Wedding planning

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It has been 8 years since Clary was thrust into the shadow world, followed by Simon. Clary was pushed to train and get runes way too fast when her mother went missing. Simon was dealing with his band and complicated feelings for his best friend, and then his world was turned upside when he was turned into a vampire. In that six months, so much happened to his family and friends. Looking back, he couldn't believe it was only 6 months. Clary's mom was kidnapped and rescued, there was a war, Clary and Jace went missing, and then there was another devastating war in the shadow world. In the end, Clary's brother kidnapped Magnus, Luke, and Rafael.
If that wasn't enough, Simon, Clary, Izzy, Alec, and Jace had gone to the demon realm of Edom to rescue Magnus. That was when Simon made a deal with the big bad and traded his immortality for his friends' freedom. Simon had lost his memories of the shadow world from that time and was living obliviously in the mundane world.
His life as a shadow hunter began 2 months later. He had gone to train at the shadow hunter academy in Idris for 2 years, and then he ascended to nephium. Once he ascended, his life really truly began.

Simon and Isabel Lightwood were now engaged. Their relationship has had many upside and downs, but they have been together for 6 years now, give or take a few months. Simon and Izzy knew that after going through all that they had together, they deserved to be happy for the rest of their lives as partners. Simon can't really remember (the irony) when he and Izzy started talking about marriage and starting a family. There wasn't exactly a big proposal. He and Izzy had just decided that they were eachothers people. Simon started wearing a ring first, and he brought Izzy with him to pick out a ring from a mundane jewelry shop named Kay Jewelers. With all the craziness in his parabati's life, even she didn't notice the ring. Clary and Jace had a baby girl named Eliza last year and were expecting their second in September. Magnus actually pointed out Simon and Izzy's engagement rings a week after it happened while visiting his mother-in-law at the institute. Alec couldn't believe that his little sister got engaged without telling him. It made him feel a bit better when Clary told him that she wasn't told about her parabati's engagement either.

Simon and Izzy had been engaged for a year now. Simon didn't know where to start with planning, so Clary and Magnus brought some mundane bridal magazines to the institute for Simon and Izzy to look at. Jace had actually taken one before they made it to the parlor. He was going to subtly hint to Clary about getting married now that another of their friends were getting hitched. It only took 3 years to convince her about having Eliza. They gathered in the library and started looking through the magazines.

Izzy isn't sure how traditional she wants her wedding to be. Simon is open to any ideas from his friends and family. Izzy has looked at mundane dress styles, but none of them really suit her. Izzy did find a pair of gold heels to wear for the ceremony, though. Maryse was excited, and she was helping inform the couple about the shadowhunter ceremony. They had decided on inviting just close friends and family. Izzy and Simon had approved the following guest list; Clary, Alec, Jace, Magnus, Rafe and Max, Maryse, Kadeem, Aline, Helen, Jocelyn, and Luke. They assumed that the babies would be brought as well. Clary and Maryse, however, had begun sneaking other names on the list. Clary had put Emma and Julian down, defending that they were nice enough to give Simon and Clary the idea for becoming parabati. Maryse insisted that at least one silent brother should be present. Maryse had also reminded the couple that shadowhunter weddings were a good place to make connections. She thought at least some heads of institutes and diplomats should at least be invited. Simon agreed to invite the other members of the downworlder and shadowhunter alliance to come and join them, at least for the reception. Jace volunteered use of the institute reception room to accommodate the guests, both downworlders and shadowhunters.

Izzy had been pretty quiet over the whole thing. Once they started making their guest list, she realized that there were people missing. She wouldn't have her youngest brother or her father at her own wedding as they had died a few years ago. She thought that maybe this was why she had been so apathetic towards the whole thing for the last year. Doing something big without her dad and baby brother just didn't feel right. She wouldn't have anyone to walk her down the asile. She wanted to ask Alec, but he was so busy as Consul that she didn't see him in person much.

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