Chapter 17: A successful plan?

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I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door, at first I thought it was Iman but it was Lucas.

Farouk: I was just about to call you.

Lucas: Here I am now.

Farouk: I need the list of inters performance. All the three interns.

Lucas: Okay sir. (He said tapping on the tablet he was holding) Ms. Ibrahim has the highest performance with Amir immediately after her, the difference is that she's also interested in the design department otherwise they would have been the same.

He said after handing the tablet to me.

Lucas: And Daniel comes last, I guess our standards are too high for him.

Farouk: Oookay... I guess we can take in Ms. Ibrahim and Amir, buh we're gonna have to let Daniel go. So please process the letters and hand it to them this afternoon.

Lucas: Okay sir.


I was in a meeting when fatee called so I told her to wait for me, after that I called her when I couldn't find her in my office and she said she's with Abdul and will be here in a sec.

I ordered food for us before it's closing time.

We were busy talking about everything and almost nothing when Lucas nocked and came in and handed me an envelope.

Fatee: Aren't you gonna open it? (She said when I dropped it on the table)

Iman: Later, it's probably work.

Fatee: Never knew you would be this lazy while doing what you love

Iman: They make me work too much.

Fatee: (she glared at me) Y.S already told you how it would be because of the company's status.

Iman: Yeah he told me that I would be under pressure blah blah blah but it was obvious because he gave me a job offer and I declined.

Fatee: So he wanted to make you go back and take his offer? (She said laughing)Sha it's worth it.

When I was done, I opened the envelope and I froze, like is this for real? Fatee snatched the paper from me and started squealing.

Iman: I've been hired? (I said in shock).

Fatee: Finally, congrats babe. (She said giving me a hug).

Iman: Wait... what if he gave me the job because he has feelings for me?

Fatee: Nahh gurll, definitely not, all your hard work paid off.

Well she succeeded in convincing me that it's all my hard work, I was both happy and sad at the same time cause I wanted to go back home at least I will work in the branch over there, but fatee is here because of me, well partly because of Abdul obviously.

Sha I just ignored the thought and we went out for a little celebration with ma new car💃.

We came back pretty late so we just went to bed directly. I was lying down trying to fall asleep but I kept thinking why did he hire me all of the sudden? Is it because he has feelings for me of because of my hard work, Fatee's words not mine. I didn't forget to call Y.S and rubbed it on his face😂then I called my birth parents, ofc.

The next day Lucas told me I had to move to the ninth floor, Ya Allah.

The building has 10 floors, three blocks; the complete 10th floor is the CEO floor, Farouk's office. Before I was on the fifth floor and now zooooooo I belong to the 9th floor all of a sudd- wait a minute, why is farouk doing this?😭

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