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I have never been a party person. I am more than happy being in my room reading book or cooking something. I suggested guys that instead of having a party as this win was not that much big of a deal we should just cook good food and sleep as everyone must be tired but as always they didn't agreed.

Frat parties has always been a bane to my life. Humans are shit but drunk human are shitter. Even though I have attended many parties like these from high school but I am still not used to these.

These parties are all about lots of cheap alcohol that might cause alcohol poisoning, drunkard people who no control over their actions, drunk games, horny assholes who can't keep their harmons in check making mistakes using each other then regretting it next day, making out grinding with each other any place they get like animals and ultra loud music overly everything I hate.

Today's party is no different I want to run my way home but still there is something or more specifically someone because of whom I am here drinking my 8th glass of cheap beer. From the moment she has stepped out of her room all dressed up just in 10 min I am not able to keep my eyes of her.

Her deep green color dress which compliments her skin tone, makes her a sight for sore eyes. It fascinates me how she looks different yet beautiful in every type of cloths she wears. And for the first time I felt like agreeing to Joe's worst complimentary line he used for sam today
its not the dress that's beautiful it's the person wearing it.

Her shoulder length hair are softly curled making them look stunning. Her big doe eyes are adnored by beautiful eyeliner and silver gliter that one of Sam's cheer teammate applied and I silently thanked that girl for making her already beautiful eyes look more ravishing.

She has been playing pool with Kris for quite a while at first she was losing miserably but after few rounds she is playing like a pro. A whole lot of people are surrounding them cheering. I am also standing there with Xander by my side.

I took a sip from my beer feeling my throat dry as my eyes went to the lotus tattoo to her collar bone. She looks up as if she felt I was looking at her, our eyes met she leans down aiming looking in my eyes and hits the target. People hooted for her as she won yet another match . She straightened up smirking at Kris who sulked like a kid.

Jai pops out of nowhere and stands beside me leaning his arm on my shoulder I glared at him jerking his arm. But his eyes are fixed on her only.
"Dude why I didn't met her before? " he said checking her out
"Creep" I said
"Says the one who himself has been gwanking at her" he said smirking at me.

Xander coughed beside me but I am pretty sure he is stiffing his laugh.
Ignoring jai's statement I gulped down yet another beer. Unknowingly my eyes went back to where she was before but she wasn't there anymore.

Someone tapped at my shoulder making me turn. That's when I saw yet another mesmerizing sight of the night. Rishika between the crowd with Sam, Joe and Kris moving her body in attempt to dance. I myself isn't a pro dancer hell I never have even danced to say this. Her dancing or trying to dance in middle of crowd grinning widely her face shinning making those funny moves that I am sure Joe have taught her makes her look beautiful to me.

I felt someone drag me towards them but I am too mesmerized to realise. I am standing right in front of her looking at her like only she is the one in the whole room full of people

Her back hits my chest making me snap out of trace and her aware of my presence. She looks back at me with the same smile. Her face radiating happiness. I felt relieved for bringing her here. She motions me to bend down. But I didn't bend wanting to tease her.

Even with heels she had to stood up on her toes to reach till my ears with difficulty. She puts her hand on my shoulder her lips touching my ear making my heart beat raise and stomach full of annoying creatures.

"Thanks for bringing me here I haven't felt so good in a while" she said
I just kept looking at her not knowing what to say. Someone pushed her from behind making her crash on me in reflex my hands want to her waist stabling her. I looked behind her glaring at Sam and Joe who smirk mischievously

When I looked back at her I saw her already looking at me with smile that hasn't left her face from the moment we have came here.
"Are you drunk?" I asked her
"No remember, I have high tolerance " she said
I nodded my head remembering the times we have all drinked together.

"Now that we are already in this postion let's dance together" she said
"But you don't know how to dance" I said
"For enjoying you don't have to know how to dance your partner matters mr and you are speaking as if you are jackson" she said
"Jackson?" I asked
"The dancer" she answered

I narrowed my eyes at her.
"What? I should be the one offended here you insulted my dancing skill" she said trying to sound intimidating
I chuckled at her
"What's with this chuckling laugh fully na" she said
As if that was all it needed I started laughing, blame it on the number of beer I drank or the way she has to speak all these while struggling to stand on her tip toe which I am somehow finding funny.
I laughed until I had tears in my eyes.
I don't remember myself laughing this much because of someone but looks like she does have that power on me to make me feel different emotions.

Maybe now I am understanding a bit why people loves to come to parties maybe it's all about the company you are with. I am not saying my friends are bad company but they also have life they can't just sit near me who glares at anyone who comes my way.

The parties I have been dreading has turned to the one I am enjoying whole heartedly. We both stood there in the middle of crowd. Moving feet to feet trying to dance with my hands on her waist and her arms around my neck standing on tip toe to reach my height our bodies pressed, looking at each other while smiling like idiots.  I laughed madly at her lame internet jokes that she admitted to Google when she was bored.

But eventually we had to move to kitchen bar because she got tried standing for too long.
I took two bottles of water out of fridge opening one for her I passed it to her. I opened one for myself and I took few sips of it.
"Ashton come here" she said motioning her hand
I moved towards her.
She put the water bottle on slab and balanced her phone against it.

"We don't have a picture together and what's more good can be then today when you have this beautiful smile on face instead of your permanent scowl " she said adjecting the phones selfy camera.

I stood beside her looking at the camera.
"Ya it's not for school losen up will you" she said
I looked at her with done expression
"There it is the scowl" she muttered lowly but I heard it.
I turned threatening to walk away.
She mumbled a sorry and took a hold of my hand.

"Okay so let's put you arm on my shoulder" she said doing the same
"Scrotch down a bit" she said motioning me to
I shook my head
She tugged my hand making me scrotch and pressed the camera button instantly.
Like that she clicked few photos and called our friends to make them join us. I scoffed at that idea I mean weren't we good alone without chaos. Yes chaotic they are.

They all came running here with jai and whole hockey team behind.
She made one of the guy click our group photo first and then made us all move out as the number of people who wanted to be the part of photo increased.

One of the guy had borrowed a camera from a fresherman and made the same guy click our all group with whole hockey team click pictures. Many times I was about to slip away quietly but she held my hand not letting me out.

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