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the lionesses won the euros this summer. i'm so proud of my big sister for bringing it home for the first time. the new season is starting in a few weeks. i've been to see jonas a few times, we've got a plan for me to start training but not with the rest of the team. it won't be regular as i still need to be with my children. they are now 4 months.

today is the day that i'm signing my official contract with arsenal. i cant wait. i've not told any of the arsenal girls yet, so it will be a surprise for them. leah said that i can stay with her in her house in london after i sign. it will be easier than driving from milton keynes every few days.

we arrive at the training centre and i'm in an arsenal training kit. i met jonas and he took me into the meeting room. there were a few cameras which made me slightly nervous.

"i'll be right here" leah said as she sat on a chair by the door.

i went and sat on the chair behind a table with my shirt on it. i got "lily.w" on the back as leah was 'williamson' so it would get confusing if we both had the same name at the back. i decided to be number 17, because it's the day lila and matty were born.

i sign the contract and hold up my shirt for some pictures. they get leah to sit beside me and took some more pictures. after that, the arsenal media team took me to do a video to announce me joining the club. it went by pretty quickly and then i went to see the girls who were training.

they were sat down as jonas was telling them that training went well. he announced my arrival and all the girls looked shocked. i smiled and waved and they started clapping.

"mini williamson. how are you" katie said as they came over to me, once jonas dismissed them from the pitch.
"i'm good. not happy about that nickname though" i laughed.

we all had lunch and then went home.
"all the girls are happy that you've joined" leah said as she started driving.
"i'm happy too. i cant wait to properly start" i answered.

i checked my phone on the drive back to mk. i saw that my phone had blown up. i've received a tonne of new followers, some messages and i've been tagged in some posts.

i add some of the posts to my story and then create my own post.

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@lilywilliamson i am beyond excited to be joining the arsenal this season. i cant wait to train with and play alongside some of the greatest players in the world. coyg ❤️

liked by @leahwilliamson and 37,829 others

@leahwilliamsonn so proud of my little sister 🩷

i went through the comments and saw some nice ones saying that they can't wait for me to play for the club but there were also some nasty ones. some people were saying that i only got in because of leah and i don't deserve to play here. some said that i shouldn't be allowed to play after having kids at 16.

i tried to shut out the hurtful comments but i couldn't. was this a mistake. joining arsenal increased my profile massively. maybe it was a bad idea. i've seen the extent people go through just to get pictures of leah. would i be putting myself and kids at risk. leah has an extremely high profile, so this isn't something that the media would turn a blind eye to.

i stopped these thought. it's too late to turn back now. it's out there now.

we arrive back home and i go inside. i see my babies on a playmat on the floor and rush over to them immediately.
"hello my babies" i say in a baby voice. i kiss both their heads and then pick up lila.
"mummy missed you both today" i say. i put lila down and then go over to the kitchen. i grab a banana and then sit on the sofa. i put on the tv and watch netflix.

after a while, leah comes over and sits next to me.
"so when are you going to start moving your things to mine?" leah asks.
"i dunno. soon as possible, really" i say. there is so much to take. i have to make sure i have everything for the kids and all my own things. it's a lot.
"we can start now" leah says, while getting up. i follow her upstairs, leaving the kids with my mum.

i sit on the bed while making a list in my phone lf what i need to bring.
i put some things in a bag and put them in my bed. leah started taking them to her car. then i put some of their toys in a bag and put it in her car. we will probably need 2 cars to fit everything.

leah gets the suitcases out from the attic and i put most of my clothes in. i leave some stuff for when i come back home to stay for some time. then i pack the baby clothes. they don't have that many outfits so it was easy enough to pack. i put the suitcases in mums car. she wants to come down to help me move in, so we can share the stuff over the 2 cars.

i packed up everything that i'll need, making sure that i haven't forgotten anything.
after a while mum came in the room with the kids and sat on the bed. my room now looks quite empty, apart from the walls which are still decorated with arsenal posters, shirts and scarves.

"we should go out to celebrate" mum suggested.
"that's a good idea" leah agreed. i nodded.
"where?" i asked.
"a nice restaurant. i know a place that's opened quite new. a few of my friends have been and said it's really good" mum said.

mum went and told dad and jacob the plan and we all got ready. i wore some beige pants and a white shirt. leah picked out the kid's outfits and then went to get herself ready.

i got the kids changed and ready and then took them both downstairs. i waited on the sofa until everyone was ready.

we took both mums and dads cars and parked up. i put the kids into the pram and we walked into the restaurant. it was very nice. the lighting is nice, there are some water features and the tables are quite private.
"this place looks lovely" i said to leah as we entered the door. she agreed.
"table for 5 and 2 babies" mum said to the waitress. she nodded and took us to a table. the waitress said that we can leave the pram at the front and take the kids out. they gave us 2 high chairs for the babies.

we sat around the table and looked at the menus.
i ordered a steak and chips. everyone went around and said their orders.
"it should be around 30-45 minutes" the waitress said. we nodded and then she walked away.

she soon came back with our food and we ate it. it tasted very nice. my dad paid and then we left.

when we came home i put the kids to bed and got ready for bed. i checked my phone and saw that maya had messaged me.

maya<3: hi my lil. i'm so proud of you for signing. i know it's been your dream for years and i can't wait to see you make your debut. i love you so much xx
me: hi maya. thank you for being so supportive. i'm so excited to play for arsenal. i cant wait until i can see you. i love you xx

after that i put my phone away and fell asleep.

A/N: wordcount for this chapter is 1341
i hope you guys are enjoying.
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thanks for reading :)

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