31 18 13

Rishika pov

Its been 2 hours since Ashton came here.
I didn't expect him to follow me but this guy surely knows how to surprise me.
Just like now ,I didn't expected him to be such a heavy sleeper leave that I didn't even expected him to sleep. His mouth is in form of pout making him look contradictory to his personality.

He surely is and now I have no doubt about it. When he said sam asked him to talk to me I knew he was lieing as just before coming here I met her only. But I decided to play along. It was fun though.

He had been staring at my face about today. I even stuttered for the first time when I asked him to stay. God that was embarrassing. I don't know why I even asked him to stay. He was right though I did found this place while looking for a place where I can smoke at first but after few days I decided to use it as a place where I spend lots of time whenever I am in college.

It has become like a workplace for me. This place is in an isolated part of college so it well hidden and for safety I have even installed a lock on door.

My chain of thoughts broke when I heard his phone ring again. It's been 10 minutes since it have been ringing. Joe is calling him and Kris is messaging him asking him to come back coach is waiting. I know peaking in someone's phone is rude but can't help.

I look at his phone then at him. He looks to peaceful to disturb but maybe it's an important one. I stood up picking up my phone from table.

I walk near him and poke his arm with phone.
"Hey wake up" I called him
No response. 
"Oye wake up" I said poking him again
He stir in his sleep

I stood up keeping my hands on hip and look at him. He is sleeping in sitting position. His neck is gonna hurt like bitch I can bet on it. This makes me guilty as I didn't bother to wake him up earlier I even attacked at the poor guy when he entered. Even though it was out of reflex I still do feel sorry.

"Ashton wake the fuck up will you" I said this in his ears.
He slowly opens his eyes very slowly. He brings his hand up and crease my cheek. My face was hovering over his.
"Why do you look so tired?" He said in a low voice

My eyes widen in surprise.
"I am not. You were. But you have to wake up now your phone has been ringing for quite a while" I said putting my hand over his hand which was on my cheek
"I am already up ika" he said his eyes half open. Yeah he isn't sleeping I am note the sarcasm

"Ashton this is not a dream" I said removing his hand from my cheek.
"Dream?" He asked
"Hmm which this is not" I said putting his hand on his lap. I move my head up and stand straight still looking at him. He looks confusingly at me and then it hits him.

His eyes widen mouth hung open and neck and face starts turning pink. He sits up straight and looks on down.

I look at him amusingly and chuckle.
He looks up at me glaring. He runs his hand through his hair which looks a little disheaved.
"You have drool on left side" I said pointing at his left.
He wipes his back of hand over his mouth.

I burst into laugh. He stares at me with a small smile and embarrassed face. I stopped laughing when we heard his phone ring again.
He looks at it and picks up the call.

During whole call he kept on nodding his head ad if the person other side can see it and at he just said okay and hung up the call.

He stood up stretching his arm and I like a pervert was oozing at him. Even though he is lean he definitely does have broad shoulders.

"I will take my leave" I heard him.
I look up at him and blinked my eyes telling him okay.
He started walking towards the staircase.
"Wait" I called him from behind
He turns around and looks at me
"It would be good if you don't tell anyone about the place " I said
He nods his head and left.

I sighed and turn back to my work.
Everything that happened in the time he was her comes running in my head.
Out of all the only thing that hit my head was the name he called me.
No one ever called me that. Maybe he was in sleep thats why he said. He might not even remember.
But nevertheless a smile makes it way to my face by just thinking about it.

R, I have to go for a team lunch with cheer squad .
Don't forget to eat.
Bye 👋

I stared at the message sent by sam with a frown. I don't really like eating alone. After Jessa, Sam is the one bring tasty food for me.
Jessa and the band has gone to Coachella. They are going to perform as background music artist this year for some famous singer.
Things are getting better for them. Few agencies have contact them.

Getting back to point now it looks like I have to again eat alone. Sam is busy as well as the boys are also busy and I am not that socialibe to have any other friend.

When I was in india I used to eat every meal with my parents and bhai. After coming to USA me and bhai use to eat together. Even after shifting to dorm during college we use to video call during lunch and dinner because we both didn't really liked eating alone.
I closed my eyes thinking about the old good days.

"This is useless" I said whining
"Oye what useless. We are still eating together this is the best solution "  he said sliding his food containers near him
" whatever. Dekha what are you eating" I said squinting my eyes.
He tilts the container to show me but the food spills out.
"Shit shit ye tere karn hua hai. I have a meeting in an hour" he said vigorously pulling out tissues.

I scoffed
"Who was the genius who instead of using phones camera to show, tilted the whole container "  I said stuffing chips in my mouth
"Oh shut up. Instead of helping you are enjoying. Kaisi behen hai" he said
"Kya you want me to come through screen huh" I said sarcastically
"Do one thing put as many tissues as you can on the table and as for your shirt well it looks shitty we can't help it so just ask your PA to bring you a new shirt" I added sipping juice
"No shit Sherlocks. I am already doing that and as for shirt I have to wait till lunch gets over" he said sitting on his chair
"That's why I was suggesting get yourself a girlfriend " I said putting my elbow on table
"Wah from when did we started talking about stuff like this" he asked

"From the moment I realized only a girlfriend can keep up with this clusmy nature if yours. I am done" I said
"Oh fu- "I cut him off
"You shouldn't abuse your sister,you mister" I said in a singing tone.

After that night I was left with nothing. Eating food had became one of the most hated thing for me. But I had to so that I could get better soon. But since I shifted to Boston first Jessa then with the gang I have became used to eating atleast one meal with them. Today when no one is free I don't really feel like eating.

I opened my eyes and sit up with a jolt an idea pops in my head. I took out my phone with a smile on my face.

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