Ch. 25 Even if there are possibilities, it doesn't mean you can grasp them

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With the preparations for the Sea Train's departure completed and after giving instructions for the departure towards Enies Lobby, I headed to the compartment where Tom was being held.

Tom had been treated by a doctor and had bandages wrapped around his body. Although his arms were handcuffed, judging by his seated position, he didn't seem to have suffered major damage.

"Do your wounds hurt?"

"To go through the trouble of treating someone you plan to kill... No matter how many times you ask, my answer won't change."

"Interrogation is not the only purpose. After we arrive at Enies Lobby, you will face another trial at Enies Lobby's courthouse... well, it's a predetermined trial. After that, it will lead to execution... but there might still be negotiation cards that can overturn that, I think."

"You're persistent. I know nothing about such blueprints, and I don't have them either."

"...I see."

Well, I never really expected Tom to talk. If he did, the original Spandam would have gotten hold of the blueprints.

Moreover, I have no interest in Pluton, and the search order itself may disappear if CP4's chief is gone.

"...You can escape if you want."

"What? What do you mean—"

After muttering those words, I placed the key to the handcuffs in front of Tom.

"I accidentally dropped the key to the handcuffs while interrogating you. And unfortunately, the official who was supposed to be stationed in this compartment had an accident... bitten by a dog and injured, so unfortunately, there's no one here. The Sea Train has already departed, but if you're a Fishman, you can swim back to Water 7. There might be a possibility of being wanted, but you can change your name or find another way. There are plenty of options."

"What are you... planning?"

"Who knows? Well then, I'll go outside and take a breath... So, do as you please."

With a light smile on my face, I left the compartment, leaving Tom with an expression that seemed to say he couldn't grasp my intentions.


Standing on top of the sea train's roof, I take out a stick of candy from my pocket, tear open the wrapper, and start munching on it. Just then, I sense Pochi coming from behind, so I take out another candy and offer it to Pochi.

Pochi tears open the wrapper and starts chewing on the candy, revealing a content smile as if it's a flavor they enjoy. However, they quickly regain their composure and stand with a firm expression.

Pochi is quite an adept individual, and they usually refrain from bothering me with non-urgent matters while I'm lost in thought. Well, there are exceptions if I initiate the conversation...

"...Pochi, what are your thoughts on the Pluton's blueprint?"

"Me? Hmmm, Captain, you don't seem too interested in Pluton itself, so I'm not particularly... However, I do feel intrigued by the blueprint."

"As expected, you have a keen eye."

Pochi's analysis is correct. I have no interest in Pluton itself, but I do feel a curiosity about its blueprint.

However, that curiosity isn't driven by a desire to obtain an ancient weapon, but rather pure curiosity.

"Don't you find it odd? The stories say that Pluton is a 'battleship' with the power to obliterate entire islands, but if that's true, shouldn't we consider the weapon it carries as the true ancient weapon? It's not like the ship rams into islands to make them disappear..."

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