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it has now been a week since ive come home. the twins have gotten more used to the surroundings and arent crying as much.

"lily, beth and viv are here" leah said as she came into my room.

"alright ill be down in a sec" i said as i changed lilas clothes. leah waited for me to finish. i gave her matty and took lila down.

"hello matty" she said in a baby voice. she really loves these kids and it shows.

we went downstairs and i said hello to beth and viv.

"this is lila and matty" i said as i handed beth lila. leah gave matty to viv. they both sat and whispered things to the babies. "do you want anything to drink?" i asked as i got up to go to the kitchen.

"no we're okay" viv answered. i nodded and went to get a glass of water. then i heard the door knock.

"ill get it" i called and when to the door.

i opened it and saw jordan stood with a smile. i pulled her into a hug. ive missed seeing her.

"hi lily. how are you doing" she said as i let her into the house.

"im doing okay. still get woken up some nights but it rarely happens anymore. they seem more relaxed." i say and lead her into the living room. she gives leah a quick kiss and then sits next to her. viv gives matty to jordan. she holds him and he grabs on to her finger.

"they're so cute. they both have your eyes" viv says to me. i smile. even leah has said that to me.

soon later, everyone goes home. we eat dinner and i get the twins ready for bed. i give them both baths and then put them in their bed clothes.

"le will you watch them while i shower?" i ask her as she sits on my bed. lila has already fallen asleep but matty is still awake. she nods and i go to the bathroom.

after i shower i go back in the room and see leah asleep on my bed with matty laying on her chest also sleeping. leah has one hand on his back and the other on his legs. its so cute so i take a picture. i take matty from her and put him in his bed, just in case leah moves in the night, i dont want my baby to get squished. i get in bed beside leah and then pull the blanket over us and fall asleep.

the next morning i woke up to leahs alarm. i quickly turn it off so it doesn't wake the kids up and then i shake leah up.

"leah get up. you have training" i whisper shout at her. she gets up and rubs her eyes. she left the room and then came back after 15 minutes. i was still awake, just on my phone.

"do you want to come training. some of the other girls want to see the kids. also we can speak to jonas about you signing" leah spoke. i thought about it for a minute and then nodded. i got up and started to get ready. i packed a bag for the twins with spare clothes, nappies and milk bottles. i changed the kids and fed them and took them down so i could have my breakfast. while i was eating, leah put the car seats and pram into her car. after i ate i took the kids to the car and got in myself. leah got in and drove to training.

"you sure jonas will be alright with us coming" i asked. she nodded "i asked if you could come and he said yes" she confirmed.

when we got there, leah got the pram out and we put the kids in. "want me to push?" she asked. i nodded and we started walking in.

as we walked onto the pitch, i found a ball and started juggling with it as we walked.

"i knew you wouldn't lose your skills" leah says as she puts the pram by some seats. i let the ball bounce once and then shot it into the goal opposite.

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