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⚠️warning: this chapter contains violence, sexual assault and rape⚠️

i was back with at the walsh house. the time with my family had flown by.

i was getting ready to go to a party that someone in my year is hosting. i don't know her well but maya does. maya insisted that i go to the party with her. nothing else has happened between me and maya.

we go into the house and there is so many people. there is laser lights flashing and music booming loudly. it smells of alcohol and weed. i scrunched my nose at the smell. we found macy, the girl whose party it is and said hi to her. after a while of talking maya pulled me to dance with her. we danced in a crowd. i noticed that maya was drinking quite a bit. i didn't drink. i wanted to keep an eye out on maya to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

we'd been there for a while. we were sat in the kitchen chatting to some people.
"i'm going to go find the bathroom" i said to maya. i got up and walked off upstairs in search for the toilet.

after i came out of the toilet, some guy came over to me.
"hey pretty lady, what's your name" he said, putting a hand at my waist. i didn't like that.
"don't touch me" i said trying to walk away from him. he tightened his grip and grabbed my arm
"why not sexy" he said coming close to my face.
"i don't want you to touch me. plus i'm not into guys" i said trying to walk off. he stopped me again.
"we can change that" he said gesturing to 2 other guys standing a bit further up in the hallway.

he dragged me into one of the bedrooms and threw me onto the bed. one of the other guys tied something on my mouth so i couldn't scream. one held my arms while the other held my legs, pinning me in place. the guy who had grabbed me was now taking off his trousers. i struggled, trying to get out. i tried to scream, but it was muffled by the fabric that they covered my mouth with. i knew what was about to happen. and i could do nothing to prevent it.

he pulled off my dress and underwear, leaving me naked on the bed. i tried to keep my legs closed but it didn't work. he was much stronger than me. he pulled my legs open holding them apart. he lined himself up with me and pushed his dick into me roughly. it hurt. i screamed and cried. i couldn't stop him. he pushed himself in and out of me harshly. his hands gripped my thighs hard. soon i felt his cum inside me. it felt revolting. i cried hard. he pulled out and my pussy was dripping with his juices.

then both of his friends did the same thing. i was completely helpless under them. once they were done using my body to pleasure themselves. they left me in the room. my body was aching. i felt disgusting. i grabbed my clothes and put them on. shaking, i went downstairs and out of the house. i sat on the pavement, tears streaming down my face. i pulled out my phone and called lucy.

"can you pick me up" i sobbed down the phone.
"lily what happened" i heard the panic in her voice as she scrambled around trying to leave the house as quick as she could.

she arrived within 5 minutes. she got out of the car and came over to me. i was sat on the floor. i felt completely numb. i had just felt one of the worst feeling that someone could ever feel. lucy helped me up and sat me in the car. she drove us home and took me inside. we sat on the sofa, she had her arm around me, repeatedly asking me questions. i didn't answer any. everything sounded muffled.

without warning i stood up and went to the bathroom. i stripped my clothes and got in the shower. tears still rolling down my cheeks. i washed myself several times but i still didn't feel clean. i got out of the shower and went to my room to get dressed for bed. i got into bed and curled up in a ball in the corner.

lucy's pov

lily stood up and went to the bathroom. i didn't know what was wrong. she hasn't said anything since the phone call and she won't stop crying. i'm getting worried. i don't know what to do. its really late, keira is asleep and so would lilys family.

i decided to call leah. what other choice do i have. she might not even be awake.

"lucy is everything okay" leah asked with s very tired voice. it sounds like i just woke her up.
"erm no. i don't think so" i said.
"what's happened" she said, sounding very worried.

"i don't exactly know. erm. lily and maya went to a party and lily called me in tears asking to pick her up. after i did she hasn't said a word. she won't stop crying and she won't tell me what's wrong." i said. "she's gone to have a shower and gone to bed"

"lucy i cant come down. your gonna need to look after her. make sure she is okay" leah spoke. she sounded concerned. "i'll ring her in the morning"
"okay." i said. i really hope this isn't anything serious.

i decided to go to sleep. i knew that maya was staying round at a friends so i went to bed. after a few hours i felt a tap on my shoulder pulling me from my sleep.

"can i sleep in here" lily asked.
"yeah come here" i moved the duvet so that she could get in between me and keira.

she lay down and i didn't know what to do. should i hug her or not. i don't want to make her uncomfortable. she softly grabbed my arm wrapping it around her and she held my arm in place. eventually i fell asleep again.

lilys pov

the next morning i woke up in lucy's arms.
"you okay" lucy asked as she noticed that i was awake. i nodded and left the room. i didn't want anyone to know what happened.

i spent the next week or so in my room. i skipped dinner a few times and i wouldn't speak to anyone. even maya. i barely left the room.

the other day leah rang me. i spoke to her as normal but she seemed worried. i didnt tell her what happened. i just told her that i didn't feel well. i knew she wouldn't believe me but she didn't push.

the football season started and i was back in training. it's the only time i would leave the house. i trained hard. i didn't let it affect how i would play football. i worked so hard to get here. i couldn't just stop.

after a few weeks i played in the first match of the season and scored 2 goals. it was a good performance. i was feeling a bit better with myself. i ate at meals with everyone else. i didn't hide away in my room all day. i started speaking to the girls, just not about what happened that day. i still wouldn't leave the house, unless i had to. and i was avoiding speaking to leah.

i was home alone one day when i started to feel sick and dizzy. i ran to the bathroom and threw up violently in the toilet. i brushed my teeth and went back to my room.

i realised that i haven't had my period this month. i thought that it was just late but now after the sickness and dizziness i had a horrible feeling. no. there's no way. i must be overthinking this.

i pulled on a jumper and some sunglasses and left the house. i pulled my hood up over my head and headed to the shops. i walked in and picked up a couple of pregnancy tests. i quickly paid for them and left. when i got home i went back to the bathroom. i took the tests and waited.

it had been a few minutes and i checked the tests.


no. what am i going to do. i'm only 16. tears formed in my eyes. i went to my room and the tears fell. i didn't know what to do. i really need my mum right now.

without thinking i packed a suitcase and called a taxi. i grabbed one of the pregnancy tests and shoved it in the suitcase. then i got rid of the other 2. the taxi arrived and i wrote a note telling the walsh family and lucy that i've gone to mk.

i left the house and got into the taxi with my things. when we arrived i grabbed my things out the car and paid the driver. i stood at the door and took a deep breath before ringing the bell.

A/N: word count for this chapter is 1538 words

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