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As Samantha forwarded her hand for a shake . Rishika stare at her hand than at Ashton who is now staring at her she turns her attention back at Sam's hand and shake it passing her a big smile .
" Yeah sorry I didn't noticed you  but hey it's nice meeting you too Samantha " she said shaking their hands a little .
"It's okay join us, my friends are on that table they would be glad to meet you" Samantha said taking her hand back . Pointing towards the table where her friends were siting.
Kris waves his hand at Rishika and winks at her, making her gag internally.
She waved back a little with a disgusted face and turns her attention back on Samantha. 

"Umm I would be glad to meet them as well but I am getting late and I should leave as for now " Rishika replied glancing a little at Ashton who looks slightly annoyed by everything around him.
"It's okay we can meet at uni during lunch only will be coming tomorrow right ?" Samantha asked
"Yeah I might"....she paused for moment "Okay then by Samantha "
She said, tugging her bag strap up

"Yeah byeee " Samantha said
With that Rishika exists the pub .

"Whoa that went quicker then I thought" Kris said sipping the last sip of his cocktail.
"Yeah she had to be somewhere" Sam answered picking up some tissues and rubing it on her dress.

"Lets go if you are all done " Ashton said, standing up from his seat picking up his car keys and phone.
"Yeah let's go " Xander said standing up.
Joe and Kris also stood up.
"Yeah you all wait outside I will just go to washroom" Samantha said, still rubing the tissues on her dress .
"Okay so guys you all go I and Sam will be coming in my car" Joe said
Ashton , Kris and Xander nods and walks towards exit.

As they walk towards Ashton's car Kris sees a familiar figure standing in dark with a cigarette in her hand .

He stops dead in his track . Ashton and Xander notices his frozen state stops too and looks in the same direction where he is looking .

There she stands take a slow cigarette puff . Looking straight ahead.
Ashton glares at the cigarette in her hand wanting to go and throw that cancer stick far away .

"Wow she smokes too ... I could have never guessed it from her face though" Xander said
"And you all want to be her friend" Ashton said with a scoff, still glaring at her .
"Dude what's the problem in that we live in an independent country......we can't just judge her because she smokes" Xander said putting one of his arm around Ashton. He stands infront of him blocking his view of her .

"Yeah he is right ....anyways she looks hot though"......."what why are you both looking at me that way? doesn't she? " Kris said shrugging his shoulder still oozing at her .

Ashton scoff at him and Xander nod while taking a hold at Kris hand pulling him towards the car.
Ashton glances at her once again and walks towards his car . Glancing at her once more he sits on the driver's seat and starts the engine.


"Dumbo walk faster will you turtles  are faster then you "  my dearest brother yelled at me from above the cliff .

Today he reached  my apartment at 5 am in the morning . I was so much in sleep that I got startled when a bucket of cold water was thrown at me .

And the reason behind his sudden grace is according him we haven't had a single siblings bond day in a while so we should go for a trek.
Let me explain what THE SIBLINGS BOND DAY is . It's one of those days where we two meet and do weird stuff together in the name of bonding . It was a rule made by our parents when I shifted to my apartment near my university. 

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