Becoming Parabati

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With Simon's birthday fast approaching, he and Clary needed to do the parabati ceremony soon. Simon had just gotten his memories back, graduated from the academy, and lost his best school friend last month. He had been putting off the ceremony with his parabati because he felt guilty about moving on when George wasn't ever going to. Clary went to Jace in tears after a particularly bad conversation, trying to get a date scheduled for the parabati rune ceremony. Jace finally had to have a frank conversation with Simon about the reality of being a shadow hunter. Jace said simply that as a shadow hunter, you become accustomed to death. They remember their brothers and sisters in arms, and they fight for the purpose of protecting the ones they love. "I didn't know him, but I do know that he was ready to take the same oath you did. He knew what could happen and did it anyway." Said Jace. Simon went back to Clary and apologized right away and said that he was willing to reopen the conversation. Apparently, Clary should have had Jace confront Simon earlier.

One week later

It was the day of his parabati rune ceremony. They would each have one person accompany them as witnesses to Simon and Clary's joining as parabati. They would each say their vows and pledge to forever hold their parabati in their hearts and minds. They would stand in fiery circles in the City of Bones and then mark each other with the permanent parabati rune. After the official ceremony, there would be a party for the pair at the institute. Clary wanted to have Jace stand for her as a witness, so Simon agreed that Alec should be his. Because they were parabati, Jace and Alec knew exactly what would happen and could prepare Clary and Simon to undergo the ritual. Simon was asked by nearly everyone in his and Clary's life if they were really sure. Alec asked Simon because he had some experience with complicated feelings about his own parabati.  Simon said the same thing every time. He was more sure about Clary being his parabati than just about anything else in his life.
Brother Jeremiah would be presiding over the ceremony. Both Clary and Simon would be getting brand new steles for the ritual and then exchanging them to use for the future ruins they would mark each other with.
Simon was nervous about screwing up the rune permanently on Clary's body. He had never gotten tattoos before getting his runes as a shadow hunter. It was a lot of pressure. In preparation, Simon was practicing the parabati rune on paper as much as he could between physical training sessions with Clary and Jace. Jace had given him a couple of runes so he could get used to using them. Simon now had the far sighted rune, the equilibrium rune, the strength rune, and more than a couple iratzes. He and Clary decided that the best placement of their parabati runes would be their right hips.  That way, their runes could be in the same place, and it was customary for parabati runes to be drawn on the torso.
They each get new ceremonial gear to wear. Basically, it's just regular gear without the rips and ichor stains from battle. Simon was actually going to have his own gear that fit him and not women's gear either.

The only thing that Simon was worried about now was taking his shirt off for the ceremony. Sure, Simon had bulked up quite a lot at the academy, but it was hard not to see himself as this scrawny nerd from Brooklyn. He spent years drowning in oversized t-shirts, and now he was going to be shirtless in front of some of the fittest people he has ever seen, I mean, you've seen Jace. Clary will just be in her gear pants and a black sports bra. Simon tries to convince himself that it's just like training. He has gotten too sweaty or gotten blood on his shirt and taken it off in the training room. They will both at least get to wear their shirts and gear jackets to the after party. Simon doesn't have to be worried, Clary said to just focus on her.

It was time for the ceremony. Two carriages arrived at the institute at 9 am. sharp. Simon and Clary were to ride in one, and Alec and Jace took the other so they could focus on their ceremony. When they got to Bone City, the pair split up and went with their respective witnesses to the preparation rooms. Simon felt a little awkward, taking off his gear jacket and shirt with Alec standing right there. Simon also couldn't stop rambling, so he offended Alec when he said that out loud. Then Simon had to explain that it wasn't a gay thing but that he was feeling self-conscious about his body. Alec eventually gave Simon a small smile, and Simon took a deep breath before heading into the ceremony hall.

As they walked up, Simon and Clary faced each other inside their circles drawn on the floor. Jace and Alec stood in the opposite corners, and Brother Jeremiah stood in front of the circles. He started talking in that weird inside your mind voice, and Clary just gestured for Simon to look at her. She could tell he was nervous, of course, because she knew him better than anyone. Simon zoned back into what the Silent Brother was saying. "Clarissa Fairchild-Morganstern, Simon Lovelace step forward."
And then it was time for he and Clary to recite the oath. The circles started on fire, and
Simon began:
"Entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following after thee -For whitest thou goest I will go,"
Clary takes over:
"And where thou lodgest I will lodge, Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God"
Where thou diest, I will die and there I will be buried, The angel do so to me and more also, If aught but death part thee and me."

The fire died down enough for the pair to come together in the middle circle to draw the parabati rune on each other. Clary went first, taking the stele offered by the Silent Brother. She reached out to Simon and drew the mark on his right hip. Simon went next, taking the other stele from Brother Jeremiah. He bent down and drew the permanent parabati rune on Clary's right hip. They took eachothers hand and faced back toward the Silent Brother he said that they were now bonded. Together in life, death, and after. The fire went out, and he congratulated the new parabati. Jace and Alec came up to the pair and congratulated the new parabati as well. They walked together and reminisced on their own ceremony so many years previous. Then Jace, not being one for such a serious conversation said "now let's go party!" Alec, Clary, and Simon all shook their heads at Jace.

Back at the institute, the party was in full swing. Simon and Clary stayed side by side all night. Many people had come for the reception, including Maryse Lightwood, Jocelyn Frey, Luke, Magnus, Jem Carstairs (formerly Brother Zachariah), Thessa Grey, Emma Carstairs, and Julian Blackthorn By the end of the night, the pair were exhausted. Simon walked Clary to her room and continued down the hall to Izzy's room.
When Simon got to her room, he knocked twice and heard Izzy call him in. She was sitting at her vanity taking off her makeup, already dressed in only her robe. Simon waited for her to finish and then scooped her up into a massive hug. He spun them around and then set Izzy down, still hugging her.
"I'm glad you're happy, but what's gotten into you, Simon?"
"I'm so happy, Izzy. All I can say is thank you, but it's not enough. Thank you for finding me. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for loving me, and thank you for supporting me and Clary tonight."
"Simon, you're so welcome. I know how much this meant to you. I really like Clary and I love you. She is family. I know it's late, but how about you get that gear off and stay here tonight." Izzy said with her classic half smile.

Simon took off his gear jacket and stiff pants before folding them and setting them on the armchair. He walked to Izzy, already sitting on her bed in her nightgown. He stood in front of her and just took in the sight. Without makeup, she was still the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and she was his, and he was hers.
"I love you so much, Isabel," he said with certainty. "I love you too, Simon." she was so happy to be able to say that whenever she wanted to now. Isabel reached toward Simon and pulled him in for a hug and a kiss. "Can I see your new rune?" She asked, already reaching for his shirt. Simon nodded and took his shirt off all the way so Izzy could see the dark rune scrawled against his right hip. Izzy traced the rune with her fingers smiling. "I never thought that I'd see you with marks. I remember seeing your blank pale skin where runes now sit. I'm so happy for you, and I'm proud of you. You got thrown into this world 3 times, and you have stuck it out. I know that I told you that you didn't have to go to the academy after you came back into my life, but I'm so glad you did. You are strong and confident and more sure of yourself than I have ever seen. " Izzy said simply. Simon smiled and hugged her, saying thank you, and I love you before getting into bed with her. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes, feeling peaceful for the first time in months.

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