Bring a Girlfriend

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Missing my first day of senior year bc I'm flying to Omaha to see them perform!!!!
On a sadder note, with school starting again I am going to try really hard to keep a once a week posting schedule, but I do go to a rigorous school on top of all the other shit life entails, so I'm sorry if my schedule becomes less consistent as the school year advances.

Thank you all for reading, and I'm really excited now that the story is starting to progress!

November 8, 1983

Evie looked up from her romance paperback when she heard the two men laughing behind her. What the fuck had they done now, Evie wondered to herself. She turned her head to see Nikki and Tommy stumbling back from the airport food court. Tommy had a bloody nose and a burrito and Nikki was smacking his shoulder, talking about some guy's face.

Evie gave Mick an annoyed look. She hated the airport and she hated flying. The air pressure and the long stretches of sitting always made the osteoarthritis in her leg flare up. So now she was going to be stuck in a metal tube in the sky for six hours with her aching joints, her drunk father, and two dumb fucks who had just beat a guy up over a burrito. Why did the first show of the tour have to be in England?

Nikki and Tommy sat down across from Evie. She didn't acknowledge them. She just tried to go back to reading.

"Where's Vince," Mick mumbled.

Tommy looked around. "I dunno. Last time I saw him, he was trying to get with the bartender."

Oh yeah, Evie thought. Almost forgot. The primadonna manwhore would also be joining them.

Even with her eyes glued to her book, Evie could sense that Nikki was staring at her. The two had become more comfortable with each other over the last week and a half. They kind of had to, considering they were living in the same hotel and working at the same place at the same time. And don't forget that Evie probably spent more time in Mick and Nikki's room than Nikki himself.

But they weren't friends. Not enemies, either. They coexisted, hardly ever speaking. In fact, Evie could count on one hand the number of times they had spoken since she had been living in Massachusetts. First, he said 'excuse me' to her when she was standing in front of his bass at rehearsal. Then, she had asked him where Mick was when she couldn't find him. And finally, she had asked him to help her move his amplifier one day after rehearsal one day when she was weak from not eating enough.

By the end of the two weeks, it was easy for Evie to forget that she and Nikki had ever even dated. Sure, he was still physically attractive, but Evie didn't recognize his personality. Where had the cool, calm, and collected rockstar she knew gone? This Nikki was aloof, agitated, and insecure. Evie chalked it up to the drugs and alcohol, but it turned out to be more complicated than that.

The truth was, the cool, calm, and collected rockstar still showed up when Nikki was in his element, meaning at parties, playing music, and surrounded by drugs and hot chicks. The pathetic Nikki came out when the high wore off. When he was left to himself, sober and surrounded by normal people, like Evie. People like Evie, who cared about him and thought he was destroying himself. Of course, it would be a while before Nikki realized that this was the issue. In the meantime, he thought everyone else was the problem. He was just a rockstar living his rockstar life and lame asses like Evie were trying to tame him, just like his teachers, his mom, his grandparents, and everyone else who, all his life, had told him he wouldn't amount to anything if he didn't start conforming.

Evie, of course, had no idea that this is what Nikki thought of her. She had no idea how Nikki thought of her at all. Sometimes, she thought he was angry at her. Maybe he didn't want her on the tour, maybe he thought she was annoying, or maybe he was still holding some grudge from two and half years ago. He had called her a "fucking bitch" the last time they had an actual conversation. At this point, Evie couldn't even remember what had inspired him to say that, but he had said it nonetheless.

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