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It is night time. They are all walking towards parking tired because of all fun they had. For all of them this day has become a day worth remembering. 

Sam is more than happy as the day went by the way she wanted it to be.
Also she is feeling proud of herself for making Rishika part of their group.

Her company made Sam realized what she was missing all the time. A girl best friend. Even though she do has many friend but this new friendship with Rishika is something she always craved for where there is no materialistic or selfish feeling behind everything is pure nothing is fake between them.

The penguin Rishika won for her is the second best gift she has received this birthday obviously the gift Joe gave to her are all beautiful and sweet. And Joe feeling jealous of Rishika was the highlight of the day for her.

She couldn't stop herself from laughing everytime she even think about it.

For Rishika today's day is something she can never forget about in a life time. She wants to thank sam for initiating this friendship. For the first time in her life she didn't felt outcast, there was no inside jokes, no grouping or pin pointing each other's insecurities.

When she saw how tired everyone is, she thought of inviting them to her place as it nearer. But her overthinker brain debated with her,many what if came in her head like what if they all might not be comfortable with staying at her house or might find her clingy.

As they neared the cars she couldn't help herself ask " if you all want, you can all stay at my house tonight " hesitantly
They all looked at her which scared her what if they start being distant because of this.

"It's totally alr-" she was cut of by a clap.
She turned towards sam
"Why I didn't got this idea? Shit" Sam said looking Rishika
She heaved a sigh of relief .
"Yeah. That's a great idea" Joe said
"Lets go then" Kris said putting his arm around Xander's shoulder.

"But what about food?" Xander asked curiously as they made their way to cars.
"No. Worries I will take care of that" Rishika said.
Joe and Sam went towards their car followed by Kris and Xander who went towards kris's car.

Ashton opens his car's passenger seat door. Instead of sitting she let's out her hand infront of him. He looks at it questioningly.

"Keys. I will drive" she said.
Debating wether to let her drive or not. He hesitantly gives her the key.
Rishika entered her house first, gang following behind but as they entered loud siren went off startling everyone.
Rishika quickly runs to the security panel and scan her face on a scanner which made the siren stop.
She sighed leaning her head against the panel.

As she turns around she saw the gang standing at the threshold in their previous position staring at her.

She shrugged her shoulder at them and moves further in the house.

They all look at each other confusingly.
"What was that?" Sam asked breaking silence .
"Do you people plan on coming inside or should I prepare bed for you all there only" they heard Rishika, from her voice anyone can tell she is stuffing her laugh.

The gang walks in the her direction. They saw her siting on the couch with a grin on her face.
"Before you all ask. I live alone here so I can never be more cautious " she said looking at them
"But don't you think it's a little exaggerative " Kris asked walking in her direction sitting beside her.

"Ugh let me tell you what's more exaggerative it I hadn't scanned my face and messaged my security team this house wouldve been bombarded with guards " she said putting her arm around kris's shoulder.

"But why? From all i know this locality looks safe. Are you seriously alright? No one is troubling you right?" Sam asked
By now everyone have sat on the couch. 
"Let me get you all water first then I will answer " she said getting making her way towards the kitchen.

She came back with water bottles in her hand and handed one to each.
She opens one for herself amd gulps it down in one go.

"Yeah so as you were asking.... well now I am not. It's just for safety precautions " she said shrugging her shoulder.
The gang looked questionable at her.
"How does this works?" Kris asked
"The thing is there are few hidden camera that takes photo whenever anyone enters the house and if the siren goes off that photo is sent directly to security team and they immediately sent a team here without even checking the photo" she explained by the end everyone was looking at her amusingly.

"I have never heard of this technology " Joe said
"Because it's not in the market yet" she answered
"Who is the developer?" Ashton asked already knowing the answer
She just points her finger at herself making everyone except Ashton gasped in shock.

"People let's drop this topic here shall we. I am damn hungry. So let's all go to kitchen shall we" she said standing up.

"Yeah I am also hungry" Xander said standing up as well
They both walked towards the kitchen others following behind.
"So what are we eating" Kris asked sitting on one of the stool in the kitchen counter.
They are all sitting on the stools kept near a big kitchen counter except for Rishika who is rustling through cabinets.
"Maggie" Rishika answered taking out few yellow packets.
"Maggie?" Joe asked
"Joe remember I was telling you I tried some new noodles in my cousins restaurant these are that only. And trust me guys it tastes better than any noodle you would have ever tried" Sam told looking at everyone as she rests her head on Joe's shoulder.

Rishika nods her head agreeing with sams words . She starts to cook them and in 10 minutes they were ready to eat .
"I don't know how to cook anything else so this is all I can offer" she said passing plates of Maggie to everyone.
"Thanks and it's more than enough " Sam said taking her plate.
Everyone muttered thank you before digging in the noodle and true to Sam's word they were literally one of the best home cooked noodle they have ever had.
They are all sitting on the floor watching an Indian movie dhrishym as per Rishika's suggestion with beer cans in hand.

Sam and Joe are sitting on right side of the couch. Kris and Xander on the floor and Rishika and Ashton on left side.

Even though the movie is too good to miss they are all too tried too continue watching. By the end of the movie only Rishika was the one who was not asleep.

Kris and Xander are muddled together in a weird way. Joe and Sam are cuddling. Rishika took a photo of them as they both looked to cute.

Where as Ashton has kept his head on her shoulder and his hands around her waist hugging her tightly towards him. His face is buried in her neck making her too aware of her surroundings. She is sitting idle not knowing what to do as whenever she tried to get herself out of his hold it would tightened even more.

Not knowing what to do she just rests her head over his, closing her eyes not knowing if sleep will consume her today or not.

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