Ch. 22 Smooth times are when troubles arise.

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Several years have passed since I became the Commander-in-Chief of CP9, and the tower of papers piled up in my office every morning has doubled. However, I have no problem leaving work on time every day, and I can take vacations without any issues, so there is no need to worry about it.

If anything, the workload has increased, but I have grown accustomed to handling it, so I even have more time to relax than before.

My brain processing speed and memory have been enhanced by the periodic physical enhancements I undergo, which I still repeat regularly. Since I have practically memorized all the documents in the archives, there is no need to go there and search, which is a significant advantage.

Regarding the special physical enhancements I've been undergoing, they have yielded some fascinating results. It took quite some time to verify, but it seems that every time I undergo physical enhancements, my Conqueror's Haki becomes stronger.

Conqueror's Haki is originally an inborn quality, and while it can be controlled to some extent, it cannot be trained. Rayleigh also mentioned this in the original work, stating that it can only be polished through the individual's growth.

At first, I thought it was just my imagination... but after conducting detailed verifications over several years, it became clear that my Conqueror's Haki is indeed growing every time I undergo physical enhancements.

I've considered the reasons for this phenomenon, and it occurred to me that when I first started training, I never thought I had Conqueror's Haki, nor did I have any opportunities to feel its presence. I only became aware of having Conqueror's Haki during my warrior training.

Now I think that the correct hypothesis might be that "I didn't originally have Conqueror's Haki," and I acquired it somewhere around the time I started my warrior training.

Conqueror's Haki is supposed to be an inborn trait. It is impossible for it to develop postnatally. However, this is where my physical enhancements come into play...

After undergoing complete cell replacements, should I still consider myself the same individual as before? Every single cell in my body has changed. It's safe to say that I've been reborn entirely.

In that sense, with each physical enhancement, I am essentially dying and being reborn into a stronger version of myself. Considering this, it would explain why I didn't notice my Conqueror's Haki before.

As I continue to undergo regular physical enhancements, my King's disposition is getting even stronger. Whether I should attribute this to personal growth or not, it's clear that it's possible to intentionally enhance Conqueror's Haki, something that should be impossible to train.

...Well, in the end, it's all just speculation. There's no downside to my Conqueror's Haki growing stronger, and it's only beneficial for me. So, there's no need to delve into the correct theory.

By the way, my Observation Haki has also shown signs of improvement recently. Unlike before, I can now sense the presence of inorganic objects.

It's not so much a sensation of hearing the voices of all things, but more like a radar that can detect where and what type of objects are present. It's very convenient, but I'm not sure whether this is due to the influence of my physical enhancements or a result of continuously honing my Haki. Unfortunately, there's no way to verify it.

While idly pondering and reading the newspaper, my attention was caught by an article.

It was about the imminent opening of all sea train routes by Tom's Workers... Oh, the time has come for that. The sea train also connects to Enies Lobby, so as the Commander, I find it beneficial as it will increase the speed of transporting supplies.

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