( 01; the borderline )

723 32 2

' paper scent.'


"really? a high school kid?"

one of them asks in confusion as they sit at the round table, each one of them concerned with the new situation. they had all rushed here after hearing the shocking news, that being of the deaths of their fellow Chinese counters. 

ha-na sighed in worry, lacing her fingers together, "i agree, in a time like this, maybe we need someone more mature and-"

"we didn't have any other choice..." kim gi-ran, mo-tak's partner butted in before the argument could get any heated, eyes darting over each to wi-gen, "wi-gen said that she desperately wants to live, and she's willing to be a counter if she gets to wake up from coma..."

"how did a young child like her fall into a coma in a first place?" mae-ok sighed, feeling bad at the thought of a young girl experiencing something like that at a young age. she was never fond of the idea of having young children join the counters, believing it was too early for them to be in a comatose state from such a young age.

"unfortunately," su-ho answered first, "she got into a heavy car accident along with her father..."

at the mention of the familiar situation, all eyes darted over to the only one who had experienced such an event, while so mun only swallowed a lump in his throat, shutting away all the memories before he could start crying once more. he only took a shaky breath, "well, you guys recruited me when i was in high school too. was i a bother?"

"yeah." all of them answered in a blink of an eye.

"you're supposed to say 'no' at times like these!!" he complained, making the corners of their lips curve upwards for a second.

after the small laughter died down, mae-ok, the eldest one in the battle quartet of the korean counters, stood up and planted her hands against the table, "well, we'll do our best to train her, so no worries, okay?!" she then looked to wi-gen and stood confidently, "so, when is she going to be ready?"

"right now, actually."

"...right now? as in, right now?!"

"yes. ha-ru is already speaking with her at the moment."

"wait!! where even is she?!"

"like i said, with ha-"

"i mean in the real world su-ho!!"


"...and, finally, you'll have to place your right hand on their chest so wi-gen can judge them!"

kyung ha-ru was a teenage boy of fair build, looking rather handsome for his age. he was tall, standing around sixty-seven inches tall, and had messy black hair brushing down his forehead, with the rest tied up into a small ponytail, and one of his most notable features was an eyebrow piercing. his eyes were bright kunzite, and he honestly looked more like a typical high school crush than 'the spirit of judgment' in yung.

he was leaning down with a sly smirk, staring into the young girl's eyes with his own sinister ones. one may think he had evil intentions, but [name] didn't look away from his eyes and only nodded.

"well, any questions, little missy?"

"not really, no." she answers without hesitation, "i just have to catch the evil spirits, right?"

ha-ru nodded, "yup."

"then i'll do it."

"my my, how brave..." he placed one finger against her jaw, tilting her head up so she could stare at his facial features more closely, and [name]'s breath hitches at the sudden physical contact, "it may sound easy, little one, are you sure you can do it?"

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