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A stab mark.
When Rishika was about to fall in the parking lot I as a reflex put my hands on her shoulder. That's when my eyes landed on it.
A lotus tattoo at first it looked like a beautiful lotus tattoo along her collar bone but what got my attention wasn't that.
It was a stab mark. She has got herself a tattoo to cover that mark.

Even though the artist who tattooed her collar bone was very clever in covering my mark. One can never guess from afar what it actually is but because of the close proximity I noticed it.

She mostly wears cloths that covers her collar bone but the dress she was wearing had deep cut showing her collarbone.

But the main question is from how did she even got that from? What had she to been through in past?
Is it the reason behind her exhaustion, her past? Who can be this cruel to do so? And the most important question how can a person be this strong, by the size of tattoo I can tell it's a big mark how horrible things could have been for her but she still acts like how normal her life is?
I cursed myself even more for calling such a strong person empty.

Is this the reason behind her smoking habit as well? How much it would have hurt her?

Argh I groaned loudly pulling my hairs by my hands in frustration. My mind is full of questions. I wanted to ask her but decided not to make her remember something that might trigger her.

I am sitting on my bed trying to get my head straight.
The drive to her place was filled with pure tension. She did tried to ease it with random talks but my head was to messed up to concentrate.

Everything was going great today. I even heard her taking a stand for me against my cousin. Yes I heard them talking. I felt so happy to hear her speak for me but my mood came crashing down when I heard her deny to work further with Rose.

When she was about to enter her place I asked her why she did that. At first she looked taken back.
Composing herself she said"i was myself tired of her and was looking for ways to turn down the project she gave me the reason on silver platter"
"You didn't even stood for yourself then why me?" I asked scoffing at her previous reply
"I also have a limit. She crossed it" she said shrugging her shoulder.

I so wanted to hug her at that time. Even though I was always rude to her she still stood up for me. But then but I contained myself from scaring her. So I just nodded my head and stepped in the car.
I started the engine as I was about to drive I heard her calling me
I looked her . She came near window and said "whatever she said was a utter bullshit don't let her effect you" and she walked back inside her place not without waving at me and me absentmindly waving back.

I laid back closing my eyes. The whole day came running in my head.
Everything.  Her eyes, her hairs , her dress,the constant smile on her face, her taunt about me being late,her ordering me to carry her bag, Rose's unless advice,the way her hand felt in mine,the way she attentively listened whatever I explain even though she was least interested in it, the way she clicked photos, her forcing a stranger to click a photo of us together,the happening lunch we had together,the way she stood up for me,the way she felt in my arm with my hand on her waist but at last what spoilt my mood.
The stab mark.

My bedroom door brust opens. I looked up to see the intruder or I should say intruders. My friends except for sam stood here in my room with curious smiles on their face.

This is gonna be a long night for me.

It's 1pm.
I am with the whole hockey team right now we are all resting in locker room. We have all been practicing since 7 am.

We have a hockey match day after tomorrow. And Couch is behind our asses making us practice more and more. According to him this year whatever match we play be it a not so important one like this or important ones which are just 4 months away is important for all the final years. As this would be our last year as college hockey players.  Specially Xander and Kris these matches are even more crucial. And I totally agree with him.

Kris walks out of shower area. He throws his towel on jai's face with force catching him off guard. Jai's grip on his phone loses causing it to fall. Jai stood up from bench picking his phone up he inspects it. He turns towards Kris glaring who is laughing. Jai launches towards Kris with the same towel which was thrown at him . A freshman from team was about to get between to stop them but Joe stops him laughing. I shake my head at them in disappointment. They both still act as kindergarten students.

Jai. Jai Malhotra.
He is our teammate. Jai is an Asia just like Rishika. A tall brown skinned guy. He is one of the few person I don't really dislike but he is a very loud person you can hear his laughs from far away. When we meet first time it was in freshman year at first we didn't really talked.

But during one of the matches when a player from opponent team attacked me Jai beaten the shit out of him. Which earned him penalty. He was benched for six months but because our captain at that time was a really nice person he talked thinks out with coach and got his penalty shortened.
From that day Kris and Xander became really good friends with him and as for me well I also do consider him somewhere near a friend.

Living them there I stood up. I walked towards Joe
"I am stepping out" I said to him
He nods. His eyes still on Kris and Jai. I turn my head a little and look at them. They are both on the floor rolling. Shaking my head I move towards the exist knowing it's a daily fun activity for those idiots.

I was walking in the corridor leisurely thinking whether I should go home or just sit somewhere here and there in peace.
Coach has given us 2 hours after that we have to practice again.

While walking my eyes lands on a familer figure.
It's been a whole week since we went to Rose's exhibition. We haven't talked since then she has been busy with her stuff I have been busy with mine. We haven't talked much since then. That mark it's still fresh in my mind I wound to ask her but I just somehow stop myself. It's not my business I should stay away from it.

I saw her walking to an isolated area area of campus. I thought of walking away but then I thought it's not safe for her to go to an isolated area alone. I know campus is safe but you never know.

As if my legs have there own mind they started to follow her. I want to call her and ask where she is going but I don't want to look noisy. So I will just check were she is going and check if it's safe or not and leave but u still did meant a distance.
God I might look like a creepy.

My eyes widened when I felt my phone vibrate . I took my phone out from my pocket and muted it all the while taking glances at her afraid that she might have heard it.
Fucking notification

When I again glanced up while putting phone in pocket. She was no longer there. I hurriedly joged towards the last spot I saw her. Turning to left I noticed stairs. Maybe she went upstairs I so not wanted to follow her anymore but as said curiosity kills the cat I walked up.

There was this old metal zig zag door. Was thus place here before I thought in my head. Shrugging my shoulder I open the door with a little difficult. As I just had entered.  I felt someone kick my knee hard causing me to fall on knees then I felt someone pulling my arm backward in a lock.

It all happened so quickly that I wasn't able to process it it first. I was too shocked to react when I heard a familiar voice from behind
"What the fuck Ashton?" Rishika said leaving my arm.

I look back at her and see her pushing her hair bangs back.
This girl God.

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