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It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I have last seen her. I tried everything in my limit to look for her but it was of no use. We have all been visiting her house taking turns sometimes together but got nothing not even a single glimpse of her. Her car is never in driveway and lights are always off inside the house.

I call that Kevin guy who opened the door for us dozen of times a day. His only reply is he doesn't know. Even that day when he came there we tried interrogating him but it was of no use. I thought about the words he said that day again before dropping us at our house.

"Don't go crazy looking for her. If she wants you to find her you will. Trying to track her is next to impossible. I don't know what happened but all I can say is trust me she has seen it worst. And an advice if you try to pry answer out of her, she will run away just like today. So don't worry just wait for her"

I don't have any idea how he knew I was trying to trace her and most importantly how he knew her. But one thing is clear that guy is very tight lipped he didn't answered anything getting his number it self was task.

I just want to know whether she is alright or not. My heart aches everytime I think about that day. The way she was clenching her chest as if she was in immense pain, her voice and trembling body were proof of it what made my heart feel heavier was that she didn't even looked in my eyes as if she knew if she did she wouldn't be able to hold herself. For the first time her voice held vulnerability.

After she left that day I checked that cabinet she took out the medicine from. But I didn't expected to see what made my heart stop beating for a moment and my body still.
That drawer had dozen of cigarette packets and not just that it had antidepressants, anti-anxiety pills and sleeping pills.

I knew something was up with her but what I didn't knew was the intensity of it. The dark circles and exhaustion were the signals that I did noticed but never questioned. It also explained the reason why she is always working. I wonder is it reason behind her addiction for smoking.
She told us once that her whole family is in india. Are they the reason behind her condition?
Just how much has she been enduring alone?

My thoughts went to the conversation that I had with Joe the other day. When we both were outside her house waiting for her to show up.

"Ashton" he called
I hummed at response leaning my head against the car window.
"Answer something honestly" he said the seriousness in his tone made me look at him
"What?" I asked
"You like her." he asked but by the the tone of it anyone one could tell it's a statement.
What got me nervous was the knowing look in his eyes. As if he is seeing right through my eyes. Not able to handle the eye contact I looked away.
"I don't know" I said

"You didn't deny " he said more to himself
"You know Ash we are now both of your friends. From the first day itself I felt this strong connection with her" he said in low voice
I looked at him knowing what he means
"A connection I felt with my sister years ago" his voice breaking his eyes glossy.
There was a long silence in the car not the awkward one but one where people tries to recollect their old bittersweet memories. Memories that can be full of all the sweetness but it comes along with a long string of unfortunate events.

"I knew" I said breaking the long silence.
Joe looks at me confusingly.
"The moment you looked at her with pride in your eyes that day in cafe few months back. I knew " I said
He chuckled wiping the corner of his eyes
"It's scary sometimes to see how well you know us" he said hitting my shoulder
I nodded. A smile forming on my lips thinking about the times we have all spent together.

"Ash that day after seeing her like that I feel this urge to protect her just the way I should have protected my sister. I know you feel it too but because of a different feeling. And I know you do like her, you just haven't realized it yet. But my friend do not take too long to realize" he said
I looked at him questioningly
"There's already lots of things going on her life. Her family is not with her. And you giving her mixed signals at first then confusing her at last will be adding more problems to her list" he explained

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