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Black eyes . Black eyes of certain someone has been stuck in my head. Before I sleep and after I wake up they are all I see since this one and a half month.

I hate it, how much she affects me. Her mere presence messes me up. From the moment I saw her entering the class she does something to me which I can't explain.

Fucking Archer why do he have to be acquainted with her. She has this magnetic pull around her that attracts attention even without her doing anything.

Be it my friends , my own brother or just the people here and there, they all seems too captivated by her strange charm. What funny is she knows, it   very well what she is doing.
Because of that I always have to stay on guard around her if by any chance she gets to know her affect on me her already sky rocketed ego will get more bosted and I don't want that.

Her eyes are what attracted me when we first meet. I couldn't stop myself from looking at them. They passes so many emotions in just a moment which confuses me. But one emotion that I am certain about is . LONELINESS.

She is extraordinarily intelligent and uses that in her favor. No professor in college says anything to her as if they know whatever they are teaching she already knows it. In classes she keeps on doing something in her laptop with ear buds on. One day Kris asked her what she keeps on doing in her laptop she explained us that she is a freelance web/app developer.

That explained the incident about the day when I was sitting in cafe a little far from college and I saw her entering the same cafe in formal cloths and I won't lie she looked ravishing. She was there with some older man whom I assumed to be a businessman and the way they were talking it seemed they were there for businessman. 

I left the cafe after a while because I didn't wanted her to notice me. In afternoon when she came back to college she had changed her cloths into baggy cloths. But she lied to sam about waking up late when it was clearly not the reason.

She feels like a mystery to me whenever we, i mean our friends ask her any questions regarding her family she cleverly changes the topic without anyone knowing.

She is damn quick witted for her own good sometimes.

I snap out of my thoughts when I felt my phone vibrate . I pick my phone up to see who's calling.
It's Joe.
I check the time on phone screen.
It's 7:34 . Why is he calling at this time. I pick up the call and put the phone on my ear.
"Good morning Ash " Joe said in over joyful tone and I know sam is around .
"Hmm" I just hummed in response.
"Ash it's Sam's birthday you remember right" Joe said.
Oh shit now I remember what I was forgetting. She is gonna eat my head for this .

"Yeah I do remember " I said trying to sound convincing
"No you don't mister. You all are assholes only my best friend remembered my birthday "
Sam said . So the call was on speaker.

"Best friend?" Joe asked her confusionly .
I was also thinking the same in my head.
"Haply birthday sam" I wished her.
"Shut up fucker.  And yes my best friend R she only wished my midnight" Sam sayed . And here we go Ms passi is everywhere I am telling you.

" I also wished you sam" Joe said his voice pleading
" you wished after her " Sam said huffing. Some times, no all the time she can be overdramatic .
"Baby just one minute.  I was just a minute late and after she called you were so busy talking to her you didn't had time for me . I didn't wanted to disturb you". Joe said
Now I am questioning why did they called me if they had to fight . I was about to cut the call when sam yelled" don't you dare, if you hang up the call you are so dead"

I look around thinking how does she knows.
"Now listen you are going to R's house today . Pick her up . And come to amusement park we will meet you there only". Sam ordered authoritivily leaving no space of argument.
And hung up the call.
I sighed

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