Cp. 20 The Chief Commander's job is demanding.

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Of course, as the CP9 Director, my workload is substantial. When I arrive in the morning, the first thing that greets me is a tower of papers on my desk.

After all, Enies Lobby alone has over 10,000 personnel, and being the top authority, I receive numerous reports and documents daily. Considering the various other tasks and responsibilities, it's no wonder the paper tower keeps piling up.

Recently, especially after the attack on Mary Geoise, the revolutionary forces have been active in various regions, leading to a natural increase in the work for CP members affiliated with the World Government.

However, I wonder about the revolutionary army... Even if they were to overthrow the World Government as planned, what do they intend to do afterward? The world would descend into chaos on a global scale, and I wonder if the revolutionary army has the necessary resources and capabilities to manage that.

In the world of One Piece, the influence of the World Government and the Marines is vast and immense. If they were to disappear, it would likely lead to a post-apocalyptic scenario.

While such a revolution might work on a national scale, I doubt it would be feasible on a global level. But well, it's not something I should concern myself with.

That said, I still receive plenty of orders to clean up after other CP members. I have to allocate tasks, ensuring they don't overlap with each agent's leave schedule. When infiltration missions go longer than expected, adjustments are needed.

All the expenses and requests from CP9 members eventually end up on my desk for approval. The workload of the Chief Commander is quite substantial. Spandam from the original story and my predecessor managed it quite well.

I used to think they were incompetent, but perhaps they were actually quite efficient in handling administrative tasks.

"Cha-pa-pa-pa! Chief, there's a huge pile of papers today!"

"Oh, a towering white fortress... imposing! I can sense the intimidation!"

"Perfect timing. Fukurou, Kumadori, here's the allocation for the next mission and the schedule. Review it."


As Fukurou and Kumadori entered the Chief's room, I realized that they were currently not on any missions. It seems that when CP9 members have nothing to do or are on standby, they gather in the Chief's room.

Well, it's convenient for us as we can easily communicate, so I just let them be. But I hope they don't mistake it for a lounge.

"By the way, Chief, do you think you'll be okay with this many papers?"

"Today's actually a bit less than usual. I should be done in two hours."


"Ahh, as expected of the Chief!"

We chatted for a while and started processing the papers. We checked reports and wrote responses where necessary, organizing them separately.

I also had to handle various requests and supply applications from CP9 members. I reviewed them and stamped my approval. Mission-related matters were either assigned to agents or, if it was more efficient for other CP units to handle it regionally, forwarded to them.

As we continued processing the paperwork, I picked up the Den Den Mushi receiver as it rang.

"It's Spandam."

"Baskerville here. About the recent incident..."

"I've already issued the orders as instructed. Reassess and select proper jurors for the death row convicts. If you need assistance with personnel, submit the required documents for review."

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