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Ashton looks at himself in the mirror which is adjacent to his bed. He has been a ball of nerve from last night. He has so many thoughts going on in his head all because of what Joe said to him. From the moment he had talked to Joe the turmoil inside him hasn't stopped.

She might be your future girlfriend or better wife.

He has always been a person who had took all this dating and hooking up as a waste of time. Sam and Joe being the only exception. According to him these relationships are nothing just a burden. A burden that a person take in the heat of moment and after sometimes regrets it.

Burden. His shoulders already have that. Those high expectations his father and team have from him for hockey suffocate him.
Regret. Regret is one of those feeling Ashton has always ran away from. Feeling of regret is equivalent to guilt for him.

But the idea of his future with Rishika doesn't sound bad to him. He knows he is overreacting its just an unofficial date but these small things matters for him.

He has never imagined himself with any girl before. Idea is far he has never even been to a place with a girl alone except for sam.

He's phone trings with a notification he leans forward to see.

Hope you haven't forgotten about today.
The message from Rishika said.

He sighed and stood up straightening his shirt. After racking his whole closet he has decided to wear a cream color shirt paired with brown pants. He run his hand through his hair giving them a messy look as Kris has said this many times that his hairs looks better that way. He doesn't wants to look bad standing beside her. After spraying some cologne he wears black shoes. Looking at himself once more he nods at himself in satisfaction and collects his wallet and keys from nightstand ready to go.

Ashton reaches outside the prestigious art measum building after parking his car. He roams his eyes around searching for a short brunette. His eyes lands on a  girl whose back is facing him but the butterfly tattoo on the back of her neck makes her look familiar to him. As she turns around Ashton felt his breath knocked out of his chest.

She is wearing a white square neck balloon sleeved dress which reaches below her knees with a long slit till her mid thigh on left side. Her black heels making the dress look classy.
Her hairs are pulled into a small messy bun. Some strands of hairs falling on her face making her already looking serenic face more beautiful.

Ashton stood rooted on the spot. He has always seen her wearing either baggy clothes or formal even though she looks ravishing in them as well but this new attire is..... somewhat different.

He can't help but be mesmerized by every sight of her, at that moment he realized its not about the way she dresses it all about the confidence she radiates and the way she carries herself. Her aura speaks power that makes Rishika 'Rishika' .

He felt his phone ring which snaps him out if daze. He takes out his phone from pocket looking down on phone he sees her name flashed on screen.

He picks the call up and say" I am here look at your right" and starts walking towards her.
She turns towards right as he said and watch him walking towards her.
She has to admit it this man knows how to make himself look effortless handsome.

She walks few step towards him making him jog towards her to reach quicker.
Her lips twitched in annoyance.
"Ashton knights weren't you supposed to reach here at 10. Look at that useless watch you are wearing its 10:45 now" she said looking at him with pure annoyance.

"Lets go" he said and starts walking. When he notices that she still at her place and moves back.
"What?" He asked
"You are late and are showing attitude instead of apologizing wah" she said glaring at him.
Even after wearing 3 inchs heel she reaches till his shoulder which annoys her even more.

Ashton looks at her with bored expression.
"Are you done?" He asked
"Not yet. Go and bring my laptop bag from my car and also you are going to carry it throughout. This is your punishment " she said nodding at herself
"Why do you need laptop now?" He asked
"If you have forgotten I am here for work Mr" she said patting his arm.
"Go now. And be quick" she said motioning him to move.

He glares at her but nevertheless moves to bring the bag.


As we entered we met Mrs Emerson, who stood near the entrance. 
Mrs Emerson is 33 year old young lady . I will not lie she is pretty but her beauty doesn't looks real. She is quiet tall as well not as much as Sam but still taller then me. Her high pitched voice sometimes irritates the hell out of me just.

She is one of those clients who I call a headache. You can do as many changes as she says but she won't be satisfied and at the end she will finalize the first sample.
For her project I have been working for a week now but she wasn't satisfied so she forced me to attend her exhibition.

"Oh Ash boy it's been a while " she said hugging Ashton ignoring my presence completely.
Ashton didn't hugged her back . How rude.
"I thought you won't attend again" she said pulling back with a smile on her face.
Ashton in reply just gave her a curt nod and stepped behind and stood closer to me.

I looked at Ashtons face then at mr Emerson. What was that I thought to myself.
"Mrs Emerson " I said trying to pull her attention for him to me.
Finally pulling her attention from Ashton she looks at me. She looked a little surprised I wonder why.

"Ms Rajvansh for a moment I didn't recognized you" she said looking at me
"May I ask why is that?" I asked passing her a small smile
"You are really looking very pretty today" she said with a genuine smile

Aww her voice might be irritating and I may don't really like her for her picky personality but she is nice though.
"You should dress up more. A woman is meant to be an eyes candy isn't she" she said and starts laughing
Argh this woman
I just flashed the fakest smile . Calm down Rishi you need her money I repeated in my head.

She smiled back
"Please enjoy the exhibition and remember to let me know if you need something " she said motioning her hand for me to move.
I had just taken a step when I realized Ashton is still there. I look at him to find him already looking at me. He turns towards Mrs Emerson.

"Not every woman wants to be an eye candy so keep your advice to yourself " he said glaring at her.
I am shocked will be an understatement.  Ashton taking stand for me gave me butterflies.
I watch as Mrs Emerson face fell.
Oh shit that's bad.
I internally groaned and walked towards him.

"Are you two together?" Mrs Emerson asked looking between me and Ashton.
I was about to answer when Ashton said" yes" looking towards me.
I look at him dumbfound.
"Ha ha finally. I thought with personality like yours " she said narrowing her eyes at him.
I watched Ashton fisting his hand and clenching his jaw. His glare intensify.

He steps closer to ready to say something when I step between them facing Ashton. I shake my head at him telling him to stop.

I turn around and faced Mrs Emerson who was glaring at Ashton
"Mrs Emerson we shall enjoy your art exhibition talks can be done sometimes eles" I said passing her a fake smile.
Without waiting for her reply I take Ashton's hand in mine and walk away.

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