Ch. 28 Having Fun Together on Vacation

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Sitting on appropriately sized rocks, we were fishing. Nearby, Lucci looked bored, holding a fishing rod just like me.

A little further away, some of our group who weren't interested in fishing were playing, and Pochi was preparing for the barbecue. Since I could trust Pochi with cooking, I decided to leisurely enjoy my vacation.

"... Lucci."


"It's a waste to let moments of boredom put your thoughts on hold. Even during these relaxed times, you can use them effectively."

"Hmm... Like how?"

"The reason our fishing results are quite different is due to something beyond skill; it's about presence and awareness."

While this aspect was present in the original work, Lucci tended to dislike moments of boredom. However, when I observed him during times when he was taking care of Hattori, he seemed rather relaxed and laid back. So, I thought of giving him some advice to help him control his boredom during our infiltration at Galley-La Company.

"In the natural world, living creatures are more sensitive to presence than humans. Even if it's no problem with humans, animals often become aware of our presence."

"What should I do then?"

"The way to suppress your presence varies, but the trick is to have some kind of image in mind. In my case, I create a thin film on my skin, imagining that I'm not emitting any presence outwardly."

"Like this?"

Lucci, being a genius, had an exceptional sense. Thus, even with simple advice, he could immediately make it his own. As soon as he followed my advice, the slight presence that leaked out disappeared. He then caught a fish on his fishing rod and looked at me with a faint smile.

"Not bad. The next step is to be able to do it naturally, without conscious effort."

"I see. There's something to learn even from seemingly leisurely activities..."

"It all depends on your mindset. Even if there's nothing to learn, there's always the anticipation of the future... In your case, it's about killing. You can consider it an appetizer to enjoy. Instead of dismissing moments of boredom with a single word and halting your thoughts, this way might be more beneficial, don't you think?"

"Well, that makes sense... The appetizer is just a bit unsatisfying, but... I see, thinking that way makes me look forward to the next mission."

With our improved relationship, unlike in the original work, I had a feeling that Lucci would be able to handle the infiltration into Galley-La without feeling too bored.


While Spandam and the others were fishing, Jabra and Fizz, who weren't interested in fishing, were engrossed in a board game they brought.

"You know, Jabra... Come on, when are you going to confess to Gatherine? I mean, even if you know the result, why don't you just get it over with?"

"What, idiot! Confessing is all about timing and atmosphere, you know..."

"Hah, you've been saying that for years. Just say it already, since you're going to get rejected anyway."

"What? You dare say that I'll get rejected? Unlike you, there's still a possibility for me! Right, Kaku? You think the same, don't you?"

"I don't know. Don't involve me, I'm not interested."

"Ah, come on! What's with that attitude?"

"...What's the problem?"

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