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Izzy had asked her mom and Alec to have lunch with her at the institute today. The lunch went well, they ordered Chinese take out. Izzy was nervous throughout the meal. Earlier that day, she had asked Jace to make sure everyone stayed out of the library. She asked her mom and brother if they would have tea or coffee with her in the library.
The three were sitting on the couch and chairs by the fireplace.
Izzy: So you have probably already figured out that I wanted to talk to you both about something.
Her family just nodded in agreement.
"Well I found out some news earlier this week that I thought I should tell you."
They could tell Izzy was nervous. So Maryse came to sit next to her on the couch.
Izzy looked at her mom to tell her.
"Mom, I found out I'm pregnant.  Me and Simon are going to have a baby".
Maryse squealed
"My baby is having a baby! I'm going be a grandma again!
Maryse pulls Izzy into a hug. Izzy smiles and laughs.
Izzy holds her breath and looks to her big brother who has been very quiet. Alec looks up at Izzy.
Alec: Okay, thanks for telling us.
Izzy just kind of stares at her brother dumb founded. She was expecting to at least say something.
Maryse didn't even seem to hear Alec or notice the increasing tension between her kids.
Maryse: So who else knows?
This snaps Izzy back to the conversation.
Izzy: Well Simon of course. I was feeling sick all last week and finally I went to Clary who had me take a test. Jace accidently found out too but I made Clary swear him to secretcy until I could tell you both.
Maryse:Oh honey, you could have come to me. I'm so glad you felt you could go to Clary though. How far along are you?
Izzy: I'm not exactly sure I was going to ask Clary how to tell. Me and Simon didn't exactly plan for this to happen right now but we are excited to be parents. Simon was great when I told him.
Maryse: That's so sweet. And are you going to tell anyone else or are you waiting?
Izzy: I think I want to wait to tell anyone else until we find out how far along I am and maybe until I start to show more. Me and Simon both decided that we would prefer it if the kids didn't find out yet. Simon made a good point that they would probably tell everyone.
Maryse: Well I know that Clary felt more comfortable seeing a mundane doctor for her first pregnancy, but a silent brother could tell you if you're expecting and how far along you are.
Alec: Magnus could help you.

Izzy looks up shocked at her brother. She really didn't think he was going to say anything else to her. She was worried that he was mad at her.

Izzy: Um, yeah, that would be great, Alec. Would you be able to ask Magnus if I could come by this week. Maybe I could bring dinner over?

Alec gave Izzy a small smile.
Alec: That sounds good. I'll text Magnus.

Maryse started a new conversation asking about her grandsons (Alec's kids). Izzy just quietly listened to the conversation.

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