Ch. 23 The City of Water and Light Sightseeing

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Water 7, known as the City of Water, is a bustling island with a thriving shipbuilding industry. However, due to land subsidence over the years, the challenging navigation routes to neighboring islands, and the influence of pirates, the entire island was once enveloped in a pessimistic atmosphere.

However, with the introduction of the Sea Train, a transportation system created by the shipwright Tom's Workers, the island gradually started to regain its vitality.

Tom, a shipwright who was initially sentenced to death for building the Pirate King Gol D. Roger's ship, negotiated his sentence by explaining the Sea Train's concept and obtained a ten-year probation period for the development. The verdict on his case would be decided on a judicial ship visiting three days later.

In the area known as Scrap Island, another shipwright, Iceburg, and his disciple Tom were discussing while diligently working on shipbuilding.

Iceburg asked if the town was still unchanged despite the difficulty in interacting with other islands. Tom replied with a smile that the town still had its liveliness, but results wouldn't come immediately, emphasizing that patience was required.

As they talked, they heard several sets of footsteps approaching.

Walking at the forefront was a black-suited man with black circles around his eyes and nose—Spandam. Following behind him was a petite woman with brown hair in a black suit and several men in white suits.

"Apologies for the sudden visit. I am..."

Before Spandam could introduce himself, they were interrupted by a cannonball flying towards them.


"You all, stand back."

After giving orders to his flustered subordinates, Spandam caught the incoming cannonball with his bare hands, crushing it effortlessly.

"Oh! Sorry about that! The celebratory cannon went in that direction!"

Appearing seemingly unapologetic was Tom's other disciple, known as Cutty Flam or simply Franky.

"Super! Battle Franky No. 35 returns! I took down a Sea King!"

"...That idiot, doing something like that again."

Piqued by Franky's boast about the warship Battle Franky No. 35, Iceburg approached him with a hammer in hand, criticizing him for creating weapons capable of killing Sea Kings. This led to a quarrel between the two, and Tom burst into laughter as he watched.

To the Tom's Workers, this was an ordinary scene, and a calm voice echoed.

"...Well, indeed, as he said. If it's a weapon capable of killing or injuring people, you should ensure that strangers can't use it at the very least."


The three were taken aback. Without them realizing it, Spandam had somehow appeared right in front of Battle Franky No. 35. They couldn't comprehend when or how he moved there.

Unfazed by their reactions, Spandam turned to Tom and introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, shipwright Tom-san. My name is Spandam... As you can see, I'm a government official of the World Government."

"A government official... Is this about the trial?"

"Well, that falls under our jurisdiction, but this time, it's about something else... About the ship's design, can you tell me more?"


With Spandam asking if he possessed the Pluton's design, Tom replied that he didn't know anything about it nor had it. Honestly, he didn't expect Spandam to back down so easily.

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