Ch. 31 A Digression: An Entity that Can Reach the Ultimate

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The reason I ended up taking on the request instead of another Satellite was quite simple—it happened that I had some free time at that moment.

Also, it wasn't easy to refuse the request through the government high-ranking officials closely associated with the Special Science Division, so I became the one in charge.

The client was the CP9's Commander Spandam, and the task was to create clothing with a much higher strength than the standard-issue gear. When I saw the request, I remember feeling a bit exasperated.

I couldn't fathom the logic behind the Commander wearing sturdier clothing than the ones on the field. If he wanted to protect his life, he should be wearing armor, not just clothing. Even if he wanted to show off, there were plenty of other ways to do so. I couldn't understand the thought process of those in power.

Honestly, the task itself was easy. Standard-issue gear was designed with mass production in mind, so its performance was intentionally lowered. Creating clothing with much higher strength than the standard-issue gear was a breeze as long as the materials were available.

However, being forced to deal with the whims of those in power when our research time and budget were already lacking was quite annoying, so I initially quoted an exaggeratedly high price.

Of course, I didn't expect it to be accepted. I thought there would be some negotiations, and we would settle at about half the quoted price, but... the other party immediately accepted the amount we proposed without any objections.

I did feel guilty afterward, so I hurriedly lowered the price, but in that sense, it was a request that kept us on our toes from the beginning.

The man called Spandam was an almost complaint-free client. He didn't make unnecessary demands and only asked for high strength and a rough design. He paid the amount we quoted without haggling and gave us a generous delivery period.

I thought he was an excellent business partner... at least, that's what I thought initially.

After creating the first set of clothing and a few more afterward, I received a request after a few months saying that the clothes had torn and needed to be remade.

At that moment, I felt slightly irritated. I hadn't created anything flimsy enough to tear within a few months. The item we had created, worth tens of millions of berries, was something that wouldn't even develop a single hole after decades of use.

So when I heard that it had torn, I was about to get angry, suspecting that it had been treated carelessly... but I stopped myself from assuming ill intentions.

Certainly, the clothing was robust, to the point that it wouldn't develop any holes even if shot by a gun. However, if it received repeated impacts in the same area in a short period or encountered materials that could dissolve even powerful substances, it might tear or break.

After all, as a scientist, I know that nothing with a physical form can be absolutely unchanging. So, without complaining, I agreed to recreate the clothing at the same price as before.

...But, even after that, I kept receiving requests to create clothing because the previous ones had torn. Moreover, the intervals were becoming shorter... it started with a six-month gap, then five months, and eventually, it reached a frequency of once a month. To make matters worse, I received a query asking if I could create even more durable clothing. At that point, I had had enough.

The frequency was clearly abnormal. It seemed like he was intentionally tearing them apart. I couldn't help but imagine him playing with someone else's creation like it was a toy, and I felt a boiling anger inside.

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