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the next day i was sat on the sofa on my phone. i heard the door knock and then ran to go open it. i opened it and saw maya. i picked her up and spun her around. she wrapped her legs around my waist

"hi" i said. i pecked her lips and put her down. i hugged lucy and keira.

"so glad that your as excited to see us aswell." lucy joked. i shook my head while laughing. i let them in and led them to the living room. keira and lucy hugged leah and sat on the sofa. i gave the twins to lucy and keira. i sat on the sofa and maya sat with her legs on mine and her head on my shoulder.

i took matty when he started to cry and fed him. we all just chilled in the living room for a while. beth and viv came over later.

"they definitely like me more. im so the favourite auntie" beth said proudly.

"think again meado" lucy said taking lila from beth.

"its obviously not you kei" lucy joked as matty started to cry in keiras arms. viv took him from keira and rocked him slightly. he didnt stop crying.

"give him here" leah said holding out her arms

"ooh looks like leah is going to work some williamson magic." keira teases. leah takes matty and he stops crying.

"hate to break it to you girls. but it looks like im the favourite auntie" leah laughed.

"do you want to hold her" i whispered into mayas head, gesturing to lila.

"im scared i might drop her." she whispered back.

"you wont i promise." i say into her. lucy gives me lila and i put her in mayas arms. she grips onto mayas finger and coos at her. i stroke over lilas hair and rub her cheek.

"looks like lila likes maya more than all of you" i pointed to the girls. "bar leah maybe"

"what do you mean maybe. she definitely likes me more" leah says, putting her hand at her heart and pretending to be offended. we all laugh.

beth and viv left after some time. later we got hungry so we ordered some pizza. when it came leah went to the door to get it. she came in and we ate the pizza while watching a movie. during the movie both the babies started to cry so i decided it would be best if i took them upstairs to bed. i got up and took matty from lucy and maya brought lila. we went upstairs and i told maya to put her on my bed. i changed both their nappies and their clothes. then i fed lila while maya fed matt a bottle. i saw him put his hand at mayas on the bottle.

"they really seem to like you" i said to her.
"really?" she said shyly. i nodded and put lila in their bed and kissed her head. then i took matty and put him in their bed and kissed his head aswell.

maya went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and got dressed. while she was there i put some things away. when she came back she sat on the bed. once i finished tidying up i started to get changed. maya looked away as i took off my shirt.
"you can look if you want maya" i giggled. it was cute how she looked away but i didn't mind if she did. i went over to her and kissed her lips. i carried on changing and her eyes wandered my body. she lay on the bed and i climbed on top of her, straddling her waist. i leaned down and kissed her lips. she put her hands at the back of my neck, pulling me closer to her. i pulled away and lay down next to her.

"oh shit. i almost forgot" i said to myself. i got up and took mayas hand leading her out the room. i left the door open in case one of the kids start crying. i took her downstairs and saw my mum sitting on the sofa with leah, keira and lucy.

"guys i have a situation" i said sitting down. maya sat beside me and i entwined our fingers.
"so basically, jonas said that i can join arsenal next season. he said he will make some plans for me to follow so i can get back to full fitness. however, sara messaged me and said that i am welcome to join back with city." i explained to everybody. "i don't know what to do."

"if i join arsenal, i'll be close to home and will have support from leah and mum. i will be slightly more financially stable. but i probably won't start matches meaning i don't know what will happen with my career." i say, summarising one side.
"but if i join city, i'll be guaranteed to start the games, securing my career and i'll be with maya so we don't have to do long distance anymore. but i'll be away from home and i won't be getting paid. i know that i'll have support from the walsh's and lucy but it's different when it's your own mum." i say.

"i'm really stuck and i don't know what to choose." i say.

"go with your heart." leah says.
"yeah i agree" keira adds. everyone else nods.
"but my heart wants both" i say looking down.
"i want to be at home with my family. but i want to be with maya. but i need money to pay for my kids. but i need to secure my career so that i can get paid more in the future. i don't know what to do"

"darling you have time to choose. you don't have to decide right away. take some time to think about it. when you make your decision we will all support you in every way we can because we all love you so much and want what's best for you and the twins." my mum says calmly.

"i love you all too. i just want what's best for my babies" i say. maya wraps me in a hug and kissed the side of my head.

"you have plenty of time to decide. just think about the pros and cons of each and make a judgment based on that. don't worry too much about the distance. we've done it for so long, we can do it for longer, and who knows we may end up playing for the same club in the future. if you decide to stay that is" she whispers into me. "i love you no matter what"

"i love you too" i say back.

"thanks everyone. i'll think about it and try see what will be best. i love you all goodnight" i say and stand up. maya stands up too and we go upstairs and i brush my teeth while maya gets into bed. when i've finished from the bathroom, i go in to my room and slip in beside maya. she rests her head on my chest and i run my fingers through her hair until we both fall asleep.

A/N: wordcount for this chapter is 1205
hope you guys like this.
should lily go to city or arsenal.
please leave suggestions :)

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