CHAPTER 1(unedited)

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Rishika strodes in the chaotic corridor of Boston University. Her shoulder length hairs flowed as She walked caring less about people who bumped into her, her brown skin glowed as natural light feel on her face through large cemantic windows. Today is her first day here in the university but surprisingly she is totally unbothered. No excitement or nervousness could be seen or even sensed, all she has is a small smile on her lips.

Dodging nth numbers of people, she enters inside the lecture hall. She walks upto the last seat in the hall. Putting her laptop bag down on the table, she sits on the bench and lay her head down.

Maximizing the volume of the random songs she has been listening, she closes her eyes. Her body feels too exhausted because of all this shifting thing.

Soon Professor James enters the classroom. He gazed around looking for the new admission about whom he had heard alot about. He too want to the prodigy child Dean was talking about.

His gaze feels on a small figure sitting at the far end of the hall with his/her head down.
"Ms Rajvansh" James said in his loud and crisp voice. The whole noisy hall quiets down as his voice once again boomed in the hall. Students in the class follows his gaze.

After getting no response from the person he starts taking calculative steps towards the seat. Some people took out their phones all anticipated about what is about to happen next.

Professor James has been infamous for his strict nature throughout the campus. They all just wishes to witness some drama that is about to unfold.

"Joe did you noticed someone entering the class?" Sam, beautiful brunette asked her boyfriend who is sitting beside her in the class, her gaze unwavering from James and the unknown Rajvansh.
"No babe, why would I notice someone why I have you" Joe, her boyfriend said, his gaze fixed on his girlfriend

"Shut it not the time for this chessy line of yours " Kris said folding his arms, his lips pulled up in a grin as he looked at the back
"Ms Rajvansh " James said again this time patting her arm lightly

Rishika stirred a bit sensing a pat. She lifts up her eyes a bit. As she looked up her eyes meet James eyes. She straightens up and remove her ear buds.

"Damn" Sam and Kris whispered together, being totally mesmerized by her looks
"Sorry sir" Rishika said
"It's okay child. From next time be a bit attentive in class" James said with a smile
The whole class gasped dramatically
"Biased asshole " Xander mumbled
"He never talked this nicely to anyone before" Joe said to the guy who sat beside him.
He just nods his head being least interested in the drama going on.

"Please introduce yourself" James said
"Hello this is Rishika Rajvansh, it's nice to meet you all" Rishika said nonchalantly as she tucked a loss strand of her hair behind ears.
"That's it?" James asked amusement visible on his face
Rishika nods her head positively.

"Alright students, let's get down to work" James said clapping his hands
"This is funny" Kris mumbled tearing his gaze away from the new student
"It's weird to see James act all nice, don't you think ash?" Joe asked the guy beside him

Ashton just nods his head focusing on the book in his hands.

The lecture finishes and everyone starts exiting the hall. During whole class many didn't focused much as they were taking glances of the new arrival still in daze . She was unfocused too, reason well she already knew whatever James was teaching. She stood up taking her bag and strode out towards exit. She passed by a group of 5 . Who where also amazed by her unbothered nature.

Samantha whisper yells as soon as Rishika passed by them"Joe how could she be this damn cool I mean just look at her even in simple tshirt and jeans, she is looking damn hot"

"Babe first of all please stop hitting my arm . You might fracture it" Joe said calming down his hyper active girl, he laughed at the way she is speaking.

Their friends chuckles at them . Even though their pda was too much too handle for them but they can never deny how much they adore the couple. They all walks out of the class .
"Shut up ".Samantha said again hitting him on the arm a little forceful this time.

"I don't know about other sam but I was busy staring at your face to notice her . Did I told you how beautiful you are looking ." Joe said, which made Samantha blush

She chuckled at her chessy boyfriend.
"I agree with Sam she looks so damn hot " spoke kris as he flirtous smile at a girl passing by them. He winks at another girl making her bump into wall because she ozing at him.
Xander, a tall black Nigerian, silently laughed at the girl.
"Whoa dude it must have hurt like bitch "
Xander said shaking his head

They all arrive at their usual spot at ground . A huge olk tree shadowing the area . They all sat under it making a semi circle . Joe and Samantha engrossed with each other . Kris winking and weaving at the girls openly gawking at him . Xander just casually laying down .

Ashton casually pulls out his book from his bag, with an unbothered look on his face. Since the moment Rishika had entered the class he has been hearing about her, which is irritating him but he is too good at hiding his expressions for anyone to notice.

"Hey guys is that the new girl standing near the pillar with some dude" Xander said pointing at the direction with his eyes .
"Where where where " Samantha yelled, looking around fractically
"Over the light pillar sam there's this black expensive looking car as well". Kris said looking at the same direction.
"Maybe her boyfriend " Joe said putting his arm around Samantha's shoulder pulling her to him .

A phone ring shifts attention to Ashton.
He picked up the call with a bored look and just like that he without speaking anything, hungs it up. Standing up, he pulls his bag on his shoulder. Others eyes followed his movement .
"Where are you going bro? " Joe asked his eyes now on the guy .
"Archer. he wants to meet he is standing near the pillar "the guy said with a straight face . His face stonic. Without explaining further he walks away.

His friends still staring at him .
"Fuck is he walking towards the same direction as I am thinking" Xander said now sitting straight .
"Are you all thinking the same as I am? " Samantha spoke staring at the guy's back.

"Hell yeah " they all shouted in unison.
As the guy stops behind Rishika and the guy standing beside her .

"What is Archer doing here that to with newbie " Joe spoke
All their eyes now totally focusing on the scene before their eyes.


"Archer you don't have to call anyone . Why are disturbing him " Says Rishika
"Look Rishi the think is you need atleast an acquintance here I have just called him to introduce you nothing else "
Archer said
"But you seriously don't have t-" she was intrupted in middle by a heavy husky voice behind her

"Oh Ash you are here . Quicker then I thought whatever . Good that you are here " Archer said taking out his hands from his tailored suit
Rishika turns around and sees a broad chest in front of her eyes . She lifts her eyes up to look at the very tall guy who is looking at Archer .
He is so tall that she has to crank her neck high to meet his eyes.

He hums in response of whatever Archer spoke .
"Okay so meet Rishika . My friend's little sister and your new batch mate as well obviously". Archer said chuckling in between as he notices the shock expression on Rishika's face.
Even though Archer is tall but his brother is taller, about 3 to 4 inches atleast .
"And Rishi meet Ashton knight my brother" Says Archer bringing Rishika out of trace

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