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As the class ended I quickly closed my laptop and threw it inside my bag. Throughout the class my sole focus was on Ashton. I was aware of the glares Elizabeth and minions threw my way but who cares.

I was amused when he took my name I still don't know what they were talking about but I know he chose me to be his partner for something. This man when we met for the first use to claim that he doesn't really liked me even though he is still grumpy sometimes but we are warming up.

I took my bag in my hand ready to follow Ashton when someone blocked my way.

I looked at the intruder or intruders.
"How dare you?" She said
I sighed
"How dare I? What?" I asked her trying to move past her.
She again stepped forward stepping closer then my liking.

"By seducing him do you think he will like a person like you?" She said in mocking tone
"Now how me being his partner that he chose for that matter come between him liking me" I said rolling my eyes.
"You bitch it has always been me. For last 2 year it was me who was him but you snatched him from me" she shouted at the top her lung

"Elizabeth. Look I didn't meant to snatch anything from you so why don't you be a sweetheart and move" I said putting my hand on her shoulder
She jerks my hand and glared at me.
"Oh so is this why she always try to act nonchalantly in class. What are you? Uh y/n?" She said laughing

"Loo-" I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn to look at my right to see who it is.
"What are you still doing here?" Ashton said looking me.
Once again I was flagbargered by this man.
We both stare into each other's eyes.

"Ashton" Elizabeth called Ashton
Ashton doesn't pays any attention to her but kept on looking at me. His hand still on my shoulder.
Elizabeth glares at Ashton's hand that is on my shoulder.
I crook my head in her way still looking at him. He shrugged.
"Lets go we have things to discuss " Ashton says dragging me towards exit.

I heard foot step following.
Elizabeth comes and stands infront of us block our way.
"Why are you doing this. You are choosing a bitch like her over me" she said glaring at me
I snickered.
"Out of way" Ashton replied glaring at her
"Ash" she said putting her hand on his arm
"Move" Ashton said gritting his teeth

It was all it took for Elizabeth to move.
We both exited the class together. Ashton removes his hand from my shoulder and pulls my bad from my hand.

He pulls it over his shoulder along with his bag.
"Give my bag back" I said trying to take my bag
"Keep on moving don't create drama " he said
"It's mine give it back" I said
"Didn't you have shoulder ache? So shut up" he said walking ahead

I huffed following him.
"So what was that?" I asked
"Ignore her" he said
"I am not talking about her I am talking about whatever thing you made me your partner for" I said stopping midway
"You don't know?" He asked
"Know what?" I asked
"You weren't listening?" He asked
"No" i said shaking my head

He takes a exaggerative deep breath closing his eyes.
"Okay let's go to terrace and answer your question as well we can discuss about this "

"No way I am doing this" I exclaimed standing up
Ashton pulls me by my wrist making me sit down beside him
"Yes you are" he said with a stonic face
"You wanted me to participate in a contest with you now this God Ashton do you really think I don't have anything as to do" I said throwing my hands up

"You are overreacting. We all also have work if you have forgotten. It's not just you who is working now." he said rolling his eyes
Only if you knew I thought in my head.
"Look I know that. But this fest thing is waste of time" I said

After we came here on the terrace he told for what he need me to be his partner for.
This college organizes a big fest every year. It's a 3 day long fest.
Almost every student participates in it. Every year Ashton have been a part of technical team but this year he is leading it. The leader needs an assistant and he wants me to assist.

"It will help us in future " he said
"How?" I asked crossing my arm over my chest
"We have fought for almost whole week because of the app. We need to learn how to cooperate with each other and this will help us" he explained
"Ashton it's just we already have lots in plate" I said softly
"We will put the app on hold as of now and as of your work I can help you out with that" he said

I thought for a moment
"Okay and as of you helping with my work I will see" I said
"That's it?" He asked
I raised my brow questioningly
"I mean you were hell bond on not agreeing and now you agreed" he said
I am telling you this guy sometimes sound cute to me
"Why? You want me to throw a little more tantrum. If you want I can? I don't have problem" I said smirking

"No its not like that" he said looking anywhere but me
"It's just that it would be humiliating for you now if I said no. You with lots of confidence said my name" I said looking at him
He looks at me with some strange emotions in his eyes

"You were already convinced weren't you?" He asked
I smiled and nodded
The moment he had said my name infront of James even though I didn't knew for what it was but I knew whatever it would be I will say yes.

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