Chapter 6 : Besties

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The junior division matches had come to a close, leaving only the main division. This was what everyone had been eagerly anticipating, and their excitement for the upcoming matches was palpable. However, they would have to exercise some patience before their turn came.

In the meantime, Y/n, Syx, and Marron found themselves in a toy store, drawn to the Hercule figures. Syx and Marron wanted something tangible to commemorate their first tournament experience.

Syx: Whatcha think, Marron?

Marron: Oh, that's the Hercule figure with the title! Yeah!

Syx: When your dad wins the title, can you bring it over to my house?

Marron: Yeah! We can have a play date!

As the two of them were engrossed in their conversation, the TV in the store flickered to life, displaying Cell and Hercule preparing to engage in a fierce battle.

Syx: Look! Hercule fighting Cell!

Marron: Yes! I love it!

Syx: Me too!

Y/n shook his head in dissapointment.

Y/n: You guys do realise that, Hercule wasn't the one who defeated, Cell right?

Syx: Wha?!

Y/n: It was none other than, me, you see Cell thought he was the shit, but when I came along, I sent him crying.

Marron giggled.

Marron: That's not what happened.

Syx: Liar! Liar!

Marron: Your daddy is a lair?

Syx: A big one!

Maron and Android 18 strolled through the loud shopping district, their eyes scanning the colorful storefronts. Maron examined a rack of vibrant dresses, while Android 18 watcher a display of sleek electronic devices with an unamused eye. Together, they explored boutique after boutique, pausing occasionally to admire jewelry or accessories. As they continued their shopping excursion, the friendship between Maron and Android 18 was evident through their shared smiles and occasional nods of approval.

Now the two were on their way to the store Y/n, and the two kids were located at, armed with snacks, and bags.

Android 18: Trust me, they'll come around eventually. He'll cut his hair.

Maron: "Eventually" feels like forever. His hair looks so wild right now. Ugh, I guess I'll have to pin my hopes on Syxteen's Saiyan hair coming in soon.

Android 18: Syxteen... His Saiyan hair?

Maron: Yeah, we sort of made a deal. He promised not to cut his hair until Syxteen's Saiyan hair started growing.

Android 18: Ah, right... Also, Maron... I wanted to say thank you...

Maron: For going shopping with you?

Android 18: I'm actually going shopping with you, but that's not it. I'm saying thank you for naming Syxteen after, well... Sixteen...

Maron: You're still saying thank you for that? I already told you, you don't have to thank me. I mean, you already named your only daughter after me. How many more thank you's are you gonna give until you're satisfied?

Android 18: A lot... That whole thing that happened four years ago was really personal... And I'm grateful you took Syxteen in, honestly - I'm grateful you were there by my side through it all...

Maron: What are besties for?

The two arrived at the store around the same time Y/n, Marron, and Syx exited.

Y/n: There you guys are. I don't know how long I could've handled these two brats...

Android 18: You calling my kid a brat?

Y/n: W-what- no-

Android 18: Relax... I'm just jesting.

Maron kneeled down to the height of the children.

Maron: Hey, you two.

Marron: Tweanny!

Syx gazed over toward Eighteen.

Syx: Aunt Eighteen!

Android 18: Did you two enjoy your time with Y/n?

Syx and Maron: Noooo....

Y/n: What the hell! I spent like 3000 zeni on you guys!

Maron: You- What?!

Y/n: Uuuhhh... Did I say 3000? Silly me, I meant, uh, 3 Zeni...

Maron: Do I look like an idiot to you?!

Y/n: If I say yes, will you let this go?... Okay, I feel like-

Y/n instantly flies away, leaving Maron to sigh.

Android 18: We've gotta go anyway. The first round is about to begin, and I don't think either of us wants to miss it.

Maron: Oh? Who's fighting?

Android 18: Gohan and some other guy.

Syx: Mr. Gohan! Let's go see him, Marry!

Marron: Okay, Syxteen!

Syxteen grabbed Marron by the arm and sprinted to the arena.

Maron: Those two, kinda remind me of you, and I, if they ever get married someday-

Android 18: -Hopefully not.

Maron: As I was saying, if- you know what, it doesn't matter anymore, let's just go.

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