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I reached near the table they are sitting at and slide in the chair near Ashton . Sometimes it feels deliberate . That out of all the seats on table wherever we sit the space beside him is always reserved for me . And that big smiles on their faces except for Ashton tells me that I am right . Ashton well he could care less who sits next to him though .

Once I caught Samantha and Kris arguing about our ship name . Not that I care but the look when I caught them the looks they are passing each other including Joe and Xander is the same as it was then.

I raise my eyebrow on them asking them what . They all just pass a cheeky smile.
Shouldn't Ashton be the one facing teased by them after today morning why me then.
"Shortie how was you meeting?" Kris asked
I glare at him. I hate this nickname.
"It went better then expected " I nevertheless answered
"That's good" Sam said clapping her hands together.

"R remember you told me in the morning that you have to go to this art exhibition " Sam added in a high voice . And for a fact that I know she wants Ashton to listen whatever she is saying as his attention is pre occupied in the book he is reading. 

This man I am telling you he reads alot this is third book in his hand that I seeing in this week . And I am damn curious about what he reads I once even tried asking him what he is reading he just gave me a annoying look and got back to reading I was so embarrassed ugh .

"Yes there's this exhibition that my client has forced me to attend so that I could understand her work more and make the website accordingly" I answered her

" Yeah that one so R who is the main exhibitor " she asked and from her tone only I can understand something is going on inside that head of hers
"Mrs Rose Emerson " I answered her
" Sam isn't this the same Mrs Emerson I am thinking about " Kris questioned putting his elbow on table
"Mrs Emerson isn't she ashtons cousin? " Xander questioned sipping his coffee from the cup

Is Emerson Ashtons cousin? I didn't knew I thought in my mind.
" Yes yes. Newbie show us her picture " Joe said his one arm around Sam.  They both looks so cute but I am not gonna tell them because that might infiltrate their pda even more .

I googled her picture and forward my phone to them .
" holy mother of Jesus she is the same... how did you got a project from her I mean no offense but from what I know is her husband himself owns an IT company " Kris asked genuinely curious but let me tell you his acting sucks . From their faces I can easily tell they already knew and are just acting to be surprised there's something cooking in there head for sure . But I decided to play along .

"her assistant called me 2 weeks ago saying she wants a freelancer to develop her website ... and for your information I am quite well know in the industry " I replied getting up from my chair .

"That's cool aww I am proud of you " Joe said.  His expressions truely shows that he is genuine . Sometimes I get elder brother vibes from him .
"Thanks Joe I am also proud of myself " I said flipping my hairs mockingly and stood up
"Where?"  Xander asked looking up from his phone
" To get myself a coffee" I answered pointing towards the counter .

"That Ashton already brought for you along with us " Xander replied nodding his head towards Ashton meanwhile Ashton lifts the cup towards me a little. 
I take the cup from his hand muttering a small thanks .
I take a sip expecting it to be a super sugary drink same as Sam but what surprised me that it was what I usually drink cold coffee with no sugar. 

Smiling a little I put the cup down .
" R you know Ash is also invited there and he is also going " Sam said taping the table with her hand. Oh so this was their plan they all seriously needs some acting classes I am not even surprised they are all so oblivious.  Not that I would have complaint going with him though .

Turning my head a little towards Ashton and again his nose is under the book which looks almost completed . He must be at the climax scene. 
" is he.... that's good " I replied my focus on reading the book's name.
" hmm that is good you two can go there together it will save money and resources" Sam said excitedly

" Yeah you two have to go to the same place as well and also Ashton might be of some help to you he is good at art description " Joe said taking a bite from cheese cake infront of Sam . She slaps his hand away and drags the plate a little away from his reach.  This girl is a true foodie sharing is not caring for her .

" I don't mind ask him because he might mind " I said noding my head towards Ashton. 
"Why will he .....he is your friend as well he will not don't worry" Xander said.

Why will he not that scoff on this his face is enough to tell the answer or may be it might be because of what he read in the book but who know . This mister seriously needs to work on his speaking skills . He haven't said a single word from the moment I have came .

"What say Ash you don't mind right?" Xander asked Ashton
And finally this mister have lifted his head from the book. He puts the book mark carefully on the page he is currently reading and closes the book . He kept his book in his bag and turns his face towards me for a second and shakes his head .

Okay so is that a yes or no I don't have a clue . I was about to ask but I was cut off by a low squeal beside me by sam obviously. 

"Great that's done then you two tomorrow are going together on a date " Sam said her voice filled with excitement.
"Date?" Ugh finally mr grumpy pants have spoken his first word of the day . Priorities ha I must say .

" Yes when two people specifically a girl and a boy goes somewhere nice together it is called date " Sam explained .
Kris , Joe and Xander nodding at her statement supporting her.  I on other hand have no clue whether I should be happy or not as this guy barely speaks how will I handle .

"We never agreed to it " Mr grumpy pants says gulping the whole coffee down in one go .
"What's there to agree guess whether you agree or not it still is " Xander said wiggling his eyebrows on me .
I just kick his leg under the table a little and slip my coffee quietly.  Enjoying their conversation.
" we are not going on a date " Ashton stated standing up from his seat looking towards me glaring now what did I do God this guy . I stare back at him with same intensity.

How tempted I am to say that the person he is glaring at now is the same he was hugging like a baby just in the morning. Talking about the morning I was a little surprised this morning. After so long I didn't got any nightmare and I was thankful to God for that as if by any chance I said or did something that blew past infront of them I would be done for real.

About Ashton how cute he looked while he was pretending to be asleep. The gang tried teasing me even kept on showing me our pictures while cuddling. But with the help of my acting nonchalanting skills I shifted it all at Ashton.
Even made Sam sent me the same pictures saying that I will tease him as well but the real reason was the picture looked really good and I wanted it anyhow.

"Okay okay lets put it this way you two are just going out together what say ?" Sam said twisting her words .

"Yes let's name it unofficial date " Kris stated leaning back on his chair .

"Yeah that's great" Sam said
"Yeah I agree" , "me too"
Xander and Joe says simultaneously agreeing with him.

Mr grumpy pants just keeps staring at me challenging me to look away and I being a stubborn human challenge him back to do the same .
As I was just about to tease him for the morning my phone rang. I took out my phone still not looking away.
I picked up the call without breaking the staring contest .

"Am I talking to Ms Rajvansh?" the person on line said.
"Yes you are " I replied still looking at Ashton
" Ms Rajvansh, this is Sanket Sharma speaking from the Indian embassy replying to the mail you sent to our ambassador". He said pulling my attention from Ashton. I stood up from the chair immediately. Waving my hand at the gang and signaling Ashton that I will call him with my hand I exited the cafe answering the call .

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