30 17 44


15 multinational companies CEOs summoned by BOSTON POLICE this morning the reason still unknown .
List of the companies:

Rishika switched off the TV when she heard the doorbell. She stood up collecting her car keys and phone.
Picking up her bag from the couch she walks up to the door and opens the gate.

There stood a well built man in his early 30s in rigid posture. He is wearing all black cloths with a cap over his head. As he saw the gate opened and his boss coming out, he bows to her in respect. Though his boss is much younger then him but the respect he holds for her has no limit, which can be volid shown in his eyes. She bows back and closes the door behind and sets the security panel.

"Kevin did you found something new?" She asked walking towards her car.
Kevin follows behind
"No boss" Kevin answered, opening  the passenger seat door for her. She passes him the car keys sliding inside the black Mercedes Benz.
He gets in behind the wheel and starts the engine.

"I asked his neighbors they said they haven't seen him in like a month. He is not even spotted in any camera. I have even checked his whole house for something, any clue that might of useful. But there was nothing" he told
"Did you checked dustbin?" She asked
"Dus-" he was intrupted
"You didn't. It's okay go through it and also take a forensic kit with you as well" she said
"Okay. But why forensic?" He asked

"I believe he is dead " she said looking outside the window.
She cursed herself in mind for wearing half sleeved t-shirt and forgetting jacket at home.

The car stops infront of an small apartment building. This building is located in an isolated area of Boston.
Rishika and Kevin nods at each other before stepping out of the car.
Rishika puts over a black cap and a mask .
"Lets go" she commands tucking a gun in her waistband.
They both walks upto 5 floor .

Kevin glances a looks at Rishika at which she slightly nodded. Getting the signal he rings the bell.


As I strode at the last aisle in library I looked down the window. Students are chattering around ,birds are chirping irritating the hell out of me, cold breeze making tree leaves flows. The chaos is contradictory to the peace inside the library. I have always never been a fan of books.

The peace in library and books is a perfect combination to ever spend your monday for people like Ashton but not for me. The mere thought about him brought an unknown smile at me lips. I turn around and leaned against the window.

It's still around afternoon time, I received message from Sam and Joe that they are leaving early, as for Xander and Kris they are also busy with something of their own. Ashton well I don't know where he is. If only I knew they were all not coming today I wouldn't have bother to come too.

I look around the library that's when my eyes lands on a swoon worthy sight.
Ashton sat in the corner with a book in his hands. His whole concentration is on the book and mine on him. His is wearing a dark green color t-shirt with coffee color pants. He has a Rolex on his left wrist and his hairs down his forehead in a messy yet clean look, just how I like.

Shaking my head I walk up to him and sit beside him. I take the book from his hand which startles him.
"Woah so you read thrillers han" I said reading books title.
I glanced at him. He looks surprised yet his eyes fixed on me. I give his book to him still looking in his eyes.

"Where were you these days? I haven't seen you in like a week now" I questioned
"I want to my home" he said composing himself and looking ahead .
I smile at him.
"That's great. So how's everyone there?" I asked looking at him
"Fine" he answered look at his book

"Just fine" I asked
He sighed closing the book.
"What do you want?" He asked glaring at me
"I would love to know how you spent your time there or anything you would like to tell will be fine too" I said smiling at him
He groaned audibly making me suppress my laugh.
He is a grumpy bear I declare .
So this lead to him telling me about his week there.

He told me how his mother forceful made him eat double the amount he eats ruining his diet chart, how his dog peeed on small kid making kid's parents scream at him,how he consoled his sister who had her first ever breakup, how he and Archer played pool and many more.

For the first time I heard him talk this much even though this talk should be considered as him complaining about his family but the love he has for them is clearly evident in his eyes. I listened to him hyping him throughout the whole complaining section. Just by listening to him rant all my stress vanishes. I can fell myself getting solace just in his mere presence.

This is our first ever conversation where he is truly sharing about himself and I look forward to many more.
His phone vibrates disturbing making me curse the caller. He glances at me , I nods asking him to take the call.

He comes back after what felt like 10 hours
"Lets go its time for James class" he said picking up his back.
"Lets miss it you still have to tell me about day 5 " I said looking at him
He shook his head. A small smile grazing on his lips. He extends his hand for me. I look at him and then his hand. He nudges it forward asking me to hurry up.

I grumpily took his hand and stood up dusting my pants. I looked at him to find him looking at our still connected hands.
His hand looks so big compare to mine making me aware of the height difference between us.
I kept looking at him while he was looking at our hands. We both stood still in library in our own thoughts.

He clears his throat awkwardly and takes his hand back leaving a feeling of warmth behind.

We both start walking out the library.
"Rishika" Ashton called me
Hayee how good my name sound in his voice
He comes and stands in front of me and extends a very small bag to me.
I take it from him.
"For me" I asked
He nods
I opened the bag, it has a small bottle inside. I took it out and read the label on it
Multipurpose oil

I looked up at him to see him looking away nervously.
"Oil" I said lifting up the bottle
He hums
"It's a Multipurpose oil. So for what purpose you are giving it to me" I asked smiling teasingly
"For your wrist" he said nodding at my wrist
He noticed.
The thought itself brought a sense of happiness as rush of warmth spread over me.

"Thank you so much" I said sincerely
He nods and starts walking.
I stood on the same spot watching him walk.
He turns to look behind sensing my absence. I jogged towards him.

I walked to the corner last seat of hall and sat there. I looked at the far end middle line where Ashton usually sits with the gang. Even though they have tried many time to convince me to sit with them I have always refused, I like to sit at here only anyways I don't even listen to whatever the professor is teaching so what's the need. He was sitting there when I looked but to my surprise Elizabeth and her minions are sitting behind him. Elizabeth is oozing at him like a owl.
I glared at her

Realizing what the fuck I have been doing I pull out my laptop mumbling profanities for myself. I start working on the news website I am programming.

I was waiting for the program to be load when I heard professor James calling Ashton's name.
Most of the time I ignore whatever goes around in the class but this time I couldn't concentrate on my work so I pull out my ear bud and look at Ashton.

"Ashton have you chosen your partner for remica this year" I heard
"Yes I have" Ashton replied
What is it?
"Who is it?" James asked
I saw Elizabeth standing up putting her hair behind ears
"Rishika " Ashton said
I stared at him surprised.
What is he upto? I thought in my head.

He looks at my way. We both stare at each other challenging other to look away. I lean back on my chair still staring.
"Wonderful " I heard James

HEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora