Slumber Party

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Alec is begrudgingly allowing Magnus to host a slumber party/game night at their apartment. Only their close friends were being invited, that was Alec's stipulation. Jace, Clary, Simon, Izzy, Maya, and Lily were all supposed to be coming tonight. Alec wasn't exactly sure who all was actually going to sleep over, but Magnus is in charge. Surprisingly, the first one to arrive, early, is Lily. She wanted to catch Max before he was put to bed for the night. She came in and went right to Max, who was currently eating dinner. Lily sometimes pretended that she didn't like kids. Alec was never fooled because he could see the way she looked at Max. She stood in front of his highchair and grinned. She snapped her fangs at him a couple of times, and he giggled. Lily chatted with Alec while Max finished his food. Alec took Max into his nursery to get him ready for bed. Magnus finished setting up the apartment. Magnus had moved the couches to the sides of the room and then made mattresses magically appear all over the living room floor. Alec had ordered pizza before feeding Max, so food was on the way. Magnus snapped his fingers, and the fridge was filled with an assortment of sodas, juice, and bottled water. Now, all Magnus needed were his guests to arrive. Lily picked her place on the couch, and Magnus ran in to say goodnight to Max.
The rest of their friends arrived just after the pizza was delivered. Izzy and Jace made it to the pizza boxes first. Clary went to find a seat on a mattress with Simon. Maya joined Simon and Clary after getting a soda from the fridge for each of them. Alec came out and sat next to Lily. Most of the group didn't really know her, but she was a friend that Alec made on his own, surprisingly enough. Jace joined Alec on the couch, and they started talking about something to do with training. Magnus found a spot next to Izzy before telling everyone else to grab food and beverages before the games. Magnus had cards against humanity, risk, and uno to pick from. They decided on a big game of uno to start the night off.
After playing the different games, Magnus turned on a movie called The Mistletones, and all the girls clapped in agreement, and Magnus dimmed the lights. Simon and Clary requested Monty Python next. Jace fell asleep 20 mins into the first movie with his head on Clary's lap. Maya, Izzy, and Lily were sharing popcorn and sitting on a mattress right in front of the TV. Magnus was lying down against Alec on the other couch. Simon had walked off to the kitchen to eat some more food. It was still hard for him some days. He wishes that he had some of this normalcy more over the last few years. He was moodily drinking a soda went Magus came into the kitchen. Alec had fallen asleep, and Magnus wanted some pizza, too. Magnus was one of the only people who didn't always expect something from Simon. He remembered Magnus just being there for him over the last few years. He remembered how Magnus acted when he still didn't remember most of his time as a downworlder. Simon recalled a time in the shadowhunter Academy Tower when Magnus told Simon that he was making a difference. He had told Simon that his generation of shadowhunters were going to change the course of history. "Hey, Magnus," said Simon. "Hello Simon," responded Magnus. "What's up?" Simon asked. "The movie is almost over, so I thought I should refuel before starting the next one." Magnus said. "Magnus, do you think we're doing enough?" Asked Simon earnestly. "I think that we are on track to making change. I see everything that the downworlder and shadowhunter alliance had done to help this city. Word is out now that there is a way we can work with each other to solve problems bidder than ourselves. I don't know many other shadowhunters and downworlders that could get together for a movie night. You have done good things too, Simon. During your time at the academy, you affected real change. The academy structure was almost unrecognizable to how it was 30 years ago. People like you are the reason that my friends and I have had faith in shadowhunters during my lifetime. Everyone who was at the academy with you is bringing some of that "all people deserve to be treated as equals" mindset back to their institutes all over the world. I see my son, and I am so grateful that he has so many aunts and uncles who love him and are willing to fight for a world that accepts him. He has more now than I ever had in 300 years. I look forward to the day that the law is changed, and I can marry the love of my life under a higher power and in front of the people we both love." Simon responds "Wow, just, thank you Magnus. For everything" After Magnus's speech. "I think I hear people stirring in the other room let's put on Monty Python shall we" says Magnus turning to walk out of the kitchen. Everyone is awake when the pair gets back to the living room. Magnus turns on the next movie after Lily and Maya say goodbye and head out for the night. Simon goes to sit with Alec and Jace, Clary sits on his other side. That leaves Magnus and Izzy in front of the couch on the mattress lined floor. The whole group now understands all of the times Simon or Clary have referenced this movie. After the movie, each couple moves to their own space, and Magnus magics up some blankets and pillows. He and Alec happily rest out on the couch chatting as people gradually drift off to sleep. Once everyone is asleep, Magnus turns the lights down further and nudges Alec awake. They go and peek into Max's room and see that he is still sleeping soundly. Magnus and Alec go to their room and sleep better than the rest of the people in their loft.

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