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A man in his late 40s enters the huge auditorium. The hall is filled with reporters and youth. They are here to listen to one of biggest entrepreneur in whole America. For them it's once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to listen to a man who has made his multi billion dollars business which has not just one but almost 100+ different companies subsidiaries.

The man walks to the last seat in the hall at the very back and looks here and there. He pulls out his phone to check the message again to conform whether this where he is supposed to met that mysterious person.
The seat no. is correct he leans back on chair and looks calculativly around him.

It's been an hour the ceminar is about to end in 20 min and yet the seat beside him is empty.
He closes his eyes in frustration and hits his fist on the armrest cursing.

"Captain" he heard someone from his beside. He turn and sees a girl in her early 20s in all black cloths with a hat over her head sitting there looking straight ahead.

He alertively brushes his fingers on his gun.
"Who are you?" He asked his voice low yet dangerous
The girl chuckles and shakes her head as if told the funniest joke.

"You are a little to predictable I must say" she said still not meeting his eyes
"Stop fucking with me and answer my question" he snared
"Okay okay" she said putting her hands up in surrender
She puts a envelope on his lap and nods her head asking him to open it.

He picks up the envelope glancing at her cautiously and opens it.
Several photos and documents are there.
He looks through them and looks at the girl beside him shockingly.
"How?" He asked
"You don't expect me to answer now do you?" She said

"Look kid handover everything you have about this whole case and leave" he said
"Captain I didn't took you as an immature but you are making me question your ability " she said
He clenched his fingers glaring at her
"What don't look at me like this. I gave you so many proofs but at the end I had to come myself to give you the ultimatum" she said with a visible smirk on her face

"Do you know about this man?" She asked nudeling her head towards the stage
"park ji ha ceo mooil" he said looking at the young man giving speech
"That's it?" She asked
"He is 4th generation billionaire. Has recently inaugurated 3 orphanages,  10 hospital and many community health centers all under mooil trust" he said
She laughs humorlessly
"Waoh what a nice man he is" she said clapping her hands

"Did you read page 6 of part A in the envelope I sent you carefully " she asked
"Great. So you must have noticed weird patterns in his too nice act also" she questioned finally looking at the man
He looks at her bewardly
"He is clean it's his father and grand father " he said
"Ha what a joke. Do one thing Captain first let's work on your basics then meet again" she said standing up

He stood up too and follows her outside
"Wait but how are you related to any of this and who you are?" He questioned
She turn and looks straight to his eyes. The man from who many people are intimidated for the first time felt small infront of 5"2 girl standing infront of him.

"We will have this chit chat once I see if you are that great or its just rumors" she said
"Don't test my limit kid. I can aresst you on the spot for uncountable charges and you won't be able to get out of it" he warned stepping closer to her
She pulls her wrist infront to him challenging him to arrest her silently

He beconed her wrist.
"You need me sir not the other way around so from next time think before threatening me" she said and steps in her car.
"When and where?" He asked her
"I will let you know" She said igniting the car.

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