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I woke up with Stan right next to me, then I remembered last night...

I loved him so much.

Eventually, he started to stir.

"Good morning, sleepy head." I greeted him.

He groaned and shut his eyes again, but quickly grinned. I'm sure he remembered last night as well.

"So, when are we gonna leave?" I asked him, "It's already eight, we're late for school."

Stan sat up and stretched his arms out, "Well, we could just skip." He suggested.

"Stan, no. We've skipped too much school recently. My grades are dropping. We're going." I told him.

Stan shrugged and we got ready to leave. I packed up everything in the car and hopped into the driver's seat.

"If we can get it back before nine then my dad shouldn't notice."

I was very nervous, if my dad found out I had taken his car I'd be dead.


-Stan POV-
I slammed my locker shut. Kyle hadn't gotten in trouble with his dad since we got there pretty fast.

Walking to my next class, I realized that people were whispering and pointing at me.

The fuck did I do now?

I was done, so I went up to one of the gossipers, Bebe, and asked her what the deal was.

"What now? Why are people pointing at me?" I questioned.

Her mouth gaped open, "Dude! You haven't heard? Oh fuck this is awkward... well... someone saw you and Kyle and Stark's Pond yesterday and... they told everyone."


Oh my god, I think this was the most embarrassing moment of my entire life. Every single person in this school knew that I fucked Kyle.

I ran towards the bathroom and shut the door behind me, falling onto my knees to catch a breath. After I calmed down, I started hearing hyperventilating in one of the stalls. I knocked on it.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I asked them.

"S- st- tan n- o I- I ne- I need he- lp! I- I ne- ed help St-tan!"

I quickly crawled under the door when I heard Kyle's voice respond. And I saw him sitting on the closed toilet sitting with his knees in his chest breathing heavily.

"Kyle, Kyle calm down okay? Shhh. You need air. Keep breathing, focus on that, okay?" I comforted him.

I stood there rubbing his back for around ten minutes before he decided to speak up.

"Fuck Stan, the whole school knows about us! What do we do?!"

I could hear Kyle's breathing start to speed up again, so I brought him into a hug.

"It's okay, just try to calm down. We'll figure something out together."

I had already tried thinking of ways to get us out of this situation, but none of which were good ones.

"You ready to go back to class..?" I hesitantly asked Kyle.


He grabbed onto me as we walked around the halls, and finally we got to his classroom.

"I'll be down the hall in Mr. Garrison's room. So try and relax. Please."

I let him walk into his classroom before retreating back to Mr. Garrison's.

"Stanley! Why are you late?" He asked.

"Reasons." I replied, not wanting to tell him where I've actually been.

"Well sit down in your seat and let me teach!"

I sighed and dragged myself over to the seat. I could hear the whispers and murmurs. This fucking sucked.

Mr. Garrison started going on and on about math formulas while I sat there doodling. The entirety of the situation I was in dawned upon me. Everyone knows Kyle and I are together...


"Mrph Mrph! Hey Stan, wanna head over to my house? My parents are gone tonight and we can probably go to the arcade too."

"Sure Ken." I answered him, he never wanted us to come to his house... strange. "Can Kyle come along too?"

Kenny had definitely heard the rumors, because he smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Mrph Mrph. Of course, you must bring your boyfriend everywhere."

My face went red. "Shut up Kenny! Shouldn't we be getting Kyle? Let's find him." I quickly changed the subject.

Kyle was at his locker and finished putting his books away in his bag.

"Kyle! Wanna head to Kenny's tonight? We're going to the arcade."

Kyle looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah sure, just let me text my mom."

I could tell he was still upset from being outed to the whole school.

"Kyle, I swear it'll get better from here." I told him.

His eyes glistened while looking at me, and then he nodded.

Soon enough, Kenny, Kyle, and I were all walking over to the arcade.

Kenny had taken off his parka once again.

"So dudes, what are we gonna play?" Kenny asked.

"Dunno," Kyle replied, "Maybe ski ball?"

I laughed as we walked into the arcade, "Ski ball's for losers, that game sucks."

Kyle glared daggers at me while Kenny went to go get some tokens. Weird that he can afford tokens...

I walked over to the air hockey table and glanced at Kyle.

"Wanna play?" I asked him.

He nodded in agreement, his face showing a look of determination.

Kenny came over and realized we wanted to play air hockey.

"Alright dudes, I'll pay for this game- but that's it!" Kenny slid the tokens into the slot.

Suddenly, the air picked up and the surface became nearly frictionless.

I threw the puck onto the table, "Ready to lose-?"

I quickly shot the puck toward Kyle's goal, but he blocked it and hit it off the side of the wall. I quickly shot it back to his side, but he bounced it off the other wall this time. I swiftly shoved the puck right through the middle and straight into Kyle's goal.

"Woohoo!" I jumped up and threw my arms in the air. Kyle looked at me with a sour face.

Tonight was gonna be fun.

Author's Note:

Omg I'm so sorry for the wait I have been so busy and I don't know where time went. So I'm gonna try and make it up by writing a bunch the next couple days- so sorry again.

Also I know I said two chapters but I actually came out with three because of the wait so- sorry again

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