Chapter 16: Gathering! For the final battle! Fusion!

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World Of The Kaioshin

Supreme Kai arrived in his home planet and dropped, Y/n, he fell back exhausted. Y/n picked himself up and noticed a familiar power level nearby.

Y/n: Goku?

Goku teleported besides Y/n, and patted him on the back.

Goku: Glad you could make it, that's two out of the three of us, we just need to get, Vegeta and then we're done here.

Kibito: Indeed...

Y/n: What do you mean, done here? What are you planning, and how are we supposed to get, Vegeta isn't he dead?

Goku: Eeeh-eeeh, King Yemma won't mind making an exception... Majin Buu is something else, it's only a matter of time before he starts beating up the dead.

Supreme Kai (Shin): We have a perfected strategy on beating Majin Buu, it's something we've planning for awhile now, and now that we have the needed amount of people, we can go through with it.

Y/n: What's the plan?

Supreme Kai (Shin): The first phase is gathering the three of you here, Vegeta is the only one missing so we're halfway done, then the second part of the first phase is getting one of you to pull out the Z-sword.

Y/n: The- excuse me the what?

Supreme Kai (Shin): I want you to crush Buu with the Z-sword, I know for sure you can learn how to use it.

Y/n: What the hell is the, Z-Sword?

Supreme Kai grins and in an instant, both Y/n, Kibito, and Supreme Kai were transported to the swords location. Y/n looked down at his clothes and they were now completely different.

Y/n: W-what's this for?!

Supreme Kai (Shin): You will be doing something sacred to the Kai's, it is only fitting you dawn the attire as well.

Y/n looked down at the sword stuck in the mountain, and with one sigh, he reached down to pull it.

Y/n: So, how exactly is me pulling a sword out of a mountain going to help beat Buu, don't get me wrong, I'm happy that you believe I'm your folktale and what not, but after what I've seen Buu go through, I doubt that a simple sword could beat him.

Supreme Kai (Shin): It's not just the sword. When you pull the sword out, you'll receive incredible power, far greater than Buu's.

Y/n: Whoa! Man, jeez, now I'm all kinds of excited to do this, though, I meant to ask, why are you guys rushing this? We have a lot of time until Buu arrives correct?

Supreme Kai (Shin): That's incorrect. Buu saw my teleportation technique meaning he has knowledge of it and should be capable of performing it to find me, and I'm more sure of this since I'm confident he is busy killing everyone on earth right now.

Y/n: Excuse me?

Y/n stopped pulling on the sword and stared Supreme Kai dead in the eye.

Supreme Kai (Shin): It's sad to say, but it is true, everyone on earth will die... Majin Buu is a strange creature, I know that because I've fought him before... And one of the things I know about Majin Buu are his grudges.

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