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it's been a few months now. the bump is really starting to show. i rarely leave the house as many people would recognise me as leah's sister and nothing has been said to the public, not that it's any of their business. maya came over to spend a few nights as it's school holidays. it's been really nice.

"ugh i just don't get this question." i said pointing my pen at the page.
"let me see" maya said, turning the book to her. "oh your doing bio. i'm a bit shit at bio."

"let me ask leah" i said grabbing my phone. i don't know why but recently i've been really clingy to leah. whenever she came home i would stay with her. whenever she was gone, i'd find any reason to call her. i phoned her and she picked up after 3 rings.

"you okay lily" she sighed. i don't blame her. this is the 4th time i've called her just today.
"yeah i'm stuck on this biology question. can you help me?" i asked.
"yeah go on" she said.
i told her the question and tried to keep her on the phone for as long as i could.
"lily i have to go. i have a meeting" she said.
"oh okay. bye leah"
"bye lil. i love you"
"love you too" i said and put down the phone. i carried on trying to do my work but got frustrated and gave up.
"i'll do the rest tomorrow or something" i said, and started putting it away.

a while later me and maya were just laying on the bed cuddling together. she had her head on my shoulder and her hand stroking my stomach.
"these babies are gonna have the best mum ever" she said into my shoulder. that made me smile.
"i really hope so. i hope i don't mess em up."
"you won't" she whispered at me. i stroked my fingers through her hair and sighed.

"oh my god. one of them just kicked" i said. i moved mayas hand to where i felt the kick. it happened again. maya looked up at me with a smile.

"i've made dinner if you're hungry" mum said as she walked into the room.
"yeah we're coming" i said. we got up and went downstairs. we ate breakfast and went back to my room to watch a movie on my laptop.
"i wish you didn't have to go tomorrow"
"me too. but i've got to be back in school in 2 days"
i kissed the top of her head a few times and then we fell asleep.

timeskip: lily is now 8 month pregnant. (i cant be bothered writing through the pregnancy so i'm skipping it)

i sat in my room just on my phone. i checked instagram to see the arsenal lineup. it was pretty strong. the match is starting soon so i went downstairs to find the channel. i'm struggling quite a bit with walking. and anything really.

at half time i went to the kitchen to get a drink. i looked down and felt a puddle.
"shit. not now" i groaned. i'm still 2 weeks from my due date, so i didn't expect anything to happen yet.
"mum" i shouted through the house so she could hear.
"what. what's happened" she called as she rushed into the kitchen.
"i think my waters broke" i said looking at the puddle.
"oh gosh. let's get you some clean clothes and then to the hospital" she said. she went upstairs to get me some pants. i got dressed while she cleaned the floor. it was lucky this didn't happen on the sofa. or my bed. or the carpet.

she guided me into the car and i tried to control my breathing. when we got to the hospital, they got me a wheelchair and took me into a room.

they told me it would be less painful if i stood up and walked about as it would help me to dilate quicker.

the pain felt too much. i'd been standing up for about half an hour. i looked at the clock and saw that leah's match should be finished, or finishing by now.
"i want leah" i cried to mum.
"i know sweetie. but she's in liverpool."
"please mum. it hurts so much"
"i'll try ring her"

she rang her several times but she didn't pick up. then she rang beth. beth answered after calling 2 times.

"is everything okay amanda"
"yes darling. where is leah?"
"i'm here mum." she said.
"leah you need to come. lilys gone into labour. we're in the hospital. she wants you"
"i'll try get there quick as i can" she said.

after that she rang dad to meet us here. they came soon after. they weren't allowed in the room so they waited outside.
"can you tell maya?" i asked my mum. she messaged her instead of ringing her.

after another hour i was ready to start pushing.
"when is leah getting here" i cried. i really need her.
"baby, she's going to be another 2 hours maybe. i don't think she'll make it in time" mum said.

i held my mums hand while pushing. it hurt so bad. i was squeezing mums hand so hard i probably could have snapped it.
"i cant fucking do it" i sobbed out.
"you can baby. i know you can" mum said rubbing a thumb over my hand.

soon the door knocked. one of the midwives opened it slightly. i saw leah through the crack of the door.
"let her in" i said instantly. leah came in and sat beside me.

i immediately grabbed her hand and squeezed it. i pushed hard until i could hear crying. i lay, breathless and panting, as i saw my baby get taken to get cleaned.
"you're doing so well" leah said as she kissed my head.

i pushed again. this time the baby was out faster, within a few minutes.

i lay on the bed, completely exhausted. the midwives came back with my babies and gave them to me. they both lay on my chest while i kissed both their heads.

leah pulled her phone out to take a picture of me. i gave her the middle finger as i was not happy with her idea.
"that's rude" she laughed.
"don't take pictures of me when i look yucky then" i joked back.
"can dad and jacob come in now?" i asked. mum got up to go and get them.

"i'm so proud of you." leah said. i gave her a weak smile. after dad and jacob came in they congratulated me.
"i need a shower" i said.

"we're going to take the babies to get weighed and do some checks, is that okay?" one of the midwives said.
"yeah that's fine" i nodded.
they took the babies out of the room. mum helped me into the bathroom and helped me shower. i got changed into some clean clothes that dad brought from home. i went back to the room and sat on the bed.

soon the midwife brought back the babies.
"they are perfectly healthy. slightly smaller due to being a couple weeks early but that would be normal. no health issues that we are concerned about. you will have to stay overnight but you may leave tomorrow" she said and put the babies into their cribs.
"thank you" i said as she left.

jacob gave me a bag of the baby things and i got out their outfits. i got them dressed as they were only in nappies. surprisingly they didn't cry much, they just slept really. their first outfits were matching onesies that said 'baby gooner' with the arsenal logo on it. leah and mum we're happy about that. dad and jacob not so much.

i let everyone hold them. i took a picture of leah holding them both together. after a while she posted it on her instagram, making sure their faces were covered, she captioned it 'two new baby gooners'

leah held one baby while i fed the other.
"have you thought of names yet?" mum asked.
"yeah actually. i was thinking of lila and matthew. matt or matty for short."
"they're nice names" leah said.

soon later everyone else left. my mum said she will come in the morning to pick me up. leah stayed for a while longer.
"will you be alright on your own" she asked as she got up to leave. she put lila in the crib and picked up her stuff. i nodded.
"just ring if you need anything at all"
"thanks for getting here le. i love you so much"
"i love you too. and these two here" i smiled.
"i'll see you tomorrow"

i fell asleep. but soon i was woken to the sound of a baby crying. i got up and went to the crib. it was matty. i picked him up and started to rock him. i changed his nappy and fed him and then put him to sleep. i was quite tired and fell back to sleep again. i didn't get woken up again through the night.

A/N: wordcount for this chapter is 1532
i hope you liked it.
please leave any suggestions :)

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