1.11 | 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Liz Forbes walks into the Grill with the girl who had been attacked -- by Damon -- and cautiously instructs her to point out the one responsible. The girl points to the bar where Damon and Lexi are sitting. Sheriff Forbes walks over and injects Lexi with vervain. "What are you doing?!" Damon asked shocked. "Thank you for the vervain; now if you'll excuse me," Liz told Damon as Stefan spotted what was happening, he tried to leave the Grill with Elena following him but the officers stood in his way. Outside, the officers and Sheriff are taking Lexi to the police car when she throws the officers off. Sheriff Forbes shoots her with wooden bullets, but Lexi is too strong. 

Out of nowhere, Damon appears and stakes her. Stefan sees and pulls Elena out of sight from the scene, "Oh my god!" Lexi falls to the ground, dead. Damon turns to the Sheriff, "You okay?" Liz nodded, "Thank you. Get her in the car quickly." Damon agrees and moves Lexi's body into the boot of Liz' car as she headed into the Grill and arrested one of the bartenders; Sam watching him leave with a smirk. Outside, Stefan is walking away in anger and horror at his brother's actions. "Stefan! Stefan!" Elena called as she followed behind him. "He killed her! He killed Zach; he killed Tanner; he turned Vicki; I have to kill him!" Stefan shouted loudly in anger.

"No, you can't do that!" Elena told him. "Why are you trying to save him?! Elena he's never gonna change! Don't you see that?! He's never gonna change!" Stefan growled out, he was seething at Damon's actions. "I'm not trying to save him, I'm trying to save you! You have no idea what this will do to you, please Stefan," Elena pleaded with him. "Everywhere I've been, pain and death follow; Damon follows me. No more," Stefan told her, sorrow overtaking his anger. "Stefan please. Please just-just talk to me; Let me be here for you. Talk to me," Elena begged him. "No. You were right to stay away from me," Stefan replied to her before leaving.

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At the Salvatore Boarding house, Damon is having a drink inside when Stefan arrives. "Told you I'd take care of it," Damon told him. Stefan runs and attacks him. The brothers fight until Stefan pins Damon against the wall. " Come on, I did this for you. To get them off our trail," Damon expressed to his little brother. "You never do anything for anyone but yourself," Stefan replied to him before he stabbed a stake in him. "You missed!" Damon told him, shocked. "No. You saved my life. I'm sparing yours. We're even. And now we're done," Stefan told him before he turned to leave only to come face-to-face with Lexi herself. "My hero. Feeling epic, huh?" Lexi asked him.

Cordelia was leaning against the pillar with a smile on her face, "Illusion spell. Not easy to do but with the dedication to keep someone I care about alive, I managed." Stefan looked between them as Damon pulled the stake from himself. "And she has promised me a daylight ring... and one for another I care for," Lexi added while Stefan just watched them blankly. "You just gonna stand there or be a little more grateful for the girl who almost died from magic exhaustion just so you wouldn't lose your best friend or burn more distance between you and your brother?" Lexi asked with a raised brow. Stefan hugged Lexi, she laughed before pulling away and pushing him towards Cordelia. "It was nothing, really," Cordelia told them, Stefan pulled her into his arms.

𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ♡ Stefan Salvatore & Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now