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She sat in her car and pulled it out of the driveway. Realization hit her that she had locked her friends inside the house. Running her fingers through her unruly hairs she took out her phone and dials Kevin's number.
After 4 rings he picks up the call.
"Thankk God boss you called" he said hurriedly
"Go to my house and unlock the door after an hour. No question ask" she said right after him

"OK. And Boss your prediction was right" he said
"Which one?" She asked
"The band leader. His tracker shows that he is in Boston" he replied
"Whilest he should be in Coachella right now" she completed the unsaid
"Yes boss and rest of the band indeed is there. In short he betrayed them and left them there without money" he said

"Get band members back to Boston. And keep your eyes on him and his next move" she ordered
"Roger that. You are fine right?" He asked
She hummed in response and hang up the call.

She drove her car absentmindly without any destination in mind.
Her mind went to the worried look of her friends. How worried they all looked just because of her, specially Ashton. The man who not really like to show his feelings on face looked scared. Even though she saved herself from having an breakdown but she knew the way he was talking to her, she would have broken down there if she hadn't left.

She hitsher hand hard on the steering wheel. Feeling disgusted by herself.
Maybe she shouldn't have slept last night. It would have been better that way. Last night was so good but what did she do. She ruined it all. Pathetic that's what she is.

Dismissing all the thoughts in her head. She took out a burner phone from glove compartment and messaged an unknown no.
Club fetish,
Downtown, Boston
She breaks the phone in two and throws it out of car.

A man slams his nth glass of whiskey on floor screaming in frustration.
Making the young woman in her mid 20s flinch.
"I will ask you one last time did you found the information or not" he shouts
"S-s-sir there's n-not even a-a small trace about w-who that p-person is" she stuttered

The man looks at his name plate on the table
Park ji ha
An Asian man in his late 30s. He is what you call devil with the facade of gentleman. Infront of the whole world he is perfect man. The world knows him for his kind heart. They knows him as a son who still Graves for the lost of his mother and takes care of his father who lost his mind after the loss of his wife. People sees him as a loving husband who doesn't leave any chance to show his affection for his wife and a loving father who can give anything for his daughter.

Because that is the image he has formed for himself through media.

But who they don't know is the monster he is behind this facade. He is the same son who killed his mother when he was 18, imprisoned his own father in an mental asylum uses him for publicity to show the world how much of a good son he is, he is the same father who looks at his own daughter with disgust and the same loving husband who rapes and torture his own wife like a beast daily.

He motions the young lady to come forward with his hand. She hesitantly comes forward and stands infront of his chair behind the desk because she knows the consequences of disobeying him.
"Strip" he ordered
She with shaking hands starts striping.

Once she was done striping he stood up from his chair, his eyes full of lust roamed at the trembling figure from head to toe.
Her whole body is covered with bruises, cuts and burn marks ,the part of her body that are visible to eyes also had marks but they are covered with makeup.

He took a step towards her making her flinch which made him smirks.
"Bend over the desk wifey darling" he said smiling
She did as he said. As she heard the sound of unbuckling belt and unzipping zip. Her eye clenched shut tightly.

He held her hands in his and ties them with his belt behind her back.
"You already know the rules. So, be a good whore you are and keep it low" he said fisting her hairs. Tears spills out of her eyes followed by a broken sob.
He starts penterating into her like a unleached beast. While she kept on bitting her lips to stop herself for screaming not in pleasure but in pain.

She felt disgusting as he kept on thrusting into her, touching her between her legs and kissing her neck whilst groning and moaning in her ear.

Once he was done he pushed himself away from her zipping his zip. He undid the buckle tied on her hands and wears it.

"Make yourself look presentable and fuckoff from here" he said taking a sip from whiskey bottle.
With her trembling body she puts her cloths back on and washes her face in the washroom attached to the office. She puts on the make up to cover all the new marks he have given her and leaves the office without looking at him.

He takes a puff from his cigar thinking about what all had happened in these last 6 months.
How many subsidiary companies under mooil has been either raid or bankrupt, ceo's and man who worked for him had been arrested under many charges, how some of his properties have been under suspicious eyes of media. The positive image he has created for mooil is getting totally destroyed.

He has been trying to find who is the one who is doing this to his empire but there's no trace not even a clue.
"I will kill who so ever is doing this" he shouted spating everything on his table.

"Captain William " Rishika calls a male figure sitting on bar stool.
He turns back. His eyes tired, hair messy ,first two button of his shirt undone and leather jacket on it.
Even after being in his 40s no one can guess his age
"Oh you look tired" she said as she sat on chair beside him.
She orders herself a can of beer.

As soon as the waiter puts the can down William snatchs it from her and chugs it down.
"Says you. And Minors don't drink" he said
"I am not a minor" she said looking offended
"Whatever" he said rolling his eyes
"By the way I must admit you did give the whole police station a field day" he compliments

She nods her head.
"More to come in future" she replied
"So what's for today?" He asked
"Have you decoded what I asked for?" She asked raising her brows
He shakes his head gulping one more glass of whiskey
"As expected" she mutters under her breath
He glares at her.

"You didn't find the dates suspicious " she asked
"Dates?" He questioned

She hummed in response
"If you have carefully seen the photos and data I sent you. It wouldn't have been difficult " she said making William scoff
"Anyways you would have seen dates written at the end of every picture. If you cross check. He follows a pattern. After or before a charity event a drug racket gets activated for a day. He uses charity event as his alibi to keep himself suspicious free. But we know it's not how he shows" she said

"Who we are talking about and who is informing you all this?" He asked curiously
"Ceo of mooil. My sources are reliable unlike yours" she replied
"How?" He asked
"Money. I pay them more than they deserve " she said shrugging
"You say money. I am telling you this from experience. People who are easy to buy are betrayers. You wouldn't know when they betray you as well" he said

"I know but its all about risk and also if park ji ha finds mole he will kill them before asking who they work for" she said
"You have people under his organization?" William asked
She smirks shrugging her shoulder.
"So, according to your theory what will be his next target?" He asked
"That we have to find out. I have no idea. But I can tell where it will be" she said
"Where?" William asked sitting on the edge of his seat
"Boston" she replied

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