1- Entering the world

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One evening a car was driving along a deserted road. There were no people on the road.

Inside the car sat a man with a girl who was unconscious. She woke up after a while. When she realized where she was, she started screaming. She was afraid because she couldn't see who it was. The street lamps were not lit.

He grabbed her hands and stopped her from moving.

" What do you want from me??? Let me go! Please... " The girl said.

Her struggle to escape irritated him. He put the cloth to her mouth and covered her nose. She soon fell unconscious again.

The man wrapped his arms around her waist and rested her head on his shoulder. He tucked an unruly hair behind her ear and he gazed at her beauty.

Flashback starts

You are Kim Yn. You stood on the sidewalk and waited for the traffic light to turn green. The light turned green and you went down the crosswalk.

There was also a black car in traffic and Jeon Jungkook was sitting in it. One of the most powerful mafias.

His eyes caught yours. The wind blew your long waist-length hair smoothly and gently. Your white dress sparkled in the sun like an angel. His heart started beating faster when he saw you.

He couldn't take his eyes off you. You crossed the road and walked on the sidewalk when the traffic light turned green. Now he didn't want to stop what was happening.

He had an urge to have you with him, he wanted you with his body. A smile appeared on his handsome face.

Soon his view was interrupted by the start of the vehicle.

" Hey!! Wait! Stop the car! " He said.

" Excuse me sir... But now I can't stop the vehicle in traffic. " His driver said.

He sighed and leaned back in the back seat.

Skip time

Two guys caught you in the middle of the road on your way home from work. One of them started to approach you and reach for you. You didn't like it and slapped him hard. The other one pinned you to the wall and you struggled to get away from him.

You kicked his crotch and shoved him and started running. They then ran after you.

You suddenly bumped into a man while turning to the side. He turned around and it was Jungkook. His heart started pounding in his chest just like the day he saw you. He saw his angel before him.

Both men stopped when they saw Jungkook, they ran away.

" Thank you! You actually saved me... "

" You go home alone, I'll drive you to your house. It is late. " He said.

You agreed but hesitated. His driver started the engine. He stopped by your house and let you go. You thanked him once more and then went into the house.

He sighed, " Find out all the information about that girl for me. " He said.

The next day his men got information about you. Jungkook was sitting in his office. One of his men knocked on the door and Jungkook asked him to go.

" Sir, we got information about that girl. Her name is Kim Yn and she is 21 years old. She works at xyz cafe and..... "

" Okay, leave them on my table. " He said placing them on the table. He bowed and went out.

Jungkook took the file about you. In addition to the papers, there was also a photo of you that he had taken. He smiled looking at your photo.

" Ah Yn! You still don't know whose sleep you blew away... "

Skip time

After a few days, when you were leaving the cafe, someone held your hands tightly from behind. He then put something hard to your mouth. After a while you passed out.

• Flashback end •

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a large room. I suddenly remembered what happened last night. I got up from the big bed and went to the door. I tried to grab them by the handle, but it was locked from the outside.

I approached the balcony and suddenly the door opened and a man was standing in it. I still didn't recognize who the man was because the lights were dim.

He turned on all the lights.

" You?? " I retreated closer to the balcony because I was afraid.

To be continued...

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