Ch. 24 The major currents remain unchanged, but there are still changes

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On a sunny day, the Justice Ship has come to Water 7 to announce whether the shipwright Tom will be found guilty or acquitted. I look down on the harbor from the central street, which is at a high location typical of Water 7.

Taking out a stick candy from my pocket, I toss one to Pochi and unwrap another one to chew on. The CP4 officials who accompanied us are out and about since morning and are not present here.

Now, let's review the original story here. Due to Tom's achievement of completing the Sea Train, it was almost certain that he would be acquitted of the crime of building a pirate king's ship. In other words, the suspended charges against Tom would be dropped, and he would be recognized as an ordinary citizen again.

However, the original Spandam didn't like that. He wanted to interrogate Tom as a suspect, thinking that Tom possessed the Pluton's design. But if Tom is acquitted, he will be recognized as an ordinary citizen, and aggressive interrogation won't be possible.

In other words, it becomes difficult for them to act. Well, it's just that it becomes difficult, and if they really want to, there are countless ways... but...

Anyway, in this incident, the original Spandam is... in other words, I have a significant involvement. In other words, if I don't act, the incident shouldn't happen. However, fate is so ironic that it doesn't seem to be the case.

Using Observation Haki to sense the presence, I watch a small battleship moving from Scrap Island towards the Justice Ship. I quietly ask Pochi.

"Hey, Pochi... did I give them such instructions?"


"I see... listen closely, if they return to Scrap Island and abandon the ship to escape, catch all of them, restrain them, and throw them into the Sea Train. It's okay to hurt them a bit, but don't kill them."


Hearing my words, the highlights disappear from Pochi's eyes. Well, to be more precise, there was a sense of detachment from the moment Pochi replied that it wasn't my instructions.

For Pochi, those who take actions that interfere with me are subjects for execution, so there is no mercy left for those officials.

Pochi was about to move, but I lightly raised my hand to stop her.

"... Pochi, just to be clear, 'being alive despite having all limbs missing' doesn't include a certain range. Gouging out their eyes or cutting off their ears is fine... restrain them all without any bodily injuries."

"... Yes."

... This one's really motivated. If I didn't intervene, she would have thrown them all into the Sea Train with their wounds cauterized like daruma dolls. After all, the officials are just following orders from CP4's chief, so subjecting them to such treatment would be too pitiful.

"Now, go and do it."


Well, setting aside how things will turn out, it's time for me to act...


A fleet of small battleships attacking the Justice Ship. Amidst the barrage of cannonballs released from there, several of them hit the Justice Ship, causing people to scatter in panic. At that moment, I landed right in front of the Chief Justice, who had just come out of the central courthouse, and deflected the incoming cannonballs with my bare hands.

"Oh, oh, Spandam Chief?"

"I happened to be nearby on another matter..."

As I informed him, I turned my gaze towards the fleet of battleships. They seemed to have noticed my presence and stopped their attack, quickly reversing direction to flee. Well, if they had the courage to continue their bombardment after noticing me, they would have been more aggressive in insisting on taking Tom into custody...

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