Ch. 19 A Back of Overwhelming Power - Side Story

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...How did it come to this? What did I do wrong? I've asked myself that question countless times since coming here, but I never received an answer.

From my childhood, I underwent rigorous training and eventually joined CP9, the espionage agency of the World Government, where I worked as a government official.

I received high praise comparable to the genius Rob Lucci, entrusted with important missions, and everything seemed to be going smoothly... so why?

Everything went awry on that day during a critical transport mission in the East Blue. I thought it would be an easy job. After all, who in their right mind would dare attack a government ship? Besides, even if pirates were to strike, they would be no match for me in the weakest sea, the East Blue, or so I believed.

However, what appeared there was none other than the notorious Red-Haired Pirates, well-known even in the Grand Line, and often considered rivals to the Hawk's Eye.

Why were they in this place? How did they end up here? What were their intentions? Before I could even ask, the battle began, and despite my desperate efforts, I was defeated and lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I faced not the blame for mission failure but accusations of colluding with the Red-Haired Pirates, resulting in my capture and imprisonment.

With a wounded body, I shouted repeatedly, "It's not true!" But my voice went unheard. I was told that the Red-Haired Pirates, who should have been in the Grand Line, were in the East Blue during the transport due to information I leaked, and I was mercilessly thrown into Impel Down.

There, I endured harsh torture, experiencing hellish pain and suffering... yet, I couldn't do anything about it.

I am not colluding with anyone. No matter how much they tortured me, I had no information to give. No one believed me, and I had no means of escape. All I could do was cry and plead for salvation.

...This place truly is...hell.

In a highly classified special solitary cell located deep within Impel Down Level 4, often called the Burning Hell Level, the surroundings were enclosed with heat-resistant walls similar to the staff's living area. So, there was no scorching heat from the blood pool.

This cell, where there was not even a window, and with at least one guard constantly watching, was the hell I found myself in.

After days of torture, my spirit had been worn down to its breaking point. No one believed me, and I couldn't escape. If I woke up, I would be taken to the torture chamber again... It would be another painful and agonizing session.

Ah, why did it come to this? I haven't committed any crimes... Why is the world so cruel and irrational?

A guard who noticed that I had awakened approached the cell. Oh, no, I will be taken for torture again.

"...Anyone... please... help me..."

The words spilled out of my mouth as if I was forcing them, and upon seeing my weakened state, the guard's face twisted into a wicked smile as he opened his mouth.

"Hehehe, if you want help so badly, then let me—" Thud!

"Not necessary. He's innocent."

Mid-sentence, the guard was knocked sideways, crashing into the wall and losing consciousness. In my bewildered eyes, I recognized the face of the person who stood there.

"Spandam... Director?"

The one standing there was Director Spandam, who had assumed the position of CP9's Commander-in-Chief half a year ago. I had only exchanged greetings with him since I was about to leave for a mission, but I could feel a unique aura emanating from him.

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