Sizzy heart to heart

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Simon walks down the hall to his and Isabel's room. He can hear music from behind the door. He knocks once and then a little louder. Isabel unlocks her door and opens it. She is surprised to see Simon.
"Hey love, why'd you knock? You have a key," izzy says, smiling.
"I heard the music and wanted to make sure you had a heads up." Izzy nods and steps aside, letting Simon into their room. She shuts the door and walks back over to sit on their love seat. Simon locks the door and joins Isabel in the small sitting area.
"I think we have some things to talk about, Izzy." Isabel looks at Simon with apprehension. She sighs.
"Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you too. I was finally able to ask my brother about being in the wedding." Simon looks at Isabel kind of shocked.
"So, you're helping with the wedding again?" Simon asks or rather accuses Izzy.
"Simon what are you saying?"
"I mean you've had little to no interest in actually planning a wedding since we got engaged a year ago! And you've been avoiding everyone trying to help for the past 3 weeks!" Simon was getting worked up.
"Love, I didn't mean to make you feel like that was happening. You're right I've been distant, but I've had a lot on my mind" Says Izzy trying her best to cool down the conversation.
"Izzy, if you have been worried, or sad why didn't you come to me. I'm with you, I want to be with you for the rest of our lives"
"God Simon, so do I. Of course I love you and marriage just felt like the next step after 5, mostly blissful" years."
"You have a funny way of showing it" Simon interrupts.
"I'm ready to talk now Simon. Please hear me out?" Simon nods. "I have been upset and sad about actually having a wedding. I want to be married to you but the ceremony feels like a lot. It really hit me in the last month when everyone started pushing for us to set a date and make decisions. I talked to Alec and I've really realized that this had all been hard because not all of my family will be at the wedding"
Simon let Izzy's words sink in. "I won't get to have my dad walk me down the aisle, or have my little brother in the front row. This wedding planning has just stirred up all these feelings that I thought I had moved past years ago."
"I won't pretend to know exactly how it feels for you having lost your brother and your dad in that way. But I can understand not being able to have people I love at the wedding. My dad died when I was 8. I haven't really spoken to my mom about anything important in 3 years. My sister moved and can't even know about the wedding because it's a shadowhunter ceremony. I'm not looking for sympathy, but I can understand loss. I never thought that so many people that I care about would miss one of the best days of my life. And it will be one of the best days because I can't wait to be your husband." Simon spoke.
"Simon, I've been so in my head that I haven't been considerant of your feeling when it comes to the wedding and marriage. I love you Simon. I don't want you to ever think that I don't want to spend my life with you." Izzy stands up and pulls Simon over to the loveseat with her. They sit back down leaning against one another.
"So you're really ready to get married now?"
Izzy smiles. "Yes dork. I asked Alec if he would walk me down the aisle. He said yes, and suggested that his kids might want to be involved if we could find a place for them.
Simon smiled back. "That's awesome Izzy! And yeah I think it would be cute to have our nephews in the wedding. What were you thinking?"
"Max should definitely be flower boy with Eliza too maybe? I was also hoping to ask Rafael to be ring barrer."
"Sounds like a plan. Anymore thoughts? I'm sure your mom and Clary will be happy to have me more input now. Also I talked to Clay and she'll be my Sugenase to walk me down and stand with me at the wedding." The two shadowhunters smiled. They were just glad that they were able to talk this out. It had been weighing on them both more than they knew. They talked for another 2 hours about everything and nothing, just catching up after being so distant. They were finally able to go to bed at the same time for the first time in a month. Izzy was very happy that Simon locked the door.

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