room. They all loaded up with weapons, and Jace, not ever wanting to be left unprepared, stuck an extra seraph blade on his back. As they were leaving the institute, they used their invisibility glamor. They made their way to the usual patrol route. Jace had Clary take the lead, and he brought up the rear. Halfway through patrol, they had all relaxed enough that they were just talking and enjoying the night. Jace spotted something up on a roof top down the block. He motioned for the pair to be quiet and activated his far-sighted rune. He confirmed that it was a demon and filled his teammates in. They got into formation with Clary taking the lead now that there was an actual threat. They ran down the street and drew attention to themselves to draw the demon down to them. The demon came down, launching itself off the side of a building towards them. Clary and Simon had trained for this. They named their seraph blades, and Jace watched their backs as Clary sprung into action. Clary motioned for Simon to take the left side, and she went around to the right. They faced the demon with blades up. They took turns hitting and stepping back to take on the large creature. Everywhere the demon looked, there was a blade. The shadowhunters were relentless in their attack. Clary got the fatal hit, and the demon disappeared. Jace complemented them on their quick action. He also told them that they needed to work on putting more power behind their swings. "You should finish off the demon you are facing as quickly as possible. You also need to be aware of your surroundings in case the demon is in with a pack, " Jace lectures. The rest of patrol was uneventful. Back at the institute, Jace bragged about his superior tutoring skills and took all the credit.

The first time, Clary got hurt. They went out on patrol with Izzy, Jace, and Alec. Alec was complaining about being a fifth wheel and threatening half-heartedly to go back to his and Magnus's loft early. Clary felt Simon coming at her before she saw him. All five of them were soon running towards the park, trying to lead the pack of demons away from the people on the streets. There were so many that Clary lost sight of Simon in the chaos. Soon though, she spotted him finding a perch and drawing his bow to cover the group. Simon and Alec had been talking turns shooting when they all would go patrolling together. Alec was needed at home more and more to help with baby Max. Clary spotted Alec and Izzy back to back fighting demons off with seraph blades glowing. She saw Jace using 2 blades in a scissoring motion. Clary fought her way to the base of the tree where Simon had set up his lookout point. She looked up to tell Simon she was there, and then she felt claws tear into her back. She screamed, and Jace came running, dispatching the few remaining demons. By the time Simon climbed down, Jace was at Clary's side, and Isabel and Alec were rushing toward their injured group member. Simon pulled out his stele and drew an iratze on Clary's back below the wound. The rune started working immediately, and Simon could see the edges of the cuts coming back together. The power of a rune given by your parabati was stronger. Jace picked up Clary, and they made their way out of the park. Once Clary came to, she hit Jace until he put her down. She fell in line with Simon, and he updated her on what she missed.

The first time, they were apart. Clary was being left behind. Simon and Izzy had decided that because neither of them were doing a true travel year, they would go to the London Institute for a few days and then the Rome Institute for a few more. They would be back in a week. Clary knew that Simon was excited. He had never really been out of New York to any mundane places, at least, considering he went to a demon realm and lived at the academy in Idris. But he was excited, and Izzy was treating it like a vacation. Izzy had told Clary once that the first vacation together is where you find out if you're meant to be in the relationship. They had been gone 2 days, and Clary felt itchy. She was bored of training and couldn't get comfortable just lazing around either. She walked around the institute until she ran into Alec. It was total deja vu. She had run into Alec in this hallway right after she met him, and they yelled at each other. Clary was pretty sure Alec hated her back then. Clary would now consider Alec a friend. They had bonded after getting back from Edom. Clary told Alec that she needed something to do. Alec dragged her to the training room and placed her in front of the targets. He handed her throwing knives. He showed her how to hold the knife and throw it. He walked away and started beating up a training dummy. After an hour of throwing, Clary finally hit the center of her target. She yelled "YES" and startled Alec. He walked back over to Clary, and she excitedly told Alec about hitting the target and how her aim was improving. Alec gave in and asked her what was wrong with her earlier. Clary's mood immediately dropped again. "Well, I just haven't felt like doing anything since Simon and Izzy left Thursday. I don't think I'm sick, but I dont feel right, " says Clary. "That explains it," Alec says without explanation. "Explains what!" Clary says, getting irritated. "Some parabati get an off feeling when they are apart. I remember when I went away with Magnus for the first time, Jace was crawling up the walls. He made dumber more than usual decisions, too. When we got back, he made me promise to never be gone so long again. " "That explains a lot. I remember Jace acting differently, but I just assumed it was the whole brought back from the dead thing." Now that Clary knew what she was feeling was fairly normal, she trudged on with her week. She texted Simon at night before bed, and he always responded by the time she woke up in the morning. Jace helped keep her entertained as the week came to an end. Magnus was on the institute lawn and opened up a portal. Simon and Izzy came through. Simon ran to Clary as soon as they locked eyes. When his hand brushed Clary's shoulder, it was like all the pieces just falling back into place. Simon was just as excited as she was about being back. Clary may have heard Izzy snarking about how Simon was not nearly as happy to see her when she came home. Alec bumped her arm and told her it's a parabati thing and Izzy was quiet about it. After that, if Izzy was ever feeling insecure, she asked parabati? When Alec nodded, that usually eased any of her concerns. Izzy really was happy that Clary and Simon had each other. She didn't understand or even necessarily want to, everything with parabati, but she was content just moving forward with an extra family member by her side.

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