Clary and Simon

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Simon is walking down the hall  in the New York Institute. Simon stops when he sees Clary's door cracked open. He knocks, and he hears her say, "Come in." Clary is laying backward on her bed with her head and shoulders hanging off the end. She is looking at her phone but waves him over. Simon lays down on the floor in front of Clary's bed. "So whatcha doing?" Asked Simon. "Just wasting time. Jace is supposed to be here around 7 for our dinner date." Clary says. " I'm bored, you want to do something, it's only 2 now?" Asked Simon. "What did you have in mind? We could walk down to the craft store if you want to get out of the institute for a while." Clary suggests. "That sounds good," replied Simon. Clary sat up, and so did Simon. Clary got up and grabbed a coat from her chair. Simon reached up, and Clary pulled him up off the floor. Simon and Clary headed out down the hall and then out into the main hall. Clary waved to Izzy, who was standing at a computer station. Izzy nodded back. Clary figured she must be busy so her and Simon walked out the front door of the institute. The two of them turned left at the end of the side walk towards the store.

At the store

"Are you looking for anything specific, Clary?" Simon asked. He usually tries to keep an eye out for things on Clary's lists. "I wanted to find some sidewalk chalk." They walked to the back of the store and found a 50 piece tub of chalk. Clary grabbed it and headed for the checkout counter. Clary dug money out of her jacket pocket and handed it to the lady behind the register. Clary got her change back and told the store employee to have a good day. Simon followed Clary back out to the street. Clary and Simon walked side by side until they were just a couple blocks from the institute. There were no people around right now, so Clary sat down on the sidewalk and dumped out her tub of chalk. Clary picked out some colors to start with and began drawing. Simon stood in the grass watching her work. He had drawn a smiley face and a heart near where Clary started, but now she was about 8 feet to the left of him. Simon finally looked at his watch and realized that 2 hrs had gone by already. He let Clary know that it was 4pm. "Can you set an Alam on your phone for 5:30 Simon? I want to make sure we are back to the institute before 6." Simon did as she asked, and before they knew it, his phone alarm was going off. Simon stopped it and took a few steps back to see the whole space where Clary had drawn. Clary stood up and walked over to him. "This is really cool, Clary." Simon complemented her on her work. The pictures Clary drew we more like a mural. It was of a forest, river, and lake. The images flowed into each other well. "I can't believe you just decided to do this a couple of hours ago, and it looks so good," said Simon, a bit stunned. Clary walked over and picked up the few remaining pieces of chalk from the sidewalk. She handed Simon the nearly empty tub and started back toward the institute. Clary walked straight up to her room so she could shower and get dressed for her date, which was supposed to be in 45 minutes. Simon walked over to the kitchen and found Izzy sitting at the counter. He walked up behind her and said, "Boo. " Izzy just said,"Hey Simon. " Isabel had gotten too used to Simon trying to sneak up on her. She turned around and saw the clear chalk container in his hand. "Whats with the chalk?" Izzy asked. "Clary did some drawing outside while we were out. I was actually wondering if you might want to go do something tonight. I don't know if you ate yet or not, but we could go find something, " offered Simon. Izzy nodded, and soon they were off, chalk forgotten on the  kitchen stool.

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