Ch. 15 Given that the premises are different, changes are likely to occur

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I wondered what would happen during Rob Lucci's short-term assignment, but there were no major issues. Well, in a sense, there was an issue.

The relationship between Lucci and the original Spandam was not very good; Lucci looked down on Spandam, and Spandam blamed Lucci for the fall of Enies Lobby.

At least it wasn't a harmonious relationship.

However, well, since I am different from the original Spandam, it's only natural that things have changed. During the short-term assignment period, Lucci and I became quite close.

In fact, Lucci was smiling a lot. In front of those who he acknowledged as comrades, Lucci showed a relaxed demeanor. And even Kakku and the others showed affection towards their comrades, resorting to circus-like acts to earn money for Lucci's medical expenses while being chased by the Marines.

Unlike in the original, Lucci seemed to have a somewhat similar recognition of me. Well, as we are going to become superiors and subordinates in CP9 in the future, it's good to have a harmonious relationship...

With such thoughts in mind, I sighed as I looked at the stack of documents on the desk. It's been about a year since Lucci's short-term assignment, and lately, work has been quite busy. The cause is clear—it's the incident of Fisher Tiger's attack on Mariejois that happened a year ago, and it has caused a great commotion in the World Government itself.

Although it's not directly under CP5's jurisdiction, the effects of the incident are spreading to other departments, making things quite hectic.

Well, I can still leave work on time and take regular days off, and I make sure my subordinates do the same. I firmly refuse to allow working on holidays or unpaid overtime. Moreover, if the workload piles up and causes issues, as their supervisor, it would be my responsibility, so I ensure that it doesn't happen.

The attack on Mariejois means that it happened around 14-15 years ago in the original timeline or around 12-13 years ago if we consider the starting time of the original series.

As for significant events that come afterward, there's the completion of the Sea Train, and I'm curious about what will happen with the Pluton situation. But for now, I have to focus on paperwork...


While occupying the high-paid position of the Commander-in-Chief, I, who generally don't spend much money, have one exception—I am generous with spending on whiskey.

Just like the original Spandam, who favored whiskey, I also enjoy whiskey, and the time for evening drinks can be called a moment of bliss.

Depending on my mood, I may change the way I drink it, but most often, I prefer it on the rocks. I am quite particular about the ice as well. I select the whiskey from my collection based on my mood, pour it into a glass with ice, and savor it slowly.

I like to savor a small amount of whiskey in the glass, enjoying the beautiful color, rich aroma, the faint sound of ice touching the glass—a pleasure for my eyes, nose, ears, and tongue—as I slowly drink the glass of whiskey along with some snacks.

It's the perfect way to forget the busyness of daily life and peacefully pass the time—a truly wonderful form of relaxation.

"Puru puru puru puru..."


I hear the sound of a Den Den Mushi ringing. Who could it be? The one who interrupted my blissful moment... Depending on the content, I might kill them.

With a slight hint of murderous intent, I pick up the receiver and hear my father's voice.


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