Izzy and Magnus

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Izzy was at Magnus and Alec's loft sitting on the floor playing with baby Max. She was babysitting while Alec, Jace, Simon and Clary were out on patrol and Magnus was with a client. Magnus walked into the apartment in a swirl of silk fabric and plopped himself down on the couch across from his son and Izzy.
"So, how was your day my blueberry" Magnus asked his son as he picked him up. Max just smiled and giggled pulling at the fabric of Magnus's shall. "He was good, he ate, napped and then we have been playing for awhile" filled in Izzy. Magnus was always grateful when one of Alec's siblings could watch Max. Not that Magnus really needed to take clients for the money, but it was nice to get out of the house once in a while.
"Hey Magnus" Izzy spoke. "What's it like for you being in a relationship with Alec? I mean he literally shares a peace of his soul with another man, doesn't it bother you?" Izzy asked. "I don't think this is really about me and Alec" Magnus opened. He gestured for Izzy to follow him as he brought a sleepy Max to his room. Izzy waited at Max's door while Magnus tucked him into his crib. Magnus walked back to the couch and patted the spot next to him. "To answer your question it's wonderful to be with Alec. I can't say I'm always pleased, or ever really, with Jace but I'm stuck with him. Now what is this really about Isabel?" Questions Magnus.
"Well, I guess I get frustrated with Simon and Clary sometimes. Like tonight I came here instead of patrol because to quote Jace 'it is better to fight along side your parabati'. But it's not just that. Simon and Clary have this weird like telepathy or something and they can understand eachother with out really saying anything.  Simon even brings up Clary or talks on his phone to Clary while he's in bed!" Izzy rants, getting more frustrated. "It sounds like you're jealous." Magnus states bluntly. " That's not a bad thing in its self, but how you react to the emotion may or may not lead to problems. I have known other parabati in my day that have shared everything with one another. Parabati are special because they can irritate eachother to no end, but they would also sacrifice themselves for the other without a second thought. Sometimes when I complain about Jace Alec with jump to Jace's defense even though anyone could see that he was being arrogant or down right idiotic. That is to say you might not understand the parabati bond but it is apart of them and loving them." Finishes Magnus. Izzy pouts but nods at what Magnus had said. Truly Izzy knows that Simon and Clary would not be parabati if there was any romantic feelings between them. She saw it with Alec and Jace. Even Alec's crush wasn't really more than admiration and repressed feelings for the same sex. Izzy reminded herself that Simon chose her and keeps choosing her. "I do wish they wouldn't talk in bed though" Izzy finally say out loud. "That's understandable" Magnus pauses "Maybe you should set that boundary with Simon, instead of getting yourself all worked up. Or you could just distract him from what he's doing, it always works with Alexander." Magnus smirks. "OK, ew, also I do appreciate the advice. I think I'm going head back to the institute before I have to face you and Alec again" Isabel says standing up and waving goodbye as she leaves the loft.

Back at the institute
Izzy walks into the command center to find Alec, Jace, Clary and Simon giving their report to her mom. Izzy heads back to her room and texts Simon to meet her there after the debrief before he goes to bed.

After Alec has left the institute for home and Jace and Clary head to Clary's room for the night, Simon checks his phone to see a message from Izzy. He runs up to his room to shower the night off him and puts on some comfy sweats before walking toward Izzy's room. He knocks and is called in. Izzy is sitting in her flowered arm chair scrolling through her phone. She sets her phone down on the side table and points Simon to the bed across from her. He sits waiting for whatever Izzy had to say.
"So did tonight go okay?" Simon nods. "I got done babysitting a couple hours ago. I wanted to talk to you about something but I don't want you to take it the wrong way." Izzy bites her lips. Simon nods and tells her to continue. " Well, you know I love you and I know you love me. There is something I've been meaning to talk to you about but I haven't found the right time. So I'm just going to do it. Please hold questions to the end." Simon nods hesitantly now. Izzy continues " Okay so I know that Clary is really special to you, in a different way than me but still I guess I get a little bit jealous when you talk to her, text her and call her at all hours of the day and night. The other night you were sitting in my bed texting and laughing at something Clary sent you. I love you and I also feel a little neglected. Simon I want us to have time without Clary coming between us. I don't know if she can feel when we are together or not but I would like to have S-E-X sometime without everyone knowing. Anyways I just want to ask that you not talk to her from bed unless it's an emergency please. I want our time together, especially at night to be ours." Izzy finishes uncertainly. " I get that. I love you Izzy. Your right I don't care about you the same way I do about Clary. She has a piece of me but you have the rest. I've never been in a serious relationship aside from my friendship with Clary. So it's never been an issue to talk whenever about whatever was happening. I can try to tone it down. Just because I prioritize Clary sometimes doesn't mean that I ever stop thinking about you either. I won't talk to her while me and you are together in our rooms or on dates unless I get a 911 okay." Simon says breaking off into a gentle smile. "That sounds like a good plan, Simon, and I appreciate you hearing me out. I will be taking you up on the date, don't think I missed that" Izzy says with a smile. Simon smiles back just as big. "I also think that it's time to do something else together" Isabel says suggestively with that smirk that makes Simon want to die. Izzy comes over and crawls up to the head of the bed. Simon makes a show of dropping his phone, along with his pants, on the floor by the bed. He joins Isabel for the night and doesn't think about Clary one bit.

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