Ch. 29 The Beginning of an Infiltration Mission and the Shadow of a New Lunatic

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On a certain afternoon, about three years after the incident in Water 7, I sat in the chief's office at Enies Lobby, gazing at a single mission document. Before me stood the neatly lined-up members of CP9.

Taking a light sigh at the contents of the mission document, which I had seen many times before, I addressed the gathered members.

"Do you remember the search for the ancient weapon Pluton's blueprints three years ago? Although it was put on hold temporarily, subsequent investigations revealed a high possibility that the blueprints have been passed down through generations of craftsmen in Water 7. Therefore, we have officially taken over the investigation. And this mission will be a long-term undercover operation."

"A long-term undercover operation... We'll be infiltrating somewhere?"

"Yes, that's right. Tom's disciple, Iceburg, is the most likely candidate to possess the Pluton's blueprints. He unified the seven major shipbuilding companies in Water 7 and formed the Galley-La Company. It seems he's planning to expand the company's scale in the future and has started recruiting employees in a big way. You will infiltrate there."

"Well, it was expected, but we can't ignore the element of the ancient weapon's blueprints. The timing of the orders coincides almost exactly with the original storyline."

"As for the selection of the members for the undercover mission, I have some say, but ultimately, the decision lies with me. After considering various factors, I find that the original members are still the most suitable."

"Let me inform you of the members beforehand. Lucci will be the leader of the infiltration mission. Kaku, Kalifa, and Blueno will operate under his command. Lucci, Kaku, and Kalifa will infiltrate by applying for positions at the Galley-La Company. Blueno will remain in Water 7... Although he's considering opening a bar, his main focus will be on gathering information outside the Galley-La Company."

While informing them, I observed the members, but there didn't seem to be any objections. Well, it was an official order from above, so no one would likely protest... Nevertheless, I suspected that Lucci and the others were expecting the undercover period to last no more than a year, while the original story would take five years.

"Regarding the reason for selecting these members, there is significant input from above. Currently, the world situation is relatively stable and peaceful on a global scale. There are some minor incidents, but... the higher-ups want young members to gain experience in long-term undercover operations now. When they become CP0, they might need to have a public face other than just being intelligence agents."

"What about me?"

"As for Blueno, his role as a communication officer is crucial. He will relay instructions from us to the undercover members and report their findings back to us. Your ability is valuable for this task."

Blueno was young enough to be considered among the junior members, except for Fukurou, so he was a candidate... His selection was based on the need for his Door-Door Fruit's relay and support abilities.

"This role could also be fulfilled by Fukurou, but I want to give Fukurou a different mission. Since we will be short four members for a while, it will be a bit busy, but I want to assign Fukurou tasks that involve leading junior officers in larger-scale missions."

"Sure, leave it to me. I promise to live up to your expectations."

"Thank you. As for Fukurou, Kumadori, and Jabra... You are not suitable for long-term undercover missions due to certain fatal flaws, so you were not chosen... That's all."

"Hey! Wait a minute, Chief!!"

After carefully explaining the reasons for the member selection, Jabra vehemently protested.

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