Chapter 12 : A Once In A LifeTime Teamup! Y/n, Goku, and Vegeta Vs Majin Buu

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The atmosphere crackled with anticipation on Kami's lookout. Goku in his Super Saiyan state, stood besides Vegeta in his super Saiyan state who was stood besides Y/n who was in his Super Saiyan 2 state.

Goku: MAJIN BUU!!!

Majin Buu turned to Goku, Vegeta and Y/n confused.

Vegeta/Y/n/ Goku: WE'RE GONNA KILL YOU!!!

As the fight commenced, Goku was the first to attack, channeling his immense power into a devastating Kamehameha wave. Buu, however, quickly countered by teleporting above the attack and then sent in their own version of the Kamehameha back at Goku. Evading at the last second, Goku smirked as he was now able to hold onto Buu's focus.

While Buu focused on Goku, Vegeta launched himself into a series of lightning-fast kicks, striking the monster with incredible precision. But to their surprise, Majin Buu's body seemed to have an almost elastic quality, effortlessly absorbing the onslaught without a scratch.

Goku: Man, how the hell were you able to hold yourself against this bastard, Vegeta?

Vegeta: Ch! You're forgotting that I'm the prince of all Saiyans, Kakorot! Such a baffoon could never overwhelm me, never in a million years!

Goku chuckled a bit.

Goku: How did I have a feeling you were gonna say that?

Majin Buu: Buu wanna know what Joke Is About As Well!!!

Goku: You want to hear the joke, Buu? Then why don't you come a bit closer!

Majin Buu excitedly moved in toward Goku, only to be met with a boot from Vegeta.

Y/n: Perfect! A well aimed Foil Shot!!!

Seizing the opportunity, Y/n began charging an immensely powerful energy blast, the aura of his Super Saiyan 2 form intensifying. Feeling the concentrated energy building up, Majin Buu turned his attention toward Y/n and unleashed a barrage of chocolate beam attacks, attempting to turn the Saiyan into a harmless treat. Y/n used the beam to help dodge one of the chocolate attacks.

Y/n: Might as well try out my infinite Vortex technique.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Y/n kicked his leg to the side twirling around in a small vortex before kicking his leg out manoeuvring the beams that got sucked into the vortex towards a stone.

The stone turned into CANDY?!?

Y/n: What the heck?!

Vegeta: Chocolate? Is- is this some sort of joke, or something?! What the hell is this!

Y/n's Super Saiyan 2 aura died off reverting him back into basic Super Saiyan which lowered their advantages.

Y/n: Damn... Anyway... Kinda pisses me off, that this is the great Majin Buu... What a fucking kid.


Seeing an opening, Goku sprinted towards Majin Buu and delivered a swift series of punches and kicks. The blows landed with tremendous force, shaking the entire lookout. But Buu's regenerative abilities allowed him to quickly recover.

Majin Buu: Hahaha! Buu telling Buu to tell you that you're attack weak! Buu feel unstoppable!

Goku: That's some harsh words, Buu, I thought you were the good guy, here.

Majin Buu: Huh? Buu Is GOOD GUY!

Not one to be outdone, Vegeta joined the fray, his aura blazing with an intense blue glow. Drawing upon every ounce of his power, he unleashed a Final Flash attack that scorched the sky and tore through Majin Buu's defenses. The impact was staggering, sending Buu crashing into a nearby mountain, creating a massive crater.

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