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I was on my way to that terrace area which Rishika had found. She has seriously found such a hideous place. Even though that sofa had given me a bad neck the whole day but the sleep I got there was the best.

I had just stepped on the first stair only when my phone ping with a notification.
Even though I am one of those people who tends to ignore new messages but I still took out my phone to check.
It's a message from Rishika.
Come to the terrace.  We need to discuss something.

I retreat my steps and stood at side. I look at the food bag in my hand wondering if it will turn soggy if I wait for two more minutes before going up.

After exact two minutes I start climbing the staircase.

As I reached I saw Rishika sitting on the two seater, her leg shaking and down she's staring at her phone with a frown. She is muttering something but it's too low which makes me unable to hear what she is saying.

I walk towards and put the food bag on table. She looks up startled.
"Don't you know you should leave someone on seen huh" she said putting her phone down.
So it was about me.

I sit beside her and clear the small table a bit to make space for food.
I opened the pizza boxes and took out two cola from the bag. Throughout I can feel her watching my every move carefully.

I took a slice and shove it in her hand. Taking the another one in my hand ,I took a bite of the slice.
I looked at her from the corner of my eye and saw her look at me confusingly. Ignoring her I continued to eat.

I heard her sigh. Nevertheless she also starts eating. She reaches her hand towards the cola on table. Before she could take it, I with one hand open the can for her and pass it to her.

We both ate in comfortable silence.

"You were already on your way here weren't you? Before I messaged " she asked handling me water bottle.
I open it and give it to her taking the sealed one from her hand for myself.

"No I wasn't " I said trying to act cool
"You know you suck at it" she aid sitting beside me.
I look at her wondering what she means
"Suck at what?" I asked
"At lieing" she answered with a straight face

I take a sip of water trying to hide the smile thats to hard to control.
She smiles looks at me.
"You said you wanted to discuss something" I said trying to divert the topic.

We both are sitting on the two seater side by side looking at each other. She is sitting so close to me that I can smell her scent; strawberry and cigarette . Her smoking habit does irks me but I have started to make peace with it as of now.

"So have you decided wether you will develop the sample or not" she asked leaning against the headrest.
"Yes I will , but I have a condition" I said looking at her
"Well that was quick anyways so yeah let's hear you condition then I will give you their number and mail"
She said
"I want you" I said looking in her eyes

"Uh what?" She asked confusingly
"I want you to be my partner in this" I said
"This doesn't makes sense" she said looking at the wall
"It does" I said leaning back
"If I wanted to do this I would have taken it. I don't have time". She said turning her eyes sideway to look at me

"Do you about this competition organized by faculty of technology?" I asked
"Now you want me to participate in a competition. Come on" she said rolling her eyes
"This is not just a competition it's an opportunity. An opportunity bigger then the one you are talking about" I said crossing my arms over my chest

"How is that?" She asked
"Every year they organize a small scale competition in every college you must have heard about it. But this year they are organizing a quite large scale competition" I explained
"And as our dean has suggested this the competition will be held here" I added
"Okay but I seriously don't think so I would want to participate in a competition " she said

"It's similar to the one you suggested it was for an individual company but this one it would be for a group of multinational companies" I said trying to convince her.

This competition is bigger then she is thinking it to be. It would have more than 50+ big companies. I have always seen her doing projects that are smaller then her capability this will give her a push she needs.
About me, it doesn't really means much to me I already have 3 apps almost developed I will in future start my company by them. Though I still haven't told anyone about it except Joe.

"Lets do one thing. Instead of becoming your partner why don't I become an assistant. That way I will be a part of it too but not a bigger one" she said

I look at her wondering how a person who always likes to lead wants to be an assistant. I know if she wants she can develop an app on her own but here she is.

"Okay" I said looking in her eyes.
If this is what she wants she gets, in future I will somehow convince her to become a pattern instead.
She let's out her hand for handshake
"Lets do this" she said
I hummed and shook her hand maintaing eyes contact.

"When is it?" She asked standing up
I looked at my hand thinking about the sensation it felt will holding her's.
"6 months. We have six months to prepare a beta version" I said looking up from my hand.

She extended a key towards me. I look at her questioningly.
"Terrace" she said nudging the key
I took at from her and nod
"Aren't you going for practice" she asked as she saw me leaning back on two seater.
"Day before match we don't practice" I said. I closed my eyes. Getting comfortable.


I slowly opened my eyes yawning . Looking at my left I saw the sky has turned a dark shade of orange and pink. I must have slept for atleast for 3 hours. Rishika is standing near the railing leaning against it. Her eyes are closed. I observed her face.

She looks stress. She is rubbing her left palm on her neck turning her head side to side. Her other hand is on the railing behind. Even though she is tried but she still manages to look pretty. Her hairs are swaying with breeze. Her face glows as the light falls on it.

I move my eyes away from her to the table infront. Her laptop is kept there open with some books and papers.

She overwork herself alot. The dark circles under her eyes and the stressed look on her face says it all. But I don't know why I feel like she is using work as some sort of escape.
From the moment I have seen her  she keeps on working. She only stops when she is with us. Maybe I should or we all should spend more time with her if it keeps her from exhausting herself. I don't really like seeing her like this even though I don't know her from before but from all the time I have spent with her I can see little little glimpse of how she use to be.

The way her eyes twinkles whenever she talks with us even just see us. The way she runs to sam everytime she sees her. The way the frown on her face disappears , the way she laughs or even the way she discards cigarette if any of us is near her.

But the exhaution visible on her face tells that there's something apart from work that's eating her from inside daily.

I looked back at her and found her already looking at me.
"What are you thinking so deeply?" She asked crossing her arm across her chest.
"Exactly what are you thinking?" I asked back standing up.
She looks at me curiously .
I walk near her and stood beside her. Standing in the same position as her. I turn my head and looked at her.

She has a small smile on her face and she is staring into my eyes with adoration.
Does she finds me cute?
No it shouldn't be like that. Who would find a always scowling man adorable.

I watched as she stands on her tip toe.
Now this is what we call adorable. Before her I used to find short girl not so good looking but she changed that.
Even after standing on her tip toes she only reached near my shoulder.

She pats my head after struggling to stand with a huge grin on her face.
"All the best. You are gonna rock it all" she said in her raspy voice
What was that?
Did she just
Did she
PATTED me like a dog.

I stare at her back as she walks to the table and collects her stuff.
I released a breath I didn't knew I was holding. I can feel heat rushing up to my neck. I closed my eyes taking deep breath. This is what she does to me.

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