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I can hear giggling and clicking in my surroundings but I feel too cozy to open my eyes. Tightening my hold around the pillow I bury my face further in it today, my pillow feels more soft then ever and smells nice.

But I froze when I felt my pillow breath. As if something snapped I became too aware of my surroundings. Giggling that I heard before belongs to my friends who are looking at me, the pillow I am hugging is a human and for a fact I know it can't be any of my friends as Joe,Xander and Kris wouldn't be this soft and as for sam well instead of giggles hell would have welcomed me..

So I reached the conclusion that the person I assumed to be my pillow is none other than Ms Rajvanshi.

Even though my mind is frozen I am still aware of the way she smells. Cigarettes and strawberry.  Even though I didn't saw her smoking yesterday I feel like this have now became her sme-

Shit instead of focusing on the way she smells or how soft her skin is or how nice she feels in my arms like she is meant to be here only or how I don't feel like moving fr- ugh I will go crazy.

What should I do? Fuck fuck. They are going to eat my head for this and Rishika seem like she is still asleep but if by any chance she woke up I am so dead she is going to kick my ass for this.

I felt her stir in sleep. Oh God
She is going to be awake, awake any time soon. My heart is beating so fractically I doubt maybe it's is the reason that's disturbing her sleep.

"What's going on?" I heard a sleepy voice and shit she is wake now. She pushes my hands away from her waist.

"You tell what's going on?" Sam asked I can practically visualize the smirk on her face.
"You people are the one talking in hush voices" I heard Rishika ask. I felt something covering my body. A blanket.
She covered me with a blanket. How nice of h-

"Aww how cute R. You two were looking so cute cuddling". I heard Kris said
"First he was the one cuddling me so save this teasing for him and second move out of way I have to use washroom" I heard Rishika 

"Yeah yeah but you tell . Did you lik-" I hear distant voices but I wasn't able to make up what they are talking about but I am relieved that I am saved as for now.
I heard some rustling in the background, looks like I fall asleep once again. This blanket surely is the best.
I snapped my eyes opened taking the blanket in my hand.
Puff I thought it was her again.

"Aye look who is up from pretending to be asleep" I got startled by a voice. I keep my hand on my heart as it's beating fractically. I turned my head a little to see Rishika sitting on the couch beside me looking at her laptop with a smug look on her face.

She is wearing a white shirt which is rolled up a little with grey pants. Her hair which I always saw opened were tied in small pony tail. In total she once again looks as magnificent as ever.

She looks up from screen to me. And now only I remember what she said before 'pretend' she knew I was pretending to be asleep.
I can feel heat raising in my cheeks and neck.
"I-i" I tried saying something but words were caught in my throat making her smirk widen

"Yes you next" she asked putting her elbow under chin
I didn't knew what to say I didn't had any explanation for my act I have always been habitual of cuddling pillow but I never cuddled a human before but because of the proximity we were sitting at last night I took her as pillow.

"Look it's not what it might have looked like" I said and officially I disown my own self.

She chuckles shaking her head.
"Save it you will be needing this when you meet your friends.  And a disclaimer I won't help you" she said turning her attention back to laptop.
"Our" I corrected her. She looks at me confusingly for a moment before noding her head. I didn't felt it right for her to say our friends just mine they are our friends .

But coming back to the real problem I know one thing for sure. I am fucked. I just know it . They are gonna tease me to death. And from the clicking I heard they must have taken a photo of us. Suddenly I realized why only me and her are here where are our friends.

I look around to see any sign of them they might be upstairs.
"They aren't upstairs they have all went to their places. And before you say why they didn't tried to wake you up I didn't let them" she said typing continously. I watch as she cranks her fingers and twist her wrist. She over work herself alot.

"Why you didn't?" I askd curiously
"I thought you might be tired of all the acting you did" she answered.
I stood up from the couch looking for my phone and keys. I pick up the keys from table but my phone is nowhere.

"My phone?" I asked looking at her
"Oh its on charger" she said pointing towards my phone.

"Why don't you freshen up and have breakfast" she said looking at me
I looked at her .
"You have somewhere to be?" I questioned.
"Yeah I have a meeting in an hour" she answered looking at her wrist watch.
"But don't worry. I also haven't ate anything yet I was waiting for you so be quick will you" she added
I freshened up and walk back to the living area to see her sitting at her previous spot. Her back is facing me. As I walked where she is I see something on the back of her neck. Walking closer I recognized it be a tattoo.
It's a butterfly tattoo .

How I never noticed this before. My hands itched to touch it but I controlled myself. I see codes running on her laptop screen.  Just how much does this girl codes. I am totally amazed by her skills. In future she is for sure going to be a big name in industry. And the security system she has built for her house my mind was blown when she told us about it.

Sensing my presence she turns her head and looks up at me.
She stood up from the couch keeping her laptop aside.
"Lets go and eat something" she said moving to kitchen
I followed her behind.

She takes out some packed sandwiches and milk bottles from the fridge. 
"I don't know how to cook so let's settle with this" she said . She was about to put the sandwiches in microwave when I stopped her
"Stop.Is this the breakfast you eat daily?" I asked her
She nods her looking confused.

I move to the fridge. It's full of packet food.  I look at her annoyed by the fact how she can ate all this. She shrugged her shoulder.
I sighed
"Is there even a single food that can be cooked?" I asked trying to find some raw original food.
"No" she answered
I glare at her. She turns back and put the sandwiches in microwave.

"As I said I can't cook. So why would I keep something that's of no use" she said .
After 2 minutes she takes out sandwiches.  She kept them on plate passing one the me and one to herself and pours milk in two glasses one for each.
We ate in silence.
Rishika locked the front door and did something in the qpanel outside I assume it to security panel. I just stood near my car awkwardly.

After doing whatever she was doing she walks towards me.
"Okay bye then I will meet you people in college after my work is done" she said
I nod my head not knowing what to say.

She moves to her car which was just beside mine. She sat in her car and reverse it in swift motion and I must admit she is good with cars as well. Before driving away she waves at me and I being a fool absentmindly wave back at her. She chuckles and drive away.

Someday this girl is going to make me go crazy but the idea of her being in my life doesn't sound that bad though.
I shook my head to get rid these type of thoughts.

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